Why won't refugees fix their own countries instead of moving to a better cramp place? They smell, they bring their shitty culture, they rape, crime rates go up and they don't care if they are obnoxious.
Why won't refugees fix their own countries instead of moving to a better cramp place? They smell...
They arr the boomers of 2010's,only a lot worse.Doing stuff for themselves without questioning how is that gonna affect the future.
It's easier to go to the country that's already established and take what they can get.
Some sjw will just call you a nazi though and argue about how it's a free world and there shouldn't be borders, but notice how they come straight into society and the cities rather than going into the wild.
if only wypipo thought the same
why tf sail all the way from yemen to jeju though
If we didnt let them in they would have to fix their countries.
Gonna play doubles advocate here - we here in 1st world countries hardly give a shit enough to vote once every 4 years, you think people whose country offers them no opportunity besides being a dung farmer and whose government is a carousel of megalomaniacs are going to be particularly nationalistic?
>Gonna play doubles advocate here
stopped reading
>destroys a country in the name of (((democracy)))
>lmao! Bro, just fix your country!
You reap what you sow, kike.
>elect left wing president
>he immediately starts shipping in rapefugees
korea is fucked, and so are other countries voting for left wingers
how do you propose they fix a civil war between extreme ideological groups with no end in sight?
you're getting refugees and general economic migrants mixed up, you fucking retard.
>you're getting refugees and general economic migrants mixed up
Because almost every major news outlet is too lazy to make the distinction, and most policymakers will policymake based on what they see on the news
Global, UN protected ethnostates are the only solution. Unfortunately it's gonna be a long and tough road.
After WW2 the middle East, formerly British colonies, was released except divided poorly and splitting peoples apart. This plus Israel is why the middle East is so fucked up today. It always comes back to WW2. Everything.
The US/Israelis/Sauds planned to use ISIS to destabilize their neighbors and break apart the nations into ethnostates, and do what should have been done years ago.
However now Russia is protecting Syria. And Turkey, who does not want ethnic Kurds to have their own state, and survived a US backed coup, has grown closer to Russia as well.
Our alphabet agencies have really fucked up our relationships with so many countries. Trump was right, we shouldn't trust them at all anymore. It's all lies.
>robots cant fix their lives because of factors outside their control.
>refugees cant fix their lives because of factors outside their control.
Wonder what causes robots to hate refugees when theyre just like us.
If you have to appeal to the fucking UN to preserve your race it doesn't deserve to live on
Economic refugees should stay in their country and find a way to make it work like any other country and political refugee should do a revolution like any other decent country had to do
What if the West didnt impose draconic economic policies/sanctions/purposefully crushing budding markets with industrial farming/routine military interventions?
Have you read anything on the issue or are you just an armchair philosopher?
What are those economic sanctions?
because they didn't ruin their countries themselves
>political refugee should do a revolution like any other decent country had to do
You mean like the revolutions that caused the Syrian, Libyan and Yemen civil war?
But white people fixed the countries from the native americans
Yes you have to win the revolution and kill the ennemy thats the point
>he says this while browsing the designated loser board
We americans fought for freedom, what are these sand niggas fighting for?
*bombs half of the middle east*
>they should just keeping revolutionising until they win
I wish the arab spring and the conflicts following it were so simple and naively solvable as you think they are
poe's law
Uhhh yes they did.
>boohoo this government is mistreating us lets use weapons that iran gave us to fight
>oh no saudia arabia is bombing us lets just blame America for selling them weapons and training their military
Uncontrollable immigration is bad because vast majority of them(refugees) just do not want to assimilate and respect the culture , want to live in your country but behave like their still in theirs
But what does r9k think about people that actually want to assimilate?
t.humble snownigger that just cant take this anymore
I m not saying its simple im saying people have to die to have a proper country. Europe had its share of revolution until they got democracy
What s a snownigger?
Personaly I think countries should deal with whatever is in their country past immigration included and close the gates now
>let in refugees
>make no effort to integrate them into your country
>put them in ghettos and pay gibs or hire in shit tier jobs so they keep quiet
i'm all for helping people but that's not the way to do it
That, once again, is a gross oversimplification of the complexities of geopolitics. The French Revolution, the one I assume you're referencing, was a disaster that lead to the reign of terror, and there was a huge exodus of what we would consider political refugees during the period between the revolution and napoleon's reign. It took three decades for France to stabilise through ceaseless war.
Did you know London alone received over 40,000 French refugees during the revolution?
What are you supposed to do, suck their dicks?
don't put them into ghettos if you want them to integrate with the locals?
Because they're lazy niggers
stopped reading
what the fuck are you on about m8.
i stopped reading when i did because you said
>doubles advocate
like the retard that you are, retard.
worst case Ontario, you'll give me another (You).
Yes its the same to foster nobles and wealthy royalist in your country than the illiterates sandniggers. Anyway it worked terror lasted a few years.
>CIA backed forces stage a coup and seize your government
>Economy collapses as your nations resources are sucked dry like a mosquito on a salted corpse
>Flee to a developed nation to avoid the firing squad
Yeah why can't they just fix their own cunt trees amirite fellow mutts? FUCK DA JOOS EXCEPT FOR ALL MY TAXES THAT GO TO BAIL THEM OUT
That s not a reason to invade europe
The vast majority of the emigre were not nobility, they were the third estate.
so where the fuck do you think they should go?
If there's one continent made to be invaded, it's Europe.
Originally stopped reading there
Stay in their country and fight for it its the only option.
Thats not what wikipedia says. Majority were nobles clergy and bourgeois.
>fight a fight they have no chance of winning
Why dont they cross that gulf into Africa? Im sure niggers wont mind and they can build Africa together.
They're just doing what's easiest, like everyone else on this gay planet. Hard to fault them for it.
so they should flee from one war-torn place to another? seems real smart
Of course there is a chance of winning. You occupy every factory or place of work. You make international news by starting a hunger strike by thousand. You send thousands of men to overthrow the government. There will be a lot of death but the country has to go through it
> What s a snownigger?
> Personaly I think countries should deal with whatever is in their country past immigration included and close the gates
Ye pretty strong point , i thought the same way , but realized that here you can be put into jail for any type of revolutionary activity people literally locked up in prisons for sharing politic memes and there are a lot of reports of torture in police to force you to confessor die in process, and if you do confess then you are already fucked,cuz courts are broken af,after prison you get marginalized and cant do shit, even if i die in some street riot,my death like death of many others will not do anything,cuz information control just make from me some extremists or lower the number of death,but most frightening thing is that people just don't care,one of the key features of local mentality : if it doesn't affect me , then it doesn't matter, so death mean nothing, i can simply be more useful alive abroad , then die here.
or i just pessimistic fuck
>Thats not what wikipedia says. Majority were nobles clergy and bourgeois.
Read the full article, the majority were third estate and only a minority were actually nobles.
The point isn't even whether they were "better" than the current refugees from Yemen, it's the fact refugees exist, many don't stay and fight an epic awesome style battle just like the westerners did, the point is that westerners did leave their countries under the exact same circumstances.
so do what they're doing now? this shit doesn't seem to work when the enemy is financed by the USA
that's a pretty good place to stop reading, to be fair.
Its not the same exact circumstance the migrants were royalist fleeing to get organised for battle. That doesn t mean though that other countries should have let them in.
The point is they WERE better than illiterate yemenite. 44% were clergy and nobles. Stop lying please
Are you fucking retarded? The US isn't going to spend money on a country. The US sells Saudia Arabia weapons in exchange for cheap oil trades. They are long term allies for hella years.
They ruined their country cuz they are primitive, lazy and stupid. The only chance is leeching off of smart and hard working people.
>he really believes doesn't sell weapons to terrorists
Merchants sell to anyone that is willing to pay for the price offered.