>alone at the gym >a moment later a 16-18yo skinnyfat manlet appears >gives me a nod and goes to do overhead cable curls >desperately tries to do reps with 70lbs in clear pain >has such a shitty bogerface >switches to a new device after a couple of mins >circles all the devices like it's a fucking amusement park >i've_had_enough.rar >ask loudly "are you sure you should be here?" >he looks at me confused and starts stuttering something "wh-what do you mean..?" >"what?" >"i mean what do you..=" >"WHAT?!" >i slam my dumbells to the ground and start walking towards him >"I ASKED WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" >manlet pisses his pants and escapes quickly >everything_went_better_than_expected >haven't seen that guy since >gymculture saved
So do you have any kind of similar experiences? That kid is probably at home stuffing hamburgers in his mouth and crying his virginity. Pic related, me in the gym afterwards.
>>hear some thot giggle to her friend >>"He cute" >>Black guy sucks his teeth and says "u a'ight, white boi" >>the gym owner shows up and gives me an award >the day I saved gym culture