Why are women so degenerate and literally only like rough, dominant, and sexually sadistic guys?
Pic related. Started talking to a girl at my shitty wagecuck job and she seemed really qt and pure until she started getting more open and bold, sending me slightly lewd pics of herself, and now has straight up been telling me what she wants me to do to her.
I kind of went along with it just to not be a cuck but I'm a little disgusted. What do, bros?
Why are women so degenerate and literally only like rough, dominant, and sexually sadistic guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
women evolved to cope with men's constant rape
>user is just now learning women are mentally ill
makes sense
She may just want to advance to the next stage because you were taking too long.
Yeah women can be degenerates but you need to understand something. There's this thing inside you that makes you want to cum pretty much every fucking day with the same severity as being thirsty or hungry and nobody blames you for it. Women are actually fucking people do and although you may not understand their abstract ways of showing their urges they still absolutely have them and there isn't anything inherently wrong with that.
Stop reading Jow Forums and be a man.
>whiteknighting this hard
If you're too much of a pussy give me her number and I'll oblige her.
You've enabled it. You should of shot her down and made her think about her actions.
You getting lured into what we in the African American community call a fape.
A fake rape
Had the same expirience 5 times this year in 3 different countries .All 5 girls wanted to get choked /slapped or spitted on .What the fuck is wrong with me why do I just attract women like this
You think u fucking her but she the one fucking you.
You go to jail.
She a victim and everybody love her.
You a sex offender.
And she own half your shit.
Have you considered what the common denominator might be?
Yeah this shit happened with every girl I dated.
>want loving sex because I love and care about them
>"user please choke me, slap me and call me a whore"
Like, how is this fun to do to someone you care about.
I could get into it for a one night stand that I don't give a shit about but come on...
Could you explain this further
That's just how women are, go along with it. You'll be fine, just don't sperg.
It's normalizing shitty behavior. "I let you do these things to me, now pay my phone bill and car insurance so I can keep driving my bf's car to all my dealers and other providers."
That used to bother me too. It still does but I've subscribe to accept these guys' explanation for it . I feel like we wouldn't feel this way if we weren't raised and conditioned to believe the opposite only to get slapped in the face by the unpleasant reality.
Dude, that's the shit you have to put up with if you want a gf. Sorry
>leave bruises on me too
avoid that bitch like the plague! never leave bruises, as it's a lasting mark that she can use as evidence to damage your reputation or even get you tossed in jail.
I have these urges everyday too, but I don't see anyone advocating for that acceptance so why should we accept what you've said?
Nothing new here. Either play the role they want you to play or wash your hands of them, I'd recommend just washing your hands of them.
Play along and then when they get into it, tell them they disgust you and delete them forever. Leave them with a mental brand of embarrassment and self loathing.
That unironically sounds fetishy.
>my friends took my phone and typed all that stuff to mess with me
>Sorry for the disrespect
Send this OP
All women are like that on the inside, they like being submissive and weak and letting men make all the decisions.
However media constantly barrages them with the expectation of being "strong independent wamyn" so the moment they step away from that facade they literally become cockgurgling demons who want to be humiliated.
>Like, how is this fun to do to someone you care about.
>I could get into it for a one night stand that I don't give a shit about but come on...
yeah, this happened to me in my last relationship too. I fucking hate it.
This.Women are evolutionarily designed to be submissive.The reason sex positive feminism arose is because feminists find it difficult to reconcile this part of female behavior with their shilling for ' stronk wimmin'.It is the reason why I cannot respect women at all.
a-am i the only one who actually likes giving rough sex to a girl
It was mostly manhating dykes who were mostly jewish chicks who've never had decent sex but were forced into their roles as mothers.
Also lesbians.
Also monetary interests who wanted to turn women into a debtslave class of pansexual whores who'll get knocked up as a way to enslave men and fill the slave pens with circumcised nigh castrated boys and sexually screwed up women.
Men have these urges much stronger then women and despite this men don't do this shit.
The truth of it is women want nothing more then attention and if that means being a disgusting degenerate to get it they will do it.
I do actually.
I do now.
It's very cathartic, and when I don't get it, when I don't just ruin some pussy, slam my very very large cock deeper then she can handle into her and drain every ounce of cum I have into her while she can only hang on helplessly I become very angry rapey and misogynist.
The only cure for this is some good in, fasting and meditation, or to workout till my testosterone levels are so low that i'm below castrate levels then watch anime or play games while stuffing my face.
Stop posting and get out.
Really gets the noggin joggin doesnt it?
Anotha one
Cause constantly being bugged by boring betas changes their view on men.
Please tell me you arent serious about this man
nice lips but these are cringe because shes trying way too hard to be sexy
>men don't do this shit
What? You need examples of degeneracy by men thinking with their dick? OP shit is nothing compared to Nick Bate's shit-eating videos and kiddy diddling prison sentence
Holy fucking kek.
Did she actually send you those? Jesus dude, some of the cringiest shit I have ever seen in my life.
Yeh, roasties gonna roast
How did you reply? And why are you on Jow Forums?
I forgot probably some generic shit, and because im a robot
Speak for yourself. Nothing beats choking the girl you love during sex.
>because im a robot
You have a total hottie begging for your cock and calling you daddy
you fucking normie nigger chad go gas yourself
How can you not want this? Just reading it gives me a raging erection.
>implying this would not make them want it more
dark triad. just like with most other mammals, the male is the superior and as such the female usually evolves to be subservient
any roastie that tells you she wants a le nice goy xD is just lying.
what's your height, face, body, like?
that doesnt mean you cant be a robot still
He means that all women are like that.
user, try not to think there's such a thing as a "pure" girl. This one you found is unfortunately the extreme opposite of that, and of course there are other girls less slutty than her, but man, just go and fuck her. Enjoy what she offers then look elsewhere. Best wishes to you.
>that doesnt mean you cant be a robot still
Yes it means exactly that m8. Subby sluts never go for awkward spergs they go for confident, dominant men who have game. The two are completely mutually exclusive.
daily reminder women are all whores except 2D.
Uhhhhhh pictures user?
check the mixtape links in the thread ya dummie
pretty hot shit tbqh
Good luck putting your benis in a bagina that doesnt exist. Same with love. Good luck in loving something that doesnt exist.
Now go fap for the 43th time today, watch anime and yell at your mother for tendies, you disgusting 30 year old virgin NEET weeb neckbeard.
I am absolutely serious and absolutely correct. There's a reason why 90+% of women will admit to having a rape 'fetish'. Not sure why men get pissy about it.
and by men I mean numales
>What do, bros?
Just fuck her like the whore she is. Sex like that is better, and if she likes it then just go for it. I don't understand what the issue is.
get the fuck off this board you norman piece of shit.
i posted the mixtapes and im not OP.
Retarded fucking normalfag, go fuck Stacy and never ever return.
>Stop reading Jow Forums and be a man.
I beat you love craft beer too, huh?
great post, now stop raping women you degenerate
>leave bruises on me
kek you're falling for her lawsuit, you sperg
la goblina
original post
>literally complaining about attracting 5 women to you
GTFO normalnigger
Never attracted a normal woman .Just used some poor girls with depression and anxiety .I am probably human scum but atleast I have sex
You are like a mirror of myself
Because you feed yourself a bias of masochistic women to satisfy your macho, domineering, testosterone-addled fantasies. You never seem to realize that your narrative and your rhetoric of all women wanting to be raped and brutalized primarily serves yourself, because most men want to have such a woman. It also satisfies your urge to be in the in-group that sees how the world "really" works and stand apart from the sheeple. You have an inability to see gradients because you so very much want to see every woman as the leather collar wearing whore of Babylon from your fantasies. You feel threatened by the idea of being incorrect about even trivial thing, and find the most satisfying way of removing your rivals is to demean them as simple, hateful creatures worthy only of derision. You are unable to contend with people without treating them as their statistical averages because of your neurotic refusal to assimilate real world experiences or complexities into your social candor. It's why you're on this board. It's why you'll always be on this board. It's why I'm celibate and will die so.
>T. Feminist fuckbag rape fetishist
>Most women are objectively aroused by rape
10/10 larp
You too
Probably this. The modern post-feminist female must pathologically overcompensate for regularly denying and repressing her biological predisposition for submission by compartmentalizing her identity and cultivating an almost cartoonish, exaggerated, fetishistic parody of female sexual submissiveness.
It screams "Leave bruises on me so I can take your money on false domestic assault charges"