Why not just settle for an average 5/10 gf? Why do you really want a 10/10 supermodel?
Why not just settle for an average 5/10 gf? Why do you really want a 10/10 supermodel?
because incels think they deserve a 10/10
>Why not just settle for an average 5/10 gf?
do you think anyone here really wouldnt?
>Why do you really want a 10/10 supermodel?
who doesnt?
your pic is more like a 6-7 though
Girl in OPs pic is litterally a 9/10 for me. God damn she's so cute.
OP here, i meant that woman as a 5/10, not a 10/10.
Beautiful girl i rate her 8.5
yea i know. sorry if it read wrong.
shes like a 8.5 to me, but i think normies might give her a 6.5 or something
>why not settle for an average 5/10 GF?
Because they don't want me. stop posting these threads you normalfag
Are you a brainlet OP? She's a 9/10 easily, probably in the top 3 percent of women for their looks without any makeup.
The girl in the back is closer to 5/10.
Its fucking bait user. Dont bite. These idiots have nothing better to do.
who wants burgers when you can have steak?
you won't get a chadson by porking a lena dunham
look at that slob she doesn't even try. she could have worn heels and booty shorts even stocking to hide he cellulite. 10/10 aren't born that way, they make themselves that way.
Why do people keep making these threads?! For years I kept seeing them on and on and on and i just so not understand why you need a gf to begin with?
this is a beautiful aryan woman tho
i want to marry and honor her
You mean the one on the right, right? The blondie in this pic is still a 7/10
>tfw ex was 32J
No one else will EVER measure up. I'll be single forever.
cause unrealistic expectations due to easy availability of porn and shit.
You see too many perfect looking women on TV, on the internet everywhere and soon that's all you want. You are not ready to settle for anything less than perfect 10/10 qt3.14 cause that's how films and shit have low-key blue-pilled you.
Because I only seem to attract inbreds, and landwhales.
got any pics of those? how big is 32J anyway?
pls someone answer this
Girl is very cute and im Danish so I have a rigid standard. 8/10 is official rating.
>me:That girl is a 6.5 qt3.14 is looks so cute
>normie collage friend:Lol, that's a 3 or a 4 at max
>inb4 normie friend
>inb4 friend at all
someone called
what do you mean this girl is exactly my type, she's definitely more than a 5/10
sorry to break it to ya but your taste is plebeian
user she's fucking beautiful and has no makeup on. Maybe at most mascara?
No fucking way on Earth she is a 5. She's an 8 minimum on an objective scale.
i dont give a shit if my taste is plebeian
Ask your friend what he considers to be an 8/10. I'm genuinely curious
this girl is at least an 8 lmao
you guys are the same retards that somehow saw white and gold on the black and blue dress
she's barely wearing any makeup, her eyebrows aren't completely drawn on, soft smile and eyelids arent droopy forehead is the riht size and a healthy body
the girls to her left are 5/10s
Why do you keep making this thread? Orig
>saw white and gold on the black and blue dress
That is due to gamma scaling on your computer/phone's graphics properties. You can fuck around with the brightness and contrast and literally watch it go from Black-Blue to White-Gold.
That's why everyone had a different opinion, because not everyone saw the same image.
She isn't really 5/10, but more of an 8/10. Here's an edit for comparison.
I love it when girls wear very little makeup.
She looks so much better without it.
If you think she is anywhere close to or under 5 then you have literally never seen a good looking woman without makeup.
Is that Mike Stoklasa as the 0/10?
She's closer to 10 than 5
first of all that girls is an 8/10 at least and even if she was 5/10 she would only go for chad.
Do robots only think women with makeup look attractive?
You have to be fucking blessed to get a girl that looks like this. Half of those IG models look like 6/10s without makeup, and almost everyone would agree they look fucking gorgeous with it on.
she's a 6/10 at best, sorry senpai
>she's a 6/10
spotted the virgin who will never get laid.
What does this post have to do with incels?