how do i get russian gf?
How do i get russian gf?
cute kid op post more.
im watching thread
thats no kid, thas a cunny
she's not a kid, she's pubescent
I dont care man, im probably pedo as thats hot
she's really working that banana huh
mmm id let her suck me for 50 cents.
this, too old tbqh
she's perfect age
R9K is full of gentlemen today. You have my respect and I wish you good luck with your respective lgf's.
Fucking pedos all of you
factually incorrect. pedophilia is the attraction to pre pubescent girls which I am not into
>mfw this thread
Won't contribute though because >muh sexualized content of children
But do you faggots know any good onion to share?
what's her name?
Zhenya's so hot lads. Too hot.
Zhenya Kotova
I have a Russian gf. She's two years older than me. We talked online for 2 years and I took her virginity when I was 19 and she was 21
Clearly OP wants not just any gf, but a lgf.
i don't see anything sexual ITT bro
What's an LGF???
Plz explain