Robot politics

thoughts on the alt-right, fashwave etc?

are right wing politics suitable for robots?

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politics a gay
why rule people? just leave me the fuck alone with my garden and some respectable people

>caring about politics beyond maintaining his NEETbux
politics is the ultimate in normalfaggotry

I'm a Voluntaryist but I can sympathize with some sentiments of the far right because there's nothing I hate more than communists. Fashwave when done right is nice but putting well known white supremacist symbols on propaganda isn't a good way to attract new followers. Also, don't use the phrase alt-right if you want people to take you seriously.

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a rare first and second posts being the simultaneous best posts. if you give a shit about the world outside of your cave then you're a normal fag

What are you going on about? Have you spoken to a normalfag ever? The common sentiment is "News? Haha I don't read news that's boring I watch my favorite vloggers and comedians and they don't like Trump so I don't like Trump haha."

I just postal vote for the regionalist parties every election and I don't really care who wins because nothing will change.
I get paid alot to sit in the polling stations all day which is fun

I got tired of pretending to improve myself and I'm back at apathy.

sounds comfy user

pretty cool

lol this pic is fucking retarded


yes and no. overall yes. its good its what everybody needs

this. its from an IR porn set, and implicates White men """""lost"""""" White women when all i see irl are happy white couples.

nihilism is the only right answer. if you believe in anything you are a retard

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>Reclaim the white woman.
So you are implying she is property, like the lands the ancient people fought for. This means she is not naturally on any side, since she can't decide for herself and just goes with the wind. I'd think you wouldn't want such a spineless waste of an object in your path to human enlightenment. Because as it is presented, woman is just like a rake to tend your lands, where as nowadays we use tractors and shit. So why not study and work towards artificial wombs?

Artificial wombs don't hug you at night.

Women don't naturally want to hug you at night seeing you need to reclaim her kek. And sexbots will.

assuming that youre a white guy, guys like you dont understand how important White women are.

I am. For making white children and having prospering white families, communities and civilizations. But if you need to reclaim someone, who wasn't taken by force and kept fighting the opressors like a bunch of resistance forces accross various nations in WW2, they never really cared for you enough.

If some girl I liked broke up with me and said "I found someone else", would you really fight like a fucking beta whiteknight to win her back? Seeing as she has no allegiance to you? If yes, you would be the biggest cuck of humanity and undeserving to represent white people.

Any form of politics will work when implemented in an almost 100% white nation.

>giving a shit what women want
not going to make it

Why they always got to use these symbols dirty? Bunch of angry leftists.

>OP want to bring politics on fucking R9K, on all places

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in her case no. but do i/would i stop pursuing White women because of her? no way. even if you add in the SJW boogeyman into the puzzle, i would not stop wanting White women. theyre irreplaceable and they know it, thats all. all you need is an attitude adjustment, and not this "well if she doesnt want to then i dont either!" stance you've taken. listen to Tenda Spencer on why half asians arent white - basically its due to the mother's skull shape.

but according to him, he says most other races have a similar skull shape, so in theory those races would be okay mothers for your children.

>literal jewish-funded inbred neo-nazis

True robots dont give a shit about politics.