Sleepy is schweepy!
Sleepy is Schweepy!
at least post new pictures of yourself, whore. we've seen these already.
Sleepy is hideous, she posted a photo of her in the beach trying to smile and i was appauled about her looks, she looks like a down syndrome carrier.
This is new to me. Moar naow.
If you backwards search this it comes up next to pictures of men because that's what you look like slut
sleepy stop shilling yourself. you're a brown shitskin and an ugly fucking whore that no one cares about
Funny thing is that everyone tries to make light of it, often saying "oh well, she's kind of cute, right? I mean, her personality is shit, but she's kind of cute" and never goes with a full on compliment. I wonder why...
Sleepy is wet
Just post her snapchat already!
Unironically i think she's beautiful
hi sleepy/stevi
sleepy is pretty ugly iigtbchwyrnf
IS this a meme I missed? she looks good.
females are mad fucking stupid
anything that doesn't have a resolution of a 1989 EGA display?
you think thats bad? this one is fucking cursed
sleepys sister is a lot cuter! we should orbit her instead
or maybe her mother? sleepy has such a man jaw btw..
whos this whore and why i want more of her
Has someone sent sleepy a cum tribute already?
she is not 18 yet my dudes you guys are going to get van'd
what the fuck ew, no way in hell
>sleepy has a man jaw
not seeing a problem here