'biceps isolation for elbow stability' edition
ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion.
'biceps isolation for elbow stability' edition
ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion.
Other urls found in this thread:
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king.
>mfw i see a lardlifter who looks like shit and absolutely SEETHES at the though of isolating ANY part of his t-rex arms
Training went well, touched 405 to a 1 board and locked it out, wew lads.
real thread
Its friday night, sean. This is sad.
this thread was here first. fuck off you stupid bastard.
nobody cares about your cringe inducing posts, faggot. get lost.
starting things off with a classic:
help me out frens
the neighbors' kid sometimes runs up to me and hugs me to greet me
his head is right at dick height
what's the appropriate way to behave here if i don't want to be seen as a pedo?
t. literal autist
Boys just finnished my program, on my second year of powerlifting/lifting, im 66 lbs from the national record in bench, whats a good program? ive been doing boris sheikovs programs but im getting bored of them, need something new but still working cuz ive heavly platoued on everything besideds my bench. any recommendations?
literally just dont make it wierd, no one thinks about his head being near your dick
you already made it weird you pedo
forgot to link this
>lol look at these tabs haha how embarrassing
cringe. fuck off.
>put on an old tight tshirt because everything else was dirty
>12 years old girl on the bus can't keep her eyes off me
ha ha later virgins
any canuck brahs here knows a good gym with calibrated plates in vancouver? moving there for internship in dec
Replying to figjam from previous set.
Topic was setting up assistance work for madcow 5x5.
No, regular bench isnt assistance work. Might have missworded.
Instead of regular benching im going to incline bench as I generally find the lift to be more effective in building upper body strength (im not saying incline IS better, im saying I find it better) than the regular bench.
>Do curls twice a week
Exactly, should I switch sit ups in day 2 for curls?
>Front squats are better for calves
I cant fit front squats anywhere into the program as im already squating x3 a week
Im thinking of doing calf raises on day 2 and 3. I do them heavy and paused. My knee stability whilst squatting has improved significantly since ive incorporated them.
Lemme give you a quick rundown of what im thinking of for assistance work:
>Day 1: weighted sit ups and calf raises
>Day 2: weighted dips superseted with barbell curls, calf raises
Day 2 can be heavier on the assistance since its a generally lighter day
>Day 3: barbell curls and tricep extensions.
It seems to be the more reasonable split.
Its has both x2 weekly calf work, x2 weekly curls (on top of weighted chin ups as a main move) tricep extensions and dips. What do you think?
>front squats work the calves
Not trying to be rude but... Really? I’ve never heard that before.
this never happened and fyi you come off as a little faggot with no friends. seek help.
anything that has you pushing off the floor with your legs works calves, bruh
it actually did happen, but also i have no friends
Yeah, but
I mean c’mon dude
>gymcel general
They do, much more efficient to just do calf raises
well, front squats are more quad dominant and that generally forces you to move your knees more forward. forward knees = more calf activation.
this isn't your blog, faggot
fuck off
What exercises should I do to break through my squat plateau. Currently stuck at 170 kg. Squat fails a few inches above bottom
front squats are not more quad dominant, you no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Life is meaningless and nothing we do matters
>not a blog
first time posting?
>Squat fails a few inches above bottom
you and every other human being
get stronger quads that will probably move your squat up, more squat variants if you're a stocky manlet and more belt squat/leg press/machine hack squat if you are lanky
strong reddit detected. you gotta fuck on off back to your safe space, dumb ass.
Thx man
i agree, the reddit cringe posters are embarrassing. you should fuck off along with your fellow redditors.
then kys you pathetic retard
>can only stay truly upright in hole by using wide af stance. That probably wont be suitable for raw squat
Anyone knows some powerlifters that squat decent amount of weights despite lanky posture suitable for deadlifts
>starting things off with a classic:
literal fluff day, all those vain faggot pump work I can't be arsed doing sufficiently high volumes of after my big boi liftan during the week. honorable mention 120 total reps each of upper back and arm stuff, rest remains to be seen
something involving meatballs cause I made like 50 out of boredom yesterday
my 4yr old being an annoying little twat, mixed with faint sounds of the new eminem album in the background
hungry, eager for a skin splitting pump
What sick twisted human would ever write something this cruel and offensive
LMAO your thread went straight to the trash where it belongs you obnoxious, attention obsessed faggot. kys asap.
don't call your girlfriend's kid a twat, asshole. they're only 4 years old.
Reminder this poster deadlifts 350lbs, is an early intermediate who does sheiko and has erectile dysfunction.
why am I so weak?
Tom martin
Dont let build be an excuse
>your girlfriend's kid
and mine, as in, literally shares my DNA, no cucking/step stuff in sight
And I love the kid to a fault, but there's a difference between "haha kids gonna be kids :)" and "throwing half a paycheck's worth of assorted kitchenware down the stairs to spite dad while he's on the shitter"
Proverbs 22:15 A child’s heart has a tendency to do wrong, but the rod of discipline removes it far away from him
Reminder you are not going to make it in powerlifting unless your parents threw you into a wolf pit when you were 4 years old and there you learned efficient force production and explosiveness or died.
post body/lifts
I'll save the rod of discipline for worse, hence why I blog about it on plg instead
>no cucking/step stuff in sight
strong denial detected.
Just pissed myself squatting, ama
Tell us everything
Why dont power liters isolate the back or do Rows?
Could I get stronger just doing bench, Squat and daddy lift?
Stop pushing your cucking fetish my dude, I don't kinkshame but it's getting annoying. I won't post pics on an Armenian foreskin tattooing newsletter, but she's literally mini-me to a point I worry she'll grow a beard like mine one of these days (still cute as fuck tho)
It's my light volume day for squats and I didn't get all the pee out into the toilet before my set
The good ones do
Yes, and that's optimal as a beginner, but as you progress through intermediate you want to do variations and accessories to bring up your weak points
>going to the trouble of editing an image in paint
Are you a girl and next time you squat can I lay my face directly under your ass
None escaped unfortunately
I've swapped undies now, you can have the wet pair
>being so pathetic that you can't accept that you were proven wrong
imagine being this fragile lol
DEFINITELY striking a nerve with this cucked bitch lmao. this is absolutely the kind of denial that someone who is insecure about being a cuckold would run.
I don't think I'd get the same satisfaction running my tongue over your pissed stained pantie lining, than I would receiving a glorious golden shower in the squat rack.
whatever lets you sleep at night. would love to bite some more but I gotta eat 25 meatballs and lift, toodeloo
How did Ed Coan programming?
25 meat balls isn't an even number, which one of your black bulls are missing a nut?
Thats why i ask
none, one of them just has three ;)
Who would like to hear my new favourite song ?
Its different to every time I've posted this
Is it "suicide is painless?"
yeah... it was fuck
Simple blocks of linear periodization. And he claims to have never missed lifts. Ever.
No it's actually Arvan Ald Guulin Honshoor
All I hear is asians having a stern conversation.
Not music/10
3x banned from ipf for cheating
They're actually finns.
>3x banned
It was political, and still is.
He said asians
OH look, the faggot still hasn't responded. I guess I win this time
He said swedes
You might not become the best squatter, but can still become good at it
In the end only the total matters dont forget that
what a delicate ego this obnoxious retard has lol. stop embarrassing yourself you fragile little bitch.
>editing a page is hard
Lmaoinf @ ur limp dick weaklife
Nice blogs
Explain why every routine has competition style deadlifts when everyone says romanian deadlifts elicit more hypertrophy. Wouldn't it be better to mostly do romanian dls and maybe a couple of reps of comp dls a week?
>when everyone says
Wrong thread pal
>be at gym
>see my gymcrush again
>say hi and smile
>we talk a bit
>enjoyable small talk about work, finally asked her name and she asked mine @garagebro @ma
>i still have to do some shit so excuse myself
>she heads home
>as shes leaving the gym room she looks back and waves to me and smiles
>smile too and wave
>shes visibly happy
>do floor press and some triceps isolation
>about to go home myself
>see her leaving gym, dressed up in amazing tight dress and her long bronze hair flowing
>storm to locker room, just grab pants and go to exit to hopefully still see her
>shes by bicycle
>say bye with smile and she says bye in sexy voice, she even realized how it sounded like and laughed a bit
>ask her if shes going to train tomorrow
>she thinks about it like she has better things to do, smiles and says "yeah, im going to train"
How do i not fuck this up ?!?!?!
This will be my biggest PR i ever hit
lmoa whats that meant to prove faggot? Yep. A shitty reply again, youre really keeping consistant. This one doesn't even deserve a (you)
call jon when you are in bathroom tell him you ned help youll be ok
I know this is and if it isn't I apologise but I'd just like u to know that no girl will ever find you attractive because you're a pudgy faggot manlet with a shit deadlift that has nothing better to do than to copy and paste the same untrue shit in every thread.
Also, I forgot to mention your limp early intermediate sheikodick could never pleasure a girl lmoa
>i have absolutely no argument, sir
i accept your admission of defeat. your fragile ego is obvious and genuinely, sincerely pathetic. you will get no more (you)s from your superior. you've accomplished nothing beyond embarrassing yourself you cringe inducing retard. move on. accept it. cope.
Why does every shitty bencher in /plg/ go equipped?
Not all, I only bench 170kg and I'm raw.
>get btfo
>resorts to posting a shitty premade copypasta
wow, gay people really cant argue for shit. Maybe your shitty limp dick syndrome is getting to your faggot pea brain as well you shit manlet cunt faggot fucker
I'm moving into powerlifting after doing bodybuilding for all my time lifting, and I'm tossing up between 5/3/1 for Powerlifting, 5thSet for Powerlifting, and RTS Generalised Intermediate.
What would you guys recommend?
I would have gone for Sheiko, but I don't have the time to be spending that long in the gym when I do go.