How come the mainstream news isn't covering the obvious white genocide happening in Africa? Nethier the right or left care. Why is that? How come when an injustice worth fighting actually arises America doesn't do anything about it but sure enough they are willing to partake in the American civil cold war all day and night. Hell it'll probably never escalate past cold because future generations are pussies who can't be damned to actually fight for what they beleive in. Fucking hell.
How come the mainstream news isn't covering the obvious white genocide happening in Africa...
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because there is no white genocide
KONEY 2012 btw
because it is apart of the plan goy
For fucks sake that's not genocide
Theres so much wrong going on in that shithole anything horrible just gets put aside as the usual, because chances are worse is currently happening.
It is the exact definition of genocide. Oh wait it has white people involved so I guess it isn't. My bad.
>South Africa's recent controversy has drawn international attention as they have passed a new bill, essentially authorizing the confiscation of land owned by white people and subsequent redistribution to black South Africans. It has been called "land expropriation without compensation" and the bill passed in the house, 241 voting yes and 83 voting no. The bill has until August 30th before it takes effect, and just how authorities will implement this controversial (and likely volatile) bill is yet to be seen.
>Segregation has been deeply rooted in South Africa's history for a long time. Many of those considered foreigners or colonists come from families that have lived there since the Dutch colonists in the 17th century. Despite the distance from colonization, apartheid (institutionalized, racial segregation that, by law, separated blacks and whites in all facets of society) existed from 1948 to 1991 - this is more recent. Though there has since been significant change in law and policy, the economic disparity in South Africa remains worse than almost anywhere in the world. When it comes to land, 70% of the country's land is owned by whites - only 9.1% of the country is white. Approximately 76% of South Africa is black
You faggots seriously want to scream we're oppressed and being genocided don't you. You can't just claim genocide so you can do that MUH OPPRESSION bullshit you actually have to be getting genocided or killed.
Should have just said "I hate white people of all kinds I don't have to have sympathy for them". No reason to write all that nonsense.
user, they are being killed, people are being actively encouraged to kill white farmers. citing some fucking bullshit about wealth redistribution won't change the fact that kill the Boer is still being sung by one of the most powerful men in the country.
Also confiscation of land from whites just because they own it is immoral, disgusting, and stupid. Are you so brain dead that you think "Africa is black so it belong to blacks" instead of looking at the history of the place.
>obvious white genocide happening in Africa
Stopped reading there. There's no such thing, you melodramatic mayobot. What *you think* is genocide is actually just the long-lasting effects of apartheid being reversed. What, you think it's a coincidence that 8% of the population owns over 70% of the land in a country that's over 80% black? Think again.
The motto's seize and redistribute. If you don't like it you can go back to Europe.
It's either:
>start race war so white people will finally go "killer fascist nazis goosestepping in the streets in full robo powersuits" and exterminate dark skins
>actual white genocide, starting with some beta testing somewhere far from the west
Yeah, it is fucked up. Those whites born in South Africa didn't decide to be born there. There are enough nigger everywhere. Just let them have their farmland.
>How come the mainstream news isn't covering the obvious white genocide happening in Africa?
Because that would be totally against the agenda they're pushing. Whitey is never the victim to them, they're the racist biggot oppressor.
Because corporations/rich rule the world (using the power of the government and the media) and the media doesn't want to inflame tensions between blacks and whites because that would be bad for business and capitalism will always demand refugees.
And there you go your all just trying to get sympathy points. Fuck off, the oppression race ended in 2016 you cunts and that "nonsense" was from a article on what's happening in south Africa
>user, they are being killed, people are being actively encouraged to kill white farmers.
Source? And not some bullshit tabloid or forum an actual news source.
>citing some fucking bullshit about wealth redistribution won't change the fact that kill the Boer is still being sung by one of the most powerful men in the country.
And a politician in Australia used the final solution in his speech when talking about immigration, that doesn't fucking mean anyone is getting genocided.
>Also confiscation of land from whites just because they own it is immoral, disgusting, and stupid.
>70% of land is owned by whites
I wonder how user. Either way it's fucking land distribution that's a whole load of land that belongs to a small part of the population and even then these aren't huge pieces of land and they're going to be used for farming so as long as they don't do what Mugabe did and give it to friends and family and instead hand it to actual farmers they're good.
>Are you so brain dead that you think "Africa is black so it belong to blacks" instead of looking at the history of the place.
Now where have I heard something like that before?
so you think that when they have protestors and leaders screaming kill whitey it doesn't mean anything?
>inmigrants in America and Europe
>Go back to your countries fucking shitskins REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>white inmigrants in Africa
>ZOMG we are being genozided
Why don't you disgusting niggers get the fuck out of Europe first?
Shout Africa as created by "white" people. The blacks moved there after, (at least to the cape colonie). You are complaining about inequality that's only there because original Africans didn't build shit for themselves.
>Arabs colonize other countries
>Chinks colonize other countries
Lalala doesn't exist kill whitey
Why don't you crackers get out of Africa first we weren't the ones who came to you pigskins you came to us and you cunts fucked up places like Somalia where you didn't build shit.
>we're being genocided bro I swear, it's not just land distribution they're killing us by the millions
>It says on this obscure forum with a not propaganda poster
because nobody gives a fuck, honestly. actually nobody gives a fuck about any genocide until its pushed by the media, and then people pretend they care to make themselves look good
That still ain't genocide in fact that's about a break in. If your going to lie user do better.
This is only the beginning
Because nobody can gain virtue signaling points from it. People only give a shit about anything if they can virtue signal about it on social media for likes. The media does not care about white people being murdered so it isnt plastered all over normie book, so normies cant farm for likes off it.
The Boer have been there longer than the Bantu for your information.
WE should, and let you guys die like the dogs you are, but shitty sentimental people keep on going back even after they have destroyed their livelihoods.
Just look at the Zimbabwe case you nigger.
Honestly i have no sympathy for these people. They are making their own bed.
If its any consolation the Saudis are slaughtering niggers in Yemen and nobody gives a flying fuck about that either. People being killed in Africa is just another day, regardless of color. Stay away from that cancerous continent.
Yes, I'm sure it was just a break in. Could happen to anyone.
Why can't both races just play nicely?
Well... you are dealing with blacks in Africa...
Because people are dumb as fuck
You have got to be trolling. That is exactly what is happening over there. I know people throw out the word genocide all the time but this is actually a serious genocide that can be stopped.
Well whites haven't actually been violent towards other races for a long time, there hasn't been a lot of reciprocation from the other part tho.
>blacks immigrate or breed very quickly
>then they must also get a bunch of free land
The left is engineering and supporting white genocide everywhere they can, and will never acknowledge its existence.
For fucks sake you guys will call anything genocide if it happens to whites with that attitude everyone can claim genocide. They were whipping and killing blacks in south Africa years ago and that still doesn't count as genocide. So fuck off you self pitying crackers and talk about your stupid shit somewhere else.
Because it's a good thing. Whites don't belong in Africa.
Jews, user.
This is because of Jews.
>How come the mainstream news isn't covering the obvious white genocide happening in Africa?
I miss you!
I'm not saying it's "genocide" I'm saying we should leave you black do die out. Also they are actively killing whites, being encouraged by the government. Call it what you want, This is sickening.
Also a few lashings never killed anybody or
By what that second greentext said that should justify the holocaust for the Nazis.
>tfw boer
Ok fine. (You). I feel like such a fool for falling for your b8. Especially on this board of all places.
>You have got to be trolling
>That is exactly what is happening over there
It's fucking land redistribution and it's not like those white people got that land in a legal fashion either. Fucks sake they're not taking all their land.
>I'm not saying it's "genocide" I'm saying we should leave you black do die out.
Cool then you may all leave Africa.
>Also they are actively killing whites, being encouraged by the government.
Source and it has to be a official one.
>Also a few lashings never killed anybody or
Why don't you just move to Australia/US/Canada you cuck.
>Getting told I'm baiting because I'm arguing there's no white genocide in south Africa
I forgot where I was for a moment.
Need quite a bit of money for that
>Dutch people invade Africa and steal land from African tribes
>Hehehe go back to Europe den Xb Lmao LOOOOL
Why are niggers so fucking stupid? You sub humans should even be classified as homo sapiens.
>I'm a illiterate moron who has no idea what he is talking about.
Read a bit of history before you talk shit you nigger.
Will they accept white refugees?
>I can't prove you wrong so I'm just going to call you a stupid nigger
To be honest probably yeah but you'd be regarded as the magical alien people by the hut people
Maybe I can marry a qt euro girl for a visa.
This is literally less than 200 people.
Because its Africa and there is always some random meme group killing another random meme group with a good bit of ebolAIDS on both sides. The continent is a shithole m8, they didnt stop the Hutus and the Tutsis, what makes you think the UN or whatever would get off of its fat ass and do something?
> no she is an activist it doesn't count.
>NO this is a right wing website
>this is means nothing police shouldn't be killed either.
I mean fuck you. Do you want government data on a human rights violation they are a part of?
You're not even making any points you're just denying a genocide because whites are the victim. Also nice job using Stalin, a slav, as a reaction image in your anti white bullshit.
>a slav
Special kind of stupid, you are.
>The white nationalist lobbying group AfriForum says that whenlawmakers passed a motion last monthwhich could see land being seized from farmers without compensation, it sent a message that landowners could be attacked with impunity.
>The white nationalist lobbying group
>>NO this is a right wing website
She uses a fucking text message as proof what the fuck?
>mean fuck you. Do you want government data on a human rights violation they are a part of?
Yes, yes I do and if you don't have that there should be UN articles if it was a real genocide.
Ooh ooh wait it was in self defense right?
>Slavs aren't white
Jow Forums is already in the thread
Insult all you want but nothing changes the fact that you're a nigger and always will be.
>only a few hundred killed over 2 decade
>out of a total 4.5 million
Because why would you live in a shithole called Africa? It's literally made for black people and animals.
>I-I-I is cause those NIGGEEEZ look so threatening that's why it's genocide
I am a Jow Forums user but I say slavs are white. But when did I say they weren't? Do you have schizophrenia?
I mean what's stopping you from going there and killing niggers user.
>You're not even making any points you're just denying a genocide because whites are the victim. Also nice job using Stalin, a slav, as a reaction image in your anti white bullshit.
It seems you didn't say the Slavs aren't white my bad. But What's wrong with using Stalin as a reaction image?
>How come the mainstream news isn't covering the obvious white genocide happening in Africa?
They're covering systematic racially-motivated murders, but don't think that it's reached genocide proportions yet. The ausfag government-funded media even ran
Zuma ruffled a few feathers, too. There was a pretty large media offensive against him for a while.
Terrible shit happens in the 3rd world to brown people all the time that goes unreported by American media, often that the US is in some way complicit in. Where's your outrage for that?
But we all know why you don't give a fuck until shit happens to white people. You don't see non-white people as fully human and people like you only care about South Africa because the situation mirrors your own insecurity about losing power in your home country.
This. There's thousands of Mexicans being murdered by drug cartels every month.
...South Africa is a major trade partner and has a large economy. We hear news form brazil frequently but no one pip about south africa, even though south Africa is way more developed than brazil.
>Where's your outrage for that?
Mexico is constantly reported on the news, WTF are you on about?
- Chinese genocide of Uighurs
- Buddhist genocide of Muslim Rohingya in Myanmar
- Muslim genocide of Fur in
- Ethiopian genocide of Ogadeni
Those are some actual genocides currently going on.
I'm not a nigger.
I wish more niggers knew about Jews.
>Chinese genocide of Uighurs
>building roads, cities and infrascture is genocide
Genocide actually requires large amounts of people being murdered.
because they justify it by saying white man took it and they are just taking it back.
the problem really is the whites still there should have got out sooner
>- Chinese genocide of Uighurs
There should be a difference between killing a million people versus sticking a million people in camps and flooding them with cops.
Yeah. they're going for cultural eradication, but they haven't escalated to systemic murder just yet.
this is great
fuck dutch
>have vast amounts of land and resources
>only build mudhuts
>white people go over
>farms are build, water system built, roads built
>niggers get jealous
>kills because he has a small brain
so you dont actually know the history. that's embarrassing but ok.
Yeah men, the niggers weren't in the beginning there they moved after whites built the shit.
>Sticking them in camps where they vanish
Just a little bit of cultural eradication
People like the Khoi San were already in south Africa long before them also they used slaves to build so suck it cracker you don't have shit there.
>There should be a difference between killing a million people versus sticking a million people in camps and flooding them with cops.
They're not killing people in south Africa though those Uighurs are facing a bigger threat then those south Africans
Nothing wrong with it it's just that the negro was talking shit about whites while using a white person pic related.
>Khoi San
Not where the original Boer were.
Saffers are white and live in a former British colony, though. The only reason anyone cares is because farm murders can be used to disprove the stupid "can't be racist against whites" meme.
>the negro was talking shit about whites while using a white person pic related.
It's a reaction pic you spastic it's meant to convey a reaction, I couldn't give a shit what race the person in the picture is.
The past doesn't justify the future. What happened then has nothing to do with the people living now.
some of the niggers were taken there and were killed by dutch for being jealous of english slaves. lots of niggers were there regardless.
lots were north, but yes.
>They're just saying you can't be racist against whites
It's not a fucking genocide it doesn't fit the criteria of a genocide it's like calling a gang shooting a terrorist attack. That's not how it fucking works.
It's fucking land redistribution 9% of the population own 70% of the land and we all know why also a small amount of the population owning all that land is dangerous for any country.
Hey man, never said they were. South Africa has the potential to turn into a genocide, that's all.
I was arguing that there's a difference between machine-gunning a million people and bulldozing them into pits (hypothetical thing the chinese government could be doing) vs sticking them in camps (actual thing the chinese government has done), and that calling both of them genocide is a bit silly when the first one is clearly a thousand times worse than the last one.
Because your beaner country doesnt report the crime. The news media is owned by the cartels and the cartels kill people. DUH
What would happen to 200 germans saying immigrants you must die? Answer me you filthy subhuman ape.
I get what you're saying but genocide as defined by the UN doesn't necessarily involve murdering people. Confining them is a way to cause harm and that's enough to call it genocide
Anyway since there's no free press in China we have no way to know what's actually going on there