Want to know how I can tell R9K has normies?

>people actually sperg at lolicons here and non offending pedos

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I blame Jow Forums for that.

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Jow Forums loves anime you redditard.

Most people, therefore the majority of the board, don't want you here. Fuck off to or neck yourself. And/or.

welcome to Jow Forums, the year of our lord two thousand and twelve

I don't know why people act like this is a recent thing, doesn't make it any less annoying but still.

If you dont appreciate lolis you dont belong on this site

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Has there ever been a study linking loli/shota material to offending pedophiles?

>Most people, therefore the majority of the board, don't want you here.
im a robot.

yeah true, loli loving is why I love this place.

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Pedos are normal people too.

Normals don't seem to understand why Cheese Pizza is illegal and lolicon isn't. Cheese Pizza is causing harm to a real child that can't comprehend any of this shit and can't actually consent. Thats why drawings that required a real naked child to be present is also illegal. Meanwhile, lolicon doesn't harm any children at all since their drawings that pedos made up in their heads.

I never said anything about anime.

i'm pretty robotic but i've always been attracted to femininity - whether that's super big booby girls or supercute traps

pedos and lolis though i just cant understand at a fundamental level, their habits and tastes are repulsive and disgusting, and thus they get the bullet on the day of the rope.

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Lolis are basically inseparable from anime and anime fandoms. This is one of the biggest reasons it cannot be strictly enforced. There would just be way too much collateral, humble anime geeks having their whole lives ruined because they jerked off to a character in one of their favourite shows.

>humble anime geeks having their whole lives ruined because they jerked off to a character in one of their favourite shows.
my waiofu is underage and I have had the alt right try dox me ect before.
it sucks man...

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Normalising paedophilla makes it easier for victims to hide abuse degenerate

>caring about victims

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hey, you post in /fgoalter/?

No I do not post in /fgoalter/. Is this in /vg/?

Lolis are for hug, not lewd

Yeah this board is infested with them because it's hip to intrude here for them, hopefully in a few years they fuck off and go back to their containment zones.

how do we get rid of them orgiano

How do we solve the Normalfag Question

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Probably zap all the homosexuals tbqh

>pedo hate in Jow Forums

can someone please tell me where I can go to feel at least somewhat normal. I just want my sekrit clubhaus back.

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Post loli every thread

join my server I dont care if people are pedos and neither do my people :)
follow discord TOS and we all chill (real robotserver)

>join my server I dont care if people are pedos and neither do my people :)
>follow discord TOS and we all chill (real robotserver)

Thanks FBI I'll give it a shot.

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nice trips.

meh everyone already thinks im pedo

I get annoyed when one mongoloid makes 5 threads at once about how he would go to jail for Megumin, but otherwise I can't be fucked to care as long as nobody's contributing to real life harm

if it's 5 threads at once it's probably part of that shitposting discord brigade

I love how loli never fails in bringing out the normalfags raging like absolute tards over at the very most thought crimes.

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its me but I dont do that.
you wnat me to shit post and fill up Jow Forums R9K with megumin threads?

I can do it tomorrow

>People don't want you here so you should leave.

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bumping for gunjy bro

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Pedos are not robots. You are a league of your own. And you're human garbage. So kill yourself.

>. I just want my sekrit clubhaus back.
R9k was never a pedo club. Kill yourself

if you dont fap to lolis you are normie

we are teh biggest robots

You are as much of a robot as criminals are. You're hated because you're scum, not because you're autistic or socially inept. Most pedos are actually very socially adept as they're manipulators.

I cant even go outside my house man because I freak out.
wth are you on about????

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You're the exception

lol, ago of consent was concocted by femenists to liberate women. You know? So they couldn't be married off for politics and such?

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First of all thats not true. And even if it was, does it matter? Raping children makes you scum regardless of who told you not to do it

Who the fuck said I wanted to do that?

Pedophilia is wanting to rape children


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No. Normalfags go off of feelings and not observations or facts.

What?! How could anyone think these closet pedos are degenerate turds?!

>In the current review, we use the broader "inclusive" definition of pedophilia, taking account of any study of individuals who have had sexual contact with children, including incest offenders.
