Why the fuck does everyone suck at video games...

Why the fuck does everyone suck at video games. Why do I have grandmasters in my ranked games feeding their fucking brains out doing some stupid ass shit can't land autos fucking fighting in titan like a fucking brainless shit what the fuck """""""""''GRANDMASTERS"""""" DUDE HOW HOW HOW WHY DO I LOSE ELO BECAUSE YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME HOW ARE YOU A GRANDMASTER WHEN YOU ARE WORSE THAN LIKE 80% OF THE PEOPLE I PLAY WITH MOTHER FUCKER YOU SPEND ALL DAY P;LAYING THIS FUCKING GAME WASTING YOUR LIFE AWAY TO BECOME A FUCKING GRAND GODDAMNED MASTER AND YOU STILL PLAY LIKE A CONSOLE PLAYER FUCK OUT OF MY GODDAMNED MOTHER FUCKING FACE

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The matchmaking algorithm give you trashcans for teammates because it believes in you. You put those teammates in your backpack and go hard. Even if you lose, that extra weight that you carry will make you stronger.

Jesus christ its just a game have some fun you need to chill out

this is why i play fighting games, you literally have no one to blame but yourself.

>he plays mobas
baka desu senpai

>playing video games with ranks
you brought this on yourself

>teehee I just play games for fun
>teehee its just a game man
>losing is fun for me teehee

Sound like literally every fucking (((((((gamer girl))))))) and kid trying to play games with asbergers.

They need to cordon faggots like you out of competitive games.

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just git gud and carry

high end mid-tier is best tier to play
>better than the scrubs, so plenty of chance to make plays and carry in any role
>not as good as the competitive players so you'll rarely get in games with them, less toxicity and generally not as intense as a result
>Low enough in the ladder that meta is optional. You can viably play any comp because no one is playing their characters to their full potential (expect you, perhaps)
>all fun all the time
feels good man. I'd take being average if being good means a game stops being fun

What games do you play?

Do you take apprentices?

If you aren't competing in pro league, you're the casual fuckface in the end anyway. You're being a tryhard when it doesn't matter. Like I said, just chiiiiiillllllllllllll


What a pathetic faggot. Games are for children, get a real hobby.

in this case smite
you dont understand. I dont care about losing that much if Im playing with people that are new or are in silver or some shit. but if im playing some fucking match and i have grandmasters on my team I expect them to actually be good.because not only are they masters they are fucking GRAND masters. What're you telling me? I just cant have any good games at all?

Did you ever consider that you overestimate yourself, you're just as bad as them, and being a crybaby?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH holy shit literally cannot breathe

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no I know my place. Im an above average player and I know what im doing. if anything I underestimate myself because despite the fact that I know what im doing and im better than most of the people I play with I still let them shit talk me and I have almost no confidence in myself. Im just not afraid to call other people out when they do some stupid ass shit either. and thats pretty much every game
ikr desu

>mfw I'm going to play wutever game I want, because fuck others opinions

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>I'm not afraid to call other people out when they do some stupid ass shit

U gonna get BANT

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If you're good at games you can't be a robot

There's no part in the ladder where everyone won't hate you for not following the meta.

Mid-tier, as long as you're a kewl guy.
>can you play X because it's meta
>I could play X, but I think we could make a comp out of Y and Z instead. That counters this and works because of that so lets give it a try and I'll swap out if it doesn't work
That's often all it takes.
That said, most games I play at this level people are chill af and don't play to comps at all sometimes. It can be a shit show, but a fun shit show is okay I think

Yeah OP I'm sure in a totally fair situation you'd never lose. I bet when you can't criticize your team it becomes the game's fault because it's "unbalanced."
I miss private servers.

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its never a fair situation because matchmaking and game balance sucks

No, being just shy of pro or pro and playing casual unranked is best tier. You can just annihilate any team regardless of who your teammates are. The invites you get are endless, people either worship you or hate you. Everyone want you on their team, just playing casually without really trying is enough to still destroy kids. But if necessary you can go super saiyan and just rape the other team. There's really no better feeling.

I think perhaps the feels we get at these levels are similar, as ELO means I never really get placed with people of this kind of skill level. I can comfortably play against any of the player I'm matched with without any real problems but I'm not quite good enough to get pushed up. It's a nice balance.
So similar feels even though our experiences and levels are different I'd say

So "instead" of following meta, you can get away with using more complex meta.
I only tried the lowest and realized it wasn't for me because everyone thought they were playing competitively and was anal about meta.

I take following meta to be playing the comp largely regarded to be the objectively best way of playing that strategy
So a 'more complex meta' doesn't really mean much by my definition; you're meta or you're not. I understand what you're saying though and guess that just comes down to differences in interpretation. I suppose I prefer playing at my level because there's more divergence in what you can get away with playing, was my point . To use OW as an example, you can get away with comps that use only Roadhog as a tank and shit sometimes, it's nuts. I find that it's a lot more varied and unpredictable and that's why I enjoy it, even if the skill is a low lower in general

>playing anything but oldschool runescape and cs:go
you're never going to make it

thinks pc is any better than console

Because they are not as experienced. The reason why you're better than others at video gaymen is because its all you do every day. Experience builds skill.

You are a sad person. The even sadder part is that you defend your mental illness rather than just admitting it and doing it anyways as most mentally ill people have the courtesy to do

Its Alai lol

There's more to it than that. An inexperienced person can beat someone with a ton of experience. Some people just learn faster, practice better and have a better work ethic.

iktf. sometimes ill be gaming and some teammates play like they're literally mentally retarded

True, but if you actually care then stop playing Smite

I play Smite but I don't really give a shit about matchmaking, it's usually fairly even in the good modes. Maybe if you played for fun (as I do) instead of trying to be the best at some dead ASSFAGGOTS game then you wouldn't be making shitty threads like this.

Like seriously, take an objective look at your life and ask yourself: "Should I really avoid getting hit by a car?"

>An inexperienced person can beat someone with a ton of experience.
Yes, but it's a small exception to the general rule. In 95% of cases the person with more experience will win.

this desu just got into them it its way less stressful than other shit

>land autos
please stop pretending you play games

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>tfw you are a top 300 player
>tfw you get paid to play vidya really well

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>trying so hard in a video game
>prob not getting payed, if even its chump change at most
>thinking he deserves to be in higher MMR
You're not a gifted pro so just enjoy playing the game at your appropriate rank level instead of "grinding" to top MMR.

What do you play? I finally hit Vindicator in T7 yesterday on Bryan.

I'm going to have to disagree with this. There's so many people who just mindlessly play games, without any effort whatsoever to get better. 99% of gamers could play the same game for 10 years and still not be in the top 100 skill wise.

>tfw got miguel and noctis to juggernaut only for them to fall back to vangaurd
time to get eliza there i guess

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I don't know who's baiting who at this point

:( People aren't playing online games well enough for you? I feel so sad. I hurt for you, really my dude. You know, when I get drunk and fuck around in online games I always feel so bad for the people who are taking it seriously and are trying their hardest to accomplish something in their lives.

I'm sorry bro, I don't mean to fuck around and play mind games with you. It just happens because you're a crybaby bitch ass pussy ass faggot. I can't help but do terribly on purpose just to piss you off. You're just taking these stupid video games so seriously that I have to fuck with you the entire time you're on.

Maybe if you were better it wouldn't matter. Get good you fucking noob.

From my experience, those who whinge the most about their team being bad are usually not very good themselves, but can't admit it so they resort to blaming it on other people.

I don't what game you're talking about but i bet it's for stupid faggots

Read the thread, it absolutely is.

Are you a humm...a girl?

This thread has given me insight into the mind of filthy casuals who will always play total trash in multiplayer.

Whaaa stop trying so hard...give me a break.

ppl like you are the reason why ranked is cancer in every single game ever

Op are you a girl who post usually on.x?

Listen buddy, if you're using the term "casuals" in reference to video games unironically then you need to fix your shit life.

tryhard shaming is lame. if you're going to commit to spending your time on something, why not give it your best?

sfv, dbz and KI

I moved from MOBAs to MMORPGs since losing brain cells over trying to work with questionable teammates wasn't very fun but damn it never gets any better. Now since there's no real competitive environment nor ranking system I'm forced to deal with some entitled cunts who feel like they deserve to be carried through all content while doing DPS so shit that rolling your face on the keyboard would yield better results.

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>play a RANKED/COMPETITIVE game mode
>retard actively not trying to help the team
>point out that he isnt pulling weight
>bro its just a game why so serious who cares about wining :^)
just dont play a game mode called competitive if you arent going to be competitive

You forget the part where it's a game. If you don't like it, play something else or hell even start a new game. Alternatively find some friends and play with them. Getting this bootyblasted over games is pathetic