How does fit feel about cigarettes
How does fit feel about cigarettes
if you're smoking cigs nowadays you're a complete faggot. Get a juul already
Juul is just as faggy to anyone who isn’t a high schooler or a college freshman
who says you'll be vaping in public? use nicotine in private as a preworkout or a study aid. nothing more.
Literal estrogen sticks
You start because you're so dumb you think it makes you look cool.
You keep going because you're so weak you can't live without it.
You quit because you're coughing up black shit and your breath repels all but the worst kinds of women.
You withdraw for months and probably relapse.
You fight a long expensive battle with cancer.
You die anyway but sooner than usual.
Where's the good part?
Where's the good part?
e-cigs seem like a such a perfect alt for me.
Can use it inside while you work and its convenient.
But that's just it, whenever I get one I find myself smoking way more because of the convenience and my lungs end up hurting even more than if I just went outside with one cigarette.
t. fedora tipper who never smoked LOL
Why the everliving fuck would I ever want anything to do cigarettes?
I've seen what that kind of shit will do to the human body, as well as all of the batshit insane side effects I've read about in health reports.
There's literally nothing good about it. The only people who stick up for cigs are faggots who are too weak to give it up.
7 years pack a day fuckface.
Smoke 1 to 3 cigs a day.
You are aware you can smoke and not smoke a pack a day? I mean seriously, all this reasearch is based off of 1, 2 or 3 pack a day smokers.
You've never smoked a cigarette.
>too edgy not to smoke
>other people are fedoras
As if it had any bearing on the truth of what I said, see
I smoke them when I run out of pipe cleaners for my pipe tobacco :) or I run out of cigars.
They taste meh compared to a good Virginia blend or a true English blend but American spirits are ok
A fellow patrician I see. If I run out out of good pipe tobacco/cigars I'll enjoy a RYO or two with some buds. Nothing wrong with smoking if done in moderation as everything else.
Cigs increase test but if you're addicted the stress/anxiety of needing it cancels it out.
Vaping doesn't hurt you. Obstruction of breathing =/= inhaling burning plant matter.
many fine ways to partake tobacco and nicotine, cigarettes are not in fact besides the social angle
>get a juul
>50 percent more nicotine.
Which is fine it is just not enjoyable at all.
Addiction sneaks up on you. Sure you smoke 1 to 3 today but tomorrow what's the issue with 4 to 5? Keep it in moderation (i.e. enjoy them every other day/every 3 days at your 1 to 3 limit) and do cardio.
Nicotine isn't bad for you per se, it's the 5000 other shit in cigarettes and the American public REEEEEEEEing about cigs for the last 40 years that make people fear it so bad. They put nicotine in drinks in other countries because it's a good drug to chill with.
actually smoking one cig daily is just as bad as a half pack
Go fish.
Ayy, I just inherited some of my grandfathers pipes from way back in the day.
I quit smoking cigs years ago but I'm getting into pipe smoking.
It's pretty neat and relaxing .
>Won't die of lung cancer
>Doesn't make you fucking reek of cigs, slight smell of fruit/dessert
>discrete, high nic content so you only need to hit it a couple times
>doesn't yellow your teeth
>pack of cigs worth of nic in a $4 pod that comes in 6 flavors
I work construction and there are probably 35 40+ year old men juuling on any given jobsite I go to
It’s not as bad as you think. When you really delve into the nitty gritty details of how studies were conducted you realize that most of government issued health reports on tobacco are shit science.
Places like Japan. Most people who live past 100. Smoke significantly more than the American population but have no health concerns, minimal lung cancer.
Shit, the original surgeon general report that demonized tobacco past the 60s showed how pipe tobacco users lived longer than non-smokers. Which indicates that it’s not the tobacco that’s the problem, it’s the chemical factory shit that is bad for you.
>Doesn't make you fucking reek of cigs, slight smell of fruit/dessert
perfect for a fruity faggot like you lol
Sure. I believe that. What is smoking half a pack a day then? equal to 3 packs?
Vile and disgusting, even without the health risks. If I see someone smoking they become instantly repulsive to me
Your head is so far up your ass m8. Something worse than vegans or ketofags, are the anti-smoking people who treat you like fucking Stalin for smoking.
The worst form of tobacco, from price to health risks to quality. I much prefer pipes. I've never used a vape or e-cig, but if all you care about is nicotine I figure they'd be the best option.
I smoke and vape :)
one cigarette before I go to bed and vape the rest of the day
Good news, cigarette juice
? You completely misunderstood that comment lmao
Who cares about damage to the cardiovascular system, it's not like you're doing cardio anyway.
I've only smoked the occasional cigar and i just bought a can of copenhagen long cut what am i in for
>t. GDI
can you get JUULS in Australia
For some reason e-cigs with nicotine liquid are illegal here
JUULs just came to Canada last weekend. Never vaped before, it is enjoyable, nothin' like a lil nicotine buzz while relaxin'
They are cool but cigars are leather jacket-sunglasses cool. However you shouldn't sacrifice health for looking cool, smoking should be tolerated if it's someone's way to relieve stress or something like that.