Take off your shirt and join me, user. water is warm

>Take off your shirt and join me, user. water is warm

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I don't think I can afford you any longer. Goodbye.

b-b-but my boobs are bigger than yours, OP...

sorry i like dick

Under no circumstance will I take off my shirt, I have a very light complexion and easily get sun burnt, I do not particularly enjoy swimming neither therefor I will await your return on the shore.
>tfw the true reasons you don't wan't to take off your shirt are that you do not want to expose your disgusting deformed stomach and are trying to become as pale as possible.

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>get in the water with her, then just swim away and ignore here

Kick that cracker into the water and hold her there. Revenge for all the south Asians she rejected.

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The real question is how the fuck did I end up anywhere near a beach.

>sure, okay mom

Some "cool" ways to keep this situation from going awkward:

>I don't own a shirt.
>And make myself a target for sandflies? Are you insane?
>It's shirts all the way down ; )
>Why don't you put yours on?
>I can't, it's too wet.

There's also the classic all-purpose line, "My mom said I can't." Can't argue with that. You could hardly be expected to disobey your mother.

Imagine some 30 years old shut in faggot respond
>b- but muh mom said I can't

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>leave and begin to walk away
>wake up proud of myself for taking my vow of celibacy seriously
If you cant fuck them, separate yourself from them

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>tfw pectus excavatum
>once i actually overcame the fear and took my shirt off and good shunned for my alien chest

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i would worship that blonde goddess

fuuck i want to touch her

>not taking your shirt off as soon as you get anywhere close to the beach
i like wearing as little as possible

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>Water's warm
I wonder why

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>Decided enough is enough and went take a swim to a nearby beach
>Take shirt off
>Couple of Chad's and Stacey's few meters away start to giggle and facepalm
That was the last time I went to the beach.

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N-no, thanks! I'm good haha

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I'd be ok with that. I've been doing calisthenics for the past few months at home a lot so I'm starting to look decent.

Only if you suck my dick, my dear.

Truly is suffering.

>manage to have barely any facial acne
>back is completely fucked


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Shower more and cut out as much sugar as you can. I found taking an extra quick shower before bed just to cool off and clean off my body really helped tone down the backne i had over the summer compared to last. Also changing your sheets more helps (i try for once every like 2 weeks).

*exposes his flat sticc soft qt torso*

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>take off shirt
>expose 130kg of lard
>dont care at this point anymore
>water is warm
>sea water warm
>dumb cunt

what now?

OK I guess it would be okay for me to change in front of you.

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Sea water can be warm. Depends what ocean you are in.