>if you dont want to kill yourself then you dont belong here.
seconding this opee
yeah man.
if you dont want to die please fuck off
What if I want to kill myself amd a few other people with me? Do i belong here or in a mentql institution?
dont kill others retard.
fucking brainlet
mental institution obviously
they're not even that bad if you're calm about it.
Literally just spent an hour writing a not and gagging on the barrel of my loaded safety off semi auto while crying hysterically before texting me dad to bring home peppermint schnapps before I kill myself. He said 'okay'. I've been sleeping for 3 days straight so he knows somethings up.
Someday I'll have it in me to pull the trigger
He shouldn't kill random people like his school mates, but go after high profile targets and mcveigh them
Don't shoot yourself in the mouth, you might miss your baring and just die a slow and agonizing death. Or worse live and be handicapped for the rest of your life.
Seems holding it backwards with tbe barrel aimed at the roof of your mouth is as good as it gets with a handgun. Its all I could afford. Whatever happens, happens
Should I kill myself or not, though?
nortmie out
if you can fix your life dont but if you cnat do it
Whats the worst that could happen man?
Do some research and target local child molesters in your area, become a hero and then an hero
people like you are the kinds of scum which i vow to take out with me
before i die ima fuck a loli in her sweet lil as and use her tears as lube
>if you don't want to die you can't join the super-secret Jow Forums club
>people like you are the kinds of scum which i vow to take out with me
Based and redpilled. This scum makes us losers look bad by association
I'm backing up OP on this one.
I make you look bad? hahahahah
thanks op
>I make you look bad? hahahahah
Yes. You're such scum that you even make robots look bad