How can you tell that you’ve made it?

How can you tell that you’ve made it?

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If you think thats making it then you have a long way to go

Letting text on a screen boost your ego

Attached: dundee.png (1100x741, 451K)

This ain’t it

>Letting text on a screen lower your ego

How does this copypasta always work

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When you've made it? When your wife and mother of your children sends you things like this.

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>”blended together to create the whitest looking basic af person.”
Jews aren’t white

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Recent mire

Attached: Mire.jpg (685x899, 94K)

Unironically a thot. How new are you to girls?

>tfw no autistic gf

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Pls no bully

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Sex dreams are a common sign of intimacy issues between two people

Stop spamming this cringe compilation of a conversation.

You're doing great my guy. Just a note, when women say they hate muscles, it's a lie.

>Letting vibrating air boost your ego.
same thing

Attached: hoodie.jpg (250x223, 7K)


Post relationship history

Show us pics of this Thot, boy.

Citation needed

they could also be a sign of nofap

B-but it’s a blue board user

Attempting to sabotage other couples is a sign of loneliness and jealousy, user

Your response to “because I cant text” was solid

>letting her know that you know

They cant all be lewd

Fuck I should have kept that knowledge to myself

god that was a painful read

> added
You are now a beta orbiter for her snap, literally all she wanted.

Well fuck you then. Mods don’t ban me

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Sad body.

Post body faggot

T antisemite

>she knows Avenue Q
Fuck her, impregnate her, and wife her in that order user

An enormous slag with a 4/10 body. I hate this type of person.

holy fuck that gyno

Attached: BBRRRAAAPPPPPPFFFFF.jpg (849x544, 90K)

I'd fuck that big White ass and grab them titties.
There are multiple reasons behind them, but commonly it's from missing something you want in a relationship
I'm not sabotaging anything just giving some info

Which ass

Your ass

I would fug

that file name tho

Pee pee cummie poop

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What's that tattoo?

Dunno m8

jesus fuck you people really are degenerates

A shitty one

Why would people message these girls. She'll be riddled with warts and has probably fucked someone earlier the same day.

>implying I’m gonna fugg her
>implying Jow Forums didn’t turn me into a closet homo
>implying I’m not gonna share this with my bros

Because not everyone assumes weird shit due to past traumatic experiences involving women in their life

>you haven't even seen my muscles yet kid.
how many years lifting for autism like this?

This man is getting nude. What female interaction have you had lately, user?

how dare you to ruin this fucking album for me

I cri

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-13-19-49-16.png (1440x2880, 380K)

>i got fris on Wednesday

Are you kidding me? Calling 'em kid catches them off-guard and excites them. It gets in their head when you tease them like that. Try it out with the next girl you meet, remember to be confident and a bit of a playful asshole when you say it.

You'll be surprised.

Yes a girl on tinder who sends nude photos of herself to men with specifically sexual underwear is likely to be a pure virgin.


Wew lad, she'll be Yao Ming in high heels compared to you. Avoid.

Im married

>I usually hate muscles

Women, at least 90% of them, don't hate muscles, they love them. I am talking athletic type body with muscles, not roidcels ofc.

They say that shit to others to give the impression that they are "not like the other girls xD", and/or to other girls in an attempt to look suave.

Women very rarely know what they want, which is why you never should take relationship advice or advice on how to pick up girls from them.

>nothin personnel kid

>specifically sexual underwear
What? The Calvin Klein ones? Those arent very sexual. The other set looks like a bathing suit
>likely to be a pure virgin
No one said that, but assuming shes riddled with disease and fucking someone every single day says a lot about yourself

Attached: Screenshot_20180914-172333.png (1080x1920, 270K)

Kek, well of course if you say that, there's no coming back.

The bathing suit. Although calvin klein thongs are basic bitch thot wear.

I'm married and have kids, I just come here for the memes, not relationship advice. Calling women kid isn't as cool as you think it is, better luck next time Alex.

Yeah sure, fellow white knight. All girls, even the ones posing sexually on an app designed to fuck, are innocent and pure.

*tips fedora*

Wtf the mutt meme got out into the normie world

Oops they werent even Calvin kleins. They're "basic" because they're aesthetic while being comfy so almost every woman wants a pair


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She’s a keeper


You can only make it when you post here and someone here tells you that you've made it. So no

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Rawr :3

Not even defending the girl, you just have a very strange mindset towards women. Assuming she gets around is one thing, but thinking she has genital warts and fucks multiple different people in a day is weird

There's a million other better looking, more comfortable options. It's just trend slutwear.

You're retarded, right?

>you look good now so I want you

Attached: 1529594463649.png (601x601, 251K)

desu this is the ultimate result. If you can post on Jow Forums of all places and not even shit heads try to mock you then you really have made it

is that not how physical attraction works?

I don't see what being married and having kids has to do with anything. It does not make you any kind of expert in what I'm talking about dude. Don't try so hard in sounding wise. It'll backfire on you.

Also, it's not relationship advice, you obviously don't do it once you're actually in the relationship with her. It's a playful thing you do before you get serious with her. Kind of a male shittest to see if she can handle the bants. Easy way to avoid a girl with no sense of humour. Maybe this only works for me, I can't say whether it'll work for other guys.


>I'm a mix of white, white and white but somehow I just look white

She has so much culture

Attached: wendy.jpg (248x203, 7K)

Ive worked in a sexual medicine clinic, literally everyone has warts. A girl sending stock naked photos of herself will be having a hell of a lot of sex, it's beyond even standard slit behaviour. So in her travels she will have picked up a few gifts.

>you just have a very strange mindset towards women
Only towards women (and men by extension, but we're talking about women) who search easy pleasure on a meat market where they offer themselves as a product. Says a lot about their mindset.

And yeah, she probably has fucked several guys on a single day in some point of her life. She probably has warts too. You're either naive or don't have many female friends if you don't realise how easy is for an average girl to have casual sex and how easy is for them to get a minor STI.

Sorta shitty for her wanting him only now since he is hot, nothing for his personality
But hey thats physical attraction for you

That message of yours at the end of this screenshot:
> but it is a funny shitpost though

You completely ruined it when when you did this. You broke Frame.

Read this:

You need to trust me on this. I have been with 100+ women, I was a 6/10 who dated 9/10s due to sheer will, bravado and passing nuclear shit tests constantly.

You should not have got defensive or explained it was a joke. Just move onto the next subject. You failed a shit test.

Put HER on the back foot with something like
> do you relate all encounters to what you watch on tv?
Then she will give some boring answer blah blah blah women
Then you say
> some of us face real adversity you know. heroin is no joke for christ sake. are you normally this perverse?

Also you need to pay attention to how much you are each writing. Try to write a little less than her, reply a little slower

"thanks, you are pretty thot yourself"

This. Most of the real sluts i know act beyond homely and look like a girl next door. Probably as part of an attempt to deflect suspicion. The one girl i know who acted more straight forward with tattoos and odd hair, who sent stuff online and had pictures ready on her phone, she was something else. Literally a new guy every weekend, group sex, had a 50 year old boyfriend she would swing with, got paid once via craigslist.

c'mon thats a 7.5/10