How common is depression

Are all people depressed or is it just neets and autistics like us. I dont understand how the chads dont have the same depressing view on the world.

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Depression is just in your mind! You just need a nice job to distract you! Look at all the things you can buy! Here I am at McDonalds buying a McFlurry, can you imagine that?

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How common is it that people think that you can be cured of depression if you just do menial labor

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No but many normalfags pretend they are just to garner sympathy.

Buddy, just work!

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Once you slip into that cylcle and with a bit of time pasding there is no more way out.

Depends what your definition is. In my opinion, if we all had many friends to hang around like chads, and they didn't care about our faults, we would be less cynical, we would think about everything less due to our lack of monotony. Many normalfags that may be depressed just work or hang out with their friends to forget about it.

Do antidepressants actually work and will they make me feel better

maybe. They might work well, they might kinda-sorta work, they might do nothing at all.

Most depressed people, including (especially) the people on this board, are depressed cause of temporary or fixable problems, and it's pretty common.
It's not very severe, but it still sucks.
Now, the other kind of depression, the literally unfixable kind, is what a minority of the population have, those can not fix their problems, because solutions do not exist within this universe.

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chads don't have any problems, they have never been isolated, no health problems and their faces look good because they had fun and were smiling most of the time because life was just good for them.

Actually, real depression that isnt based on your life but your brain can happen to a chad.
Clinical depression doesnt care if you are chad

sure, chad is just a way to describe a common personality.
there is a whole spectrum of chads.

That's not real depression it's just being cucked by your brain.

clinical depression is worse.
you can never feel happy as it doesnt matter if you are chad ect.
all forms of depression suck but you cant escape clinical depression

If it's just an imbalance in your brain wouldn't getting on (((pills))) be a solution? I know it could take some time to find what works but I would imagine they could fix the problem unless the depression isn't bad enough to try getting on meds.

I dont fit in here.
I'm going to kill myself for logical reasons, not faggy emotional ones.


I have the unfixable depression. My brain is literally fucked because of a chemical imbalance.

>I dont understand how the chads dont have the same depressing view on the world.
You truly are retarded then. Why would chad be depressed at all if he can fuck cute girls every night?

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nah im just autistic.
I'm pretty content with my life rn, willing to embrace every opportunity now that I wouldn't have in the past

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>. Why would chad be depressed at all if he can fuck cute girls every night?
your an incel you think that sex will make things better.
unironically go back to R#ddit

REeal robots have far more problems

>REeal robots have far more problems
Such as?
>real robot
>isn't an incel
Yeah unironically kill yourself

I have permanent clinical depression directly because of my genetics. Im extremely ugly and I have low functioning IQ. I know Im never going to be happy nor am I ever going to succeed in life.
I believe mine is the worst case/form of depression yet.

you can be incel but yo ufags act like taht is the whole reason your life is fucked.
it is mearly one thing among many for truebots.
true robots gave up desire for 3D woman

>true robots gave up desire for 3D woman
>imagine thinking this unironically

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I did and I only like 2D woman now and little girls.

Take the 2D pill

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Less than 1 in 8 men ever have any form of depression and only about 1 in 100 or so has PDD.
Most people aren't depressed.
Most people are *never* depressed, just sad when it makes sense to be sad.
The vast majority of cases of depression (85% or so) are most effectively treated with CBT showing that at least 85% of depression is, yes, "all in your head".
TL;DR: Chad is never depressed; your depression is because of your attitude.
>pic totally random

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oh look at me, im depressed, no i didnt get diagnosed with it because i dont need a doctor to tell me, im depressed becuase i said so...

Everybody who says they have 'depression'

Good googly moogly, sminem

I'm depressed because I'm alive, not because of the circumstances of my life or situation I'm in, there isn't any other cause, I just don't like and don't want to be alive but killing myself isn't so simple as I have a child and no other family and the child's mother wants nothing to do with her / him

>mental illness is in the head
Wow I'm amazed at your intelligence

Reread what I actually wrote, pal, and try to get a grip on yourself.
85% of depression is caused by habits of thought and behavior that can be cured by 6-12 months of talking to a professional once a week for an hour.
Let me repeat that - 85% of people with a *medical diagnoses* of depression can be cured by talking to someone for about, oh, 24-48 hours. Total.
No drugs. No time in an asylum. Just pleasant conversation with a nice person in a climate-controlled room.
so - go do it