Who /daydream/ here

>spent another hour pacing around my room listening to music
>all while daydreaming about countless scenarios and stories
>some I have "revisited" countless times, some were made up on the spot, all depending on what kind of stuff I read, heard, listened to or just witnessed

I've been doing this for LITERALLY my entire 23 years on this earth and I finally read about it.

And I finally realized just how fucking weird and insane I must look like.

And my concentration and memory is absolutely pathetic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

kriorus.ru/en/cryopreserved people

I did this all my life too, without memory problems tho. Still do. 18yo fyi, I don't think that it is wrong per se, just a bit weird but it shows imagination imo, not the worst thing to have

I do the same thing, finally decided to write a book about something

Same. Ive been trying to quit since i was a kid but its just impossible. No fap and quitting weed was a million times easier

>Hypersensitivity to rejection/criticism
>Self-imposed social isolation
>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though the person feels a strong desire for close relationships
>Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus
>Feelings of inadequacy
>Severe low self-esteem
>Mistrust of others
>Emotional distancing related to intimacy
>Highly self-conscious
>Self-critical about their problems relating to others
>Problems in occupational functioning
>Feeling inferior to others
>Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful
>In some extreme cases, agoraphobia
>Uses fantasy as a form of escapism to interrupt painful thoughts

I do the same. Ive always thought it was weird but I needed to do it to let out negative thoughts and relax. I like to daydream a lot and think of myself as a hero or some type of quirky or amazing person. But in reality I'm just a loser

What are you trying to say? Original question

I do the same thing. I think about being an immortal.

I was doing a mundane task at work today, really low concentration was needed - and the only thing i kept thinking about was that I have everything I've ever wanted yet my life is still so unfulfilled. I've got a degree, had a few gf's, got money, looks, potential and full time work. yet i feel this dread about the future and feel that something is missing. bad feels

Daydreaming isn't a new thing lmao
quit worrying about it

He's trying to say that you have an avoidant personality disorder.

>as a kid run back and forth in the hallway playing in my imagination making movements and sounds
>as a young teen walk everywhere with my eyes on my feet constantly thinking about situations of talking to people and things
>as an older teen pace in circles in the kitchen thinking about creativity and history
>as a young adult do the same but stoned out of my mind thinking about nature and the universe
>now do the same sitting in one spot looking at the wall or pacing in circles thinking about scripture and the relationship between man, nature and god
I've never been too happy in my life but the way my mind walks has really let me see a lighter side to things.

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>all while daydreaming about countless scenarios and stories
Tell us more about some of your scenarios and stories, OP

Being immortal might one day become a reality.

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is this it?? hits very very close to home. iv spent last few years trying to be a more functional person.

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Yeah when I am dead.

>that guy who daydreams about becoming a success and making people from his past think "wow I really underestimated user"

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Yep, thats me. Fucking saddo

>that guy who daydreams about someone seeing him doing something he enjoys that no one else has ever really cared for
>that guy who daydreams about being in a situation with a person where can nonchalantly give deep insight into his true self
>that guy who daydreams about that person then suddenly seeing him in a new light and acknowledging him as a living being full of emotion and creativity and love
>that guy who daydreams about anyone at all in the world seeing him as having worth
>that guy who daydreams about anyone at all in the world seeing him as a real person

lol what a loser

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I daydream about everything, but mostly daydream stories with girls i like, dates, raining days just watching movies and chilling, sex, having kids... I have made whole lifes with girls maybe didnt remember me

In real life im just a beta potato

Is there a chance out there in love for daydreamers like us?

Honestly, I do not want to get into too much detail, but it spans a lot of different scenarios.

Sometimes it is imagining myself in a SHTF scenario, imagining WW3 starting.

Sometimes it is just me being a successful CEO or game designer.

And sometimes I just imagine random characters in a different world interacting with one another, where I do not even exist, and I just watch the characters.

I do it too m8.
now my day dreams have become more violent

Aubrey de Grey thinks we have a 50/50 chance of achieving significant life extension by 2036. If we can't reach longevity escape velocity within our natural lifetimes, signing up for cryonics is an alternative.

Cryonics FAQs:

More cryonics/life extension info:

Calculator for calculating the probability of cryonics working:

Cryonics membership statistics:
kriorus.ru/en/cryopreserved people

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who are you and how long have you been stalking me


it's an odd life and i've managed to substitute it with narcissism, it gives me a whole new set of problems but at least it gives me a sort of charm and the illusion of having some sort of character/ego
but deep down im really just empty, cold and scared

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Daydreams can be the keys needed to write books.

>tfw pretty much all are true

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fuck this wretched earth

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i think im gonna kill myself soon ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking."

"Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look."

And finally:

>"It is in your power to withdraw yourself whenever you desire. Perfect tranquility within consists in the good ordering of the mind, the realm of your own."

- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.

Read it niggers.

Holy shit, me too. I also have the concentration and memory problems. I have to use a gps everywhere I go, because I can't remember how to get places. Is this an actual condition?

Probably a mishmash of ADD, maladaptive daydreaming and something else.

How would I fix it? Go to a therapist, and he gives me ritalin or something?

NO NO NO NO NO NO fuck this shit I hate my life.

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But the quality of my thoughts is bad because of how poor my real life is. I'm afraid it is simply too difficult for me to ignore this cause and effect relationship no matter how much I wish it was the case.

The book is exactly about this without forcing you to ignore anything. Read it user, seriously.

Dude, I dunno, but I have the same issues and I have a meeting with a psychiatrist in 1 week so we'll see.

Sounds good if you are old

every considered to start writing stories?

t. author

I always tried to get into art, but my shit concentration and inability to focus makes it near impossible to improve.

It's all stuff you need to practice. Doesn't help much to say that probably, but unless your brain is fucked up the reason that your concentration is so bad is probably that you haven't gotten accustomed to concentrating hard or just gave up every time you tried.

OP, there is something admirable about being able to waste time like this, even if it is wasting time. Probably a better use of time to spend it in your own head than playing out someone's shitty creative vision through a video game or something. Maybe try weed and doing art, it would probably make it easier and allow you to use your creativity in a way that will last and maybe mean more to you.

I pretty much give up every time I try, do I just stick through it?

Are you me? Same shit here... I'm betting you have had waifus?

>mental fog, can't think about anything straight
>attention span is very short, 5 minutes at most
>tired all the time
>trouble sleeping
>no amount of sleep is enough
What do brothers?

holy shit op, i've literally done this all my life too and thought i was the only one. When i moved in to my roommates place they thought i was weird as fuck. Great to know im not the only one. I fucking love Jow Forums for reasons like this.

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Same here, no idea.



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You are literally me, also I daydream around friends which make me look weird af

They always say im on some kind of drugs as a joke

>finally go around to write one down that I've had in my head for years.
>barely write two paragraphs before I've completely forgotten everything.
>hope the next time I think of that one, I'm near my computer.

I do the same thing. When I was a kid I was obsessed with Fairy Odd-parents and got the habit of wishing for things. I wish 40 million dollars, I wish I had a cool car, I wish I had a 10/10 gf, I wish I was a super powerful dictator, etc etc, then I lay in bed for hours imagining stuff.

not op, but these days i always daydream about what life would be like if i went down the music artist route or being in the one piece world and having my own pirate crew or in general just situations life and what it wouldve been like if i wasnt so beta.

suicide is smexy

Jow Forums completely ruined my creative drive. Seeing things i like get relentlessly shat on and realising that actual GOOD writing requires an intellect i haven't been blessed with threw a damper on the whole thing. I know this post is whiny faggotry, but if this is all it takes to stop me then i had no business writing in the first place.

>daydreaming about being able to fight and to be respected by others
>complete autist in real life
>flail arms around and do this so much i have repetitive strain injuries in my wrists and fingers
>doing anything physically demanding with them is painful
>tfw can't stop and it just keeps getting worse

It's like I'm numb to the pain while I'm doing it and I convince myself it's okay

I tried ritalin and other stimulants, sometimes they work and I can focus on school etc

But watch out cause once you start daydreaming on stimulants you can literally daydream for 5 hours straight

I do that too OP


I can't really daydream anymore. My imagination is dead. I blame screen addiction and gay frog chemicals unironically

You already have the intellect in the first place, you just don't have the habits and the routine yet to help spark that intellect. Please set 30 minutes a day writing in a clean environment, you'll thank me later. You can do it.

Over-reliance upon computer technology was a mistake.

They never learn
Beyond the point
Of no return

I don't sleep the same way others do. Instead I spend ~6 hours in bed, drifting in and out of consciousness and hallucinating, usually the theme is about finally committing suicide. Most of the time I'm not actually sure whether I'm awake or not, but I've concluded that I'm probably conscious for at least some part of the nights. Whenever I admit this people get weirded out, apparently it's not normal to be unable to sleep until you've been awake so long that you basically pass out.

Hold fast to dreams
Because if dreams go
Life is a barren land
Frozen with snow

Hehehe i feel hit

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I either daydream to continue building my World (fictional) or daydream myself in Real situation thatll never happen or rethibk about i could have said to people, been like that since i was 10 and thats the age i knew others didnt really like me(was backstabbed by bestfirend this year) this little World i built is sometimes where i confort myself when im alone

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Same here, but with a continuing storyline and a fucking huge amount of characters and side stories.
If I ever bring myself to write that shit down, I could make 12-15 novel sized books out of this stuff...

dreaming a thought that could dream about a thought that could think of dreaming. been dreaming a thought that could dream about a thought that could think about a dreaming a dream. where can i not.

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Same brother, but its so long, writing this shit will be difficult and it would be too autistic for the average reader

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has anyone ITT actually went to a psychiatrist with these issues? I've been considering doing it for a while now but knowing quality of healthcare in my country I'll probably just be labeled as a schizod and lose any chance to /makeit/

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i don't get it, what's weird about this?

OP here, as I have already mentioned, I have an appointment at a local psychiatrist next week, and I'll ask him about it.

He'll probably ask about my childhood, will find out that my parents emotionally neglected me and that I escape into my fantasy to deal with that.

Honestly, I just want to be able to concentrate and focus, I just want modafinil or ritalin.

Avoidant personality disorder.


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ME TOO OP. it is something I am so used to doing but I just KNOW how crazy it really is.

Funny part of it for me is how fucked up my experience of music has become because of it. If I really like something it is because it works for daydreaming. It can be a challenge if someone tries to chat with me about music.

I have a recurring daydream about a very small nation in Asia being invaded by Russia. The attack happens with poisonous chemicals, and the russians come in the state and colonise it after killing everyone. Little do they know, a genius whose intellect was granted by a demon is hidden in an underground bunker beneath the soil of the State. He's in there with many other survivors, and after a few months he sends out his people in super cool armor and shit to reclaim his State. Most of the daydreams are about what happens after the State is reclaimed, though.
What are your daydreams anons?

I go back in time and remake my country as an actually functional society. Most of the time I have to use magic or mild mind control to make it work, though.

This. If you write down the scenarios you daydream about they might turn into something useful. If you don't then you will never know.
Sounds like the story of my life. Were you bullied a lot at school because I was.

I sometimes daydream about revisiting moments in my past like the anime "erased". I would use the knowledge I have now to apply it to my past self.

I have tried adapting that into my every day philosophy and pretend that I am from the future. Through this I try to make the best decisions I can. I am still relativly young (21) so I don't think I am too far gone.

I've been doing this all my life too, though nowadays most of my daydreams are about being with women I will never have, or people dying.

Same here man. I usually just hang around in space with my waifu. It's real nice.

Actually hit every single mark. Doesn't usually happen with these kinds of posts.