Yikes edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Brrrrrraaaaaaap hnghhhhhhh

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Based and redpilled.


Do people really read magazines about running?

Women do. Cardiobunny training guide

Why the fuck would you run and destroy your knees if you are a fat braphog? Running is not the only cardio exercise out there.

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>tfw fatties are too scared to be embarrassed for breaking bike seats so they decide to blow up their knees instead

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have a classic

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How is that even possible? I'm shit skier. I've done the splits/faceplant before. I was in motion at the time though.

she has "pcos" which is why she is fat

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>3 reasons your weight doesn't matter

Oh ok, tell me again why all top marathon runners are lean as fuck and all top sprinters have low body fat even if they have big muscles.

Fucking hell. I hate what has become of our society.
We are rejecting truth.
We are post-truth.

Literally none of that is dancing. What the fuck is wrong with our world? I just want to nuke everything.

>he has a gf and I don't

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that's some insane grip strength, I hope she gets featured in a Juji video

>Can't even kneel on the ground because you won't be able to get yourself up

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i would assume they mean your weight doesn’t matter for running which is good really maybe it can get a couple fatties to start the long journey to self love
i really hope that’s what it means

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Lmfao this isn't even the same thing they're comparing. They should compare shoe salesman to tarp manufacturers.

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Yikes edition indeed. Jesus Christ.
>don't get fat bros
Don't have to tell me twice. How does a man live like this?

But it does matter for running, why bust up your joints doing cardio when really you should be at a major calorie deficit and worry about cardio when you aren't fat af. Plus you know these fatties will probably "reward" themselves with food just because they did 15mins of slow cardio

but that's just wrong, heavier people should use the elliptical instead. It is much lower impact and better for their joints. Actually, regular people should use the elliptical instead of the treadmill too, but that's just personal opinion. You can go just as hard if not harder and turn the resistance up to a figurative eleven whereas most treadmills only incline up to 5 degrees.


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Fatties don’t actually take the health advice they read so it’s fine

>How to destroy your knees and claim disability benefits

But that's wrong you fuck. When you're heavy you will literally blow up your knees with enough running. Especially if you're running on concrete or pavement. It is not good at all.

Weight LITERALLY DOES matter for running, no matter your purpose in running.

Fatties' bones are not nearly strong enough to support their fat, but they choose to ignore that until the chips come down. Fatties be like
>I'M ONLY 400 LB!

Nope, she has PCOS because she's fat. Victoria Beckham and Daisy Ridley have PCOS, with virtually none of the symptoms because they can stop eating.

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this is horrifying

It's more hilarious with audio

I mean lets separate the issues here.
Fatties fucking suck for getting t2 diabetes and need to stop eating.
But t1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and these patients cant produce insulin. They shouldn't have to put back their groceries. They're often skels desu.
Insulin is hella cheap, easy to make, and abundant. Its also in demand so they are cashing in.

was gonna post this

To make it even more sad, overtime insulin injections will actually make type 2 diabetes WORSE.

do people really read """image boards""" about hating fat people?
this is fucked

ummm......it’s not that hard on your joints as long as you aren’t a mobidly obese fat fuck
i lost 105# running alone
250 to 145
>falling for jewlipticle

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Only 5% of diabetes are type 1. Blame the fatty type 2's for driving up demand and making people who actually need it pay more when the type 2'ers could just eat less. I know some type 2 isn't caused by food but the vast majority are.

>blame the fatties
>only 5% are t1
5% is statistically significant.
5% of 100,000 diabetes patients is still
5000 t1 patients being thrown out with the bathwater, so to speak.

Can you explain why you call it the "jewlipticle"?

You should already have a gym membership and any gym will have a bunch of them. Just do your cardio there after lifting. Running is objectively worse for your joints, and I cannot recommend running if you are above a BMI of 30. Saying
>oh it isn't that bad I did it and *anecdotal evidence*
isn't going to convince me that you couldn't have done the same thing on an elliptical with fewer long-term negative effects on your joints

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id plow the fucking shit out of her though

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Not him but the "running fucks your joints" meme is a meme, unless you're an obese marathoner, there are people who run massive mileages and so long as you take care of your body you'll be fine. Much like other thing you'll find people using at the gym the jewlipticle is an expensive piece of equipment you don't need. It doesn't just apply to the jewlipticle though, personally I think everything that isn't a barbell, dumb bell, bench or power cage is a rip off sold to people who think that using a 1000 + dollar curl machine will really tone their arms or whatever, but that's another topic.

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those DNP squirts

would love to hear her lament in pain but basically any friction less than the normal and their muscles are too underworked to compensate for their fat asses.

i dont think theres anything wrong with capitalists marketing and .well. capitalizing on the unfit and the reality of it in our society. its just an ad showing a big woman in a bathing suit nothings inherently cringe here, until you get to the comments left by the fatties

i guess they wanted to give the impression the cover model does a modicum of exercise, not enough or not for very long yet but shes not beyond salvation. fuck away

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Hooktube doesn't prevent the video owner from getting views anymore.

>I don't see anything wrong with raping the corpse of the West and fucking our shit up worse than it is now by convincing people to make bad decisions, after all someone needs to make a profit for themselves at the expense of society

t. shekelburg

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Being fat makes you unable to do a lot of things, and the fatter you are, the more things that fall in this category. Pretending you're not fat just so you can do whatever thin people do for fun is a really good way to get hurt.

she's not really that bad. Perhaps she needs to lose 40 pounds at most?

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My dad had a switch like this at his office, only I don't know just how much juice it is getting. Bit me good coming out of the bathroom with wet hands.


>There are people who run massive mileages
And those people are experienced runners who know how to run and have actual leg muscles that support their joints. If a sedentary fatty just up and starts long distance running they will do serious damage to themselves.

And 160lb over five miles does not do the same shit to your joints that 300lb over half a mile does.

I feel like you have to purposefully do this, there's no way you can be so fat that you do the splits

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even the other fat people are doing better than her

Impressive she lasts even 6 seconds

It boggles me that there are people that don't know how to swim, fat or not. I played tennis with this 6'3 uber black monster and when we went to the beach I saw him doing the doggie paddle to swim

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>that feel when you can't swim
>that feel when your sisters that are half your age can

I wouldn't.

I'm trying to say that the extra people who could just reverse their type 2 are driving up demand and costs of insulin.

I just lost my virginity to a total fatty tonight. AMA


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When will you kill yourself?

grip strength only a life of fighting every day to get enough food to survive can build

you ok?

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I'm not a fan of it at all but the black chick in purple is giving it her all


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>not being suffocated by your own fat while sleeping is thin privilege
I wonder what has to happen to these fucks before they'll realize that their doctors aren't lying to them, and that weight loss IS the solution to their problems

They would only accept it if they got free gastric bypass surgery so that they don't have to do any work.

based and checked

I hate stupid fucks like you that go on widly retarded & cringy generalization about our society based solely on headlines of news artiles & fucking women's magazine

did he eat the chair? hmmm

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I don't have a problem with this. At least it's encouraging fatties to get fit.

Better than the ham planet on the cover of cosmo who thinks everyone should love her just for existing.

kek, it's hilarious how early I recognized the shape

user, have you ever actually fucked a fat chick before? It's God awful

What the fuck man?

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At about 7200 pixels I knew it.

My other half gets this makes me laugh at some of the shit in it.

does that mean u will get fucking shocked if u touch the screws?

did you mean "other two thirds" ?

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If your feet are too big, usually it is very hard to find shoes your size. I do not get this picture.

Probably talking about his twin or something

Based Amerika. Killing people because Jews need more money and selling $0.01 pills for $500.

And burgers go along with it!

you literally need to learn that words meaning, are you literally retarded or is it just literally your favourite word?

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Accurate! More than you know.

do they NEVER even consider what a hot body they COULD have, when they see themselves like that? I mean, that girl could be stacey ...

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a gif would be more interesting to compare how they got up from that position, wouldnt it?! I mean, the bean bag needs a doorframe to ... lay around. cheesus kreist ...

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Capitalism is emergent. If people in this instant decide to start running instead of devouring McDicks, then corporations will adjust.

Blaming 'Jews' is blaming yourself for falling for your own vices. 'They' just react to your 'needs'.

I'm strong to the finish, 'cause I eats me Spinach, I'm Popeye the sailor man! (toot, toot)"

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Wtf. I'm 184cm and 129kg, (working my way down to around 100 [lean mass is ~89kg]) how little muscle has this muppet got to have him at that height and weight fucked by fat?

Good Kek annon

This except the tv is Jow Forums

You know, this kind of shit makes me angry. My brother had type 1 diabetes from childhood and lost his life because of it. I have people at work that tell me their sob stories about "muh type too beetus" through their fat folds they call mouth while they eat 4 meals throughout the course of the day. I have no sympathy or desire to help these people and neither should you. Let them die.

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Yes and No.
Some bariatric patients get away with no issues, others chew their joints up.
I could go deeply into it, but really it is mainly down to luck as there are many variables at work.