Robot rental

Anyone ausfags in melbourne got a free room or something from 25 october to 1 november? Thing is, ive booked my plane tickets and stuff for pax but I sorta fucked up and the accommodation i was planning on having kinda fell out from under me, if anyone wants like 200 bucks for me to stay in their house for a week then drop a discord or something and ill get to u
About me:
>19 m
>uni student
>part time worker
>p plates so i could drive you around if i hired a car for a day
>never been to melb, only left qld once
>not gay so you dont have to worry about me trying shit
>never had gf etc etc so im not gonna be bringing people home or anything
>after pax, am pretty much gonna be free for the week and wanna see the zoo and museum and stuff so can hang out with u
>would pay for food for us
Bunch of other stuff i guess but yea

Optimally you:
>in melbourne
>not a rapist or murderer or thief
Would be grateful
Also i can bring a sleeping bag if needed that mum bought me so you dont need a bed either

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>in melbourne
>not a rapist or murderer or thief

Pick one.

Cmon m8 surely good people are still out there
At least out here in REGIONAL QLD, but instead everyone does ice lol

Goose? in MY house?

I am a rapist, but I'm not gay so I won't rape you.

None of the ausgenners want me, i am unwantable
Are you in melbourne?

I should probably clarify, just dont murder/rape/steal from ME, then well be all g

whats your discord
OP orgianaoa

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I gotta go to sleep soon but ill be on a bit longer

Orifigigin help pls

Only if you have are shaved and are willing to dress up as Zero Two.

I dont think id be able to pull that off very well friend

Why is hotels in melbourne so expensive fuark

OP is a huge normie fag
GOOSe you faggot go fuck yoruself.

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what's pax?

Thats not particularly nice gunjy, just because i dont have a mental illness and women letting me move in with them like u
Game convention thingo, looks fun

really worth going to m*****rne for?

Yea, ive never really left the state so it gives me an excuse to as well plus i wanna check out the zoo

Oh yeah I forgot Gunjy lived in Australia. Thankfully not near me.

Who is this gunjy fellow anyway? He sounds familiar but i dont think ive ever talked to him before tonight
Oh yea pax is gonna have vr, never used one of them might be fun

you arent mentally ill and you go to uni how are you robot.

fuck me man you nromal niggers make me sick, fuck off from my board

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looks like a c*nnyposter that got lost on his way to /tv/
faggots get my mobile network rangebanned sometimes
t. sydney

hey user im an nice poster I just mean post to normal fags and roasties.

who am I?
just ask desu

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I can ban evade in 2 minuets.
I dont intentionally shit post to get banned though as I like this board.

at 9PM Adelaide time a mod comes on that hats pedos ect and he always bans me a for talking about lolis :(

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If i didnt go to uni id kind of get kicked out man, im busting my arse trying to make something of my life and you have random girls out there willing to support you as a neet, pathetic...
Sydney looks pricey as fuark, dunno how people afford to live there

everyone lives with their parents

yeah man, maybe when you are on a robot board, calling people pathetic is stupid?

I only like mai waifu Megumin BTW so why would I want to move out with a roastie also im hikki so cant go outside anyway, let alone fly!!

if you where robot you wouldnt insult robots and you wouldnt eb able to cope with uni.
I was going to uni then wnet crazy and didnt go outside for 2 years

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wholesome but far fetched

I guess thats true for everywhere, but people still seem to be moving there. I guess that's what's contributing to driving the prices up though lol

Youre right, a better word would have been hypocritical. Either way i got to spend all of last year as a neet/hikki, rarely going outside except to buy grog but unfortunately i live with my parents and they have expectations. Wish everyone could have it as easy as you man.

I feel its worth a shot at the very least

Hmmm looking into airbnb, not really sure how it works and if the owners can kill me in my sleep or anything.

Well besides i am gonna pay like a weeks rent to whoever anyway, been saving up for a bit

how are you pathetic man,
how old are you

Id like to not be pathetic, i try my best not to be but its pretty hard. 19

>going through all that to go to a gaming convention

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you r a nu fag

Well it looks pretty fun, plus theres a zoo in melbourne and i really want to go to the zoo. Really badly. I really really like the zoo.

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I started going on here at 16, but in the grand scheme of things then yea guess so.

Holy shit i forgot luna park was in Melbourne fuck. First 3 days are still gonna be pax 26-28 whatever but theres a lot of shit i wanna do fuuuaaark

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Gonna sleep, ill try again later

fuck off normie scum faggoit