LGBT = degeneracy, promotion of it is bad for society

LGBT = degeneracy, promotion of it is bad for society

prove me wrong

pro tip: you can't

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Agreed. As someone who suffers from the deranged, disgusting mental illnesses of the LGBTBBQ movement their promotion of mental illness has worsened my life significantly.

Can't go two seconds without hearing about gays or trannies and as someone who has the mental illness it's disgusting, like a cult desperately trying to recruit me and many others.

Degeneracy is not a bad thing as long as it's heterosexual.

no such thing as degeneracy if it's straight

So pedophiles aren't degenerates as long as they aren't gay?


this but without a shred of irony

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it was implied that "degeneracy" between consenting adults is not bad, not anything to do with pedo or rape shit, you fucking retard

I think a lot of the appeal for post-straight gay guys [as in young adult guys who considered themselves firmly heterosexual for a long time but slowly became bisexual and than homosexual, as opposed to guys who recognise that they want to fuck other guys from a much younger year] is that the idea of having a 'boyfriend' in lieu of a 'girlfriend' is just evolution of the 'soulmate' and 'understanding companion' archetype. lots of immature guys assume that girls have the same sort of emotional orientation that they themselves do and feel the same way about the other sex as they do when in reality girls' fundamental existential impetus is completely alien and divorced from guys.

Isn't every pedophile gay? Or all gays pedophiles?

>and as someone who has the mental illness it's disgusting, like a cult desperately trying to recruit me and many others.

The only thing worse than gays and trannies are pedos.
Most pedophiles are gay, or at least bisexual, statistically.

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you're so wrong it's laughable
lmaoing @ your low iq

I like your views, I honestly think a tranny would make a better "soulmate" at this point than an actual woman. Too bad I can't get over the whole "looks like a man and has a penis" thing.

>girls' fundamental existential impetus is completely alien and divorced from guys.
I'd argue that it's even worse than being foreign to and removed from the male perspective. Typically, the vast majority of the time actually, female emotion and motivation and is diametrically opposed to male motivation. They do not want equality and partnership the way most men do; they want to either be owned or passively own others themselves. As it is often said in some circles, men love idealistically and women love opportunistically. Realizing this as fact is often a crushing blow to heterosexual males indoctrinated in their youth on a steady diet of Disney movie romances.

I think you just described me. Also being a post-straightfag I was never influenced by any pride or effeminate faggotry growing up so I don't even think about being gay and only a few people know about it, it's just how I am. The people complaining about LGBT degeneracy is alien to me too.

>accepting degeneracy = high iq

Lmao, this is how mentally I'll fucks defend themselves

tfw tranny oof

You should be ashamed of yourself and admit that you're a genetic failure

Male virginity = degeneracy and the justification of it is bad for society.

Hormone tranny or full on mutilated tranny? The former is less fucked up.

just boymode hormone tranny

This is retarded. All straight guys, except robots, know chicks are different.

Get off the delusion pills.
Remember, you will always be a man with a mental illness and taking the delusion pills gets you nowhere. Even as a "boymode HRT" user, you're just succumbing to delusion.

Transition has no long-term provem benefits.

What does boymode mean again? You're hiding the way you look or something? I've seen the term used loads before but never bothered finding out what it means.

i mean i know im never gonna actually be a girl i just wanna be cuter and fem looking lmao

uhh just presenting as a boy while on hormones

You're just feeding your mental illness and becoming a freak for absolutely no benefit.

Transgenderism is an illness of the mind and treating the body is delusional and will make your life worse.

Taking HRT and doing pretty much nothing else, generally. Just being a guy, hiding trans status exc.

>men more attractive than me opting out of the competition

I strongly encourage the rest of you to become faggots.

>be fat and ugly and can't get girls
>lose weight and I'm actually really good looking
>end up being gay anyway
I don't think it made a difference desu.

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Only unattached/ casual sex is degeneracy insofar as it it also for the hetero. Why do you care which genitals people have? Procreation is immoral atm anyways.

You're ordering them, aren't you? I mean getting those meds w/ a doctor means you at least told that person?

Everything I don't like is degenerate.

Society and everyone in it exists only to do what I want, and anyone who disagrees must die.

My people. My society. My planet. Mine. All mine.

A lot of people order them online through the internet, "DIY" HRT is very common as such.

Other times there is "informed consent clinics" where you basically sign a thing and you get HRT.

In shittier places and DIY is a non-option, yes going the doctor route would be required so they know.

For HRT questions overall I'd head on over to HRTgen on /lgbt/ all the info is there pretty much on hormones.

Trapping yourself is degenerate and being gay is degenerate because it encourages mental illness. Those who are actually honest about themselves and accept it's a mental illness and try to either fight said mental illness(as I do) or are totally honest about it being an illness I have no real problems with.

Just because something's degenerate, doesn't mean you don't have the freedom to do it.

Is it bad for society? Yes. Can you still do it! Yep!
Jow Forums is pretty fuckin' terrible for society and yet we still post here.

Why prove wrong when you are right?

moar of the boy? without the meme charts

What is it that makes redditor transvestites so crazy but our traps just shitpost all day

While just the act of being homosexual isn't exactly degenerate, unfortunately most homosexuals go out of their way to be degenerate. So yes, you are correct.

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Girls get fed that Disney bullshit too, but they still end up massive cunts.