pic related, this is on one of my trolling accounts. i average about -25 points per post. i suggest you anons do it as well. just go to popular for the past hour and leave something that goes against their hivemind. the little shits go through your profile and try to find dirt on you. it's hilarious
You don't even have to go this far a lot of the time. The most it takes for that many downvotes is an off color joke or simply implying that you prefer less slutty women.
Owen Adams
Are you telling me you couldn't do that on Jow Forums or something? come back when you're over 18.
>one of my trolling accounts >one of >trolling accounts >reddit >hilarious Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. You're just pissing into the huge reddit urinal. You know exactly how your shitty 'epic trolling' is going to play out.
Eli Garcia
this dude with cerebal palsy smashing bricks like a retard
>people have thicker skin here It's more like they used to, now everyone is serious business as fuck, it's so easy to offend others and they take stuff super seriously.
Jack Price
Mention race and half the board spergs out.
Jaxon Price
sounds like you're upset buddy... did i comment on one of your reddit posts?
Parker Lewis
Post it I want to find your account and see all the shit storms you've caused.
Logan Davis
reddit name is /u/pussed feel free to downvote all my posts, it only helps
Jow Forums ain't anything like the real world which Reddit is closer to. You can't just say shit like nigger or cracker or your I'm a race realist retarded bullshit nor White women belong to us or Asian women belong to us. It doesn't take a retarded faggot much time to figure that out.
Reddit isn't much like the real world either. Yeah it's closer to reality than Jow Forums but it's still way off.
Matthew Cooper
pretending to be libtard on pol is way funnier, redditors are fucking boring to troll
Isaiah Gutierrez
I go there once every four or five months when I'm really bored. If I comment it seems like they identify me as an outsider and it triggers an immune response unless I choose my words carefully. Jow Forums and other Jow Forums boards are like this too, but it's for different reasons. On Reddit it mostly seems like they want to make their community look good, so they make examples of people that cramp their style. On Jow Forums it's more about maintaining a really specific type of community for as long as possible.
last year before they put in 2FA i managed to scrape pws from nearby phones and managed to get a bunch of legit accounts suspended and wiped along with my troll ones
including a few prominent gonewild sluts and an aspiring comedian's legit reddit accout -- oopies
went to world faggit meetup day for the past couple years and disappeared some personal property :(
also A Thing Happened last night for a few hours, lol, i definitely had nothing to do with that
wont be long before faggit's a shell of itself shrieking into the void along with somethingawful and digg and AOL
How can you be that vacuous that you don't realize when someone is literally fucking you in the brain they're literal troglodytes and they only follow dogma, they actually all talk and act like they have some kind of cognitive anomaly or a cranial contusion. And they type like literal fucking women, so fucking obsequious you'd think he's flirting with you aggressively when he tries to cast aspersions at you.
Luke Sullivan
>And they type like literal fucking women I've noticed this. Unless it's one of the weird boards that are obsessed with masculinity, everyone's post will come off as strangely feminine, even when it's a man posting. I'm not even sure why, maybe it's word choice or the use of ellipses or them saying shit like "uh... no" but I just imagine a really bitchy white girl whenever I read reddit posts.
David Cruz
Also, the use of ''oof'' and ''yikes'' on random boards