What is the strongest/safest high explosive I can make in my home that will fit inside a 500 x 100mm PVC tube? I have experience with electronics and can build a remote/timed trigger.
What is the strongest/safest high explosive I can make in my home that will fit inside a 500 x 100mm PVC tube...
nt FBI pls go away
The feds really need to step their game up, this is embarrassing.
Laxtives lots and lots of laxtives eat them im sure you'll have nice and safe explosion in your pants
Thats a strange looking dildo.
How about rocket candy?
>asks Jow Forums how to make a bomb
Get me in the FBI screencap lol
You get lost on the way to Jow Forums, ATF?
It's for DIY mining and landscape, maybe beached whale removal
Ooga booga Jow Forums bomber strikes again
ANFO detonated with tetrap be careful its unstable
ANFO I could produce since it's just fertilizer and kerosene, but isn't there anything a bit safer than tatp?
There's supposed to be some crazy shit out there called "RDX", it's a binary explosive, and a quantity the size of a match-stick head is sufficient enough to vaporize a full-sized watermelon.
But if you filled an entire pipebomb with it?
Fuck, I could only guess, but that shit would probably pulverize concrete in a 20ft radius
It's used for demolition primarily I think.
It's something DARPA had an interest in using with slaughter-bots.
How to get it or how to make it?
Fuck if I know, and fuck no I don't want to know.
I just saw it on a YouTube video once.
I really do wonder who's asking.
Ive been using tetrap for fun, it never detonated on me but you should only insert it in anfo just before the explosion
Oh hello mister FBI
How you doin'?
You can quite literally make a small nuclear pipebomb out of fire alarms.
It would be a dirty bomb
Is this your routine now FiB?
Take a look at Officer Loser here holy fuck
How bout you start catching some real criminals instead of bothering bored NEET's faggot
>I just saw it on a YouTube video once.
And you believed it?
So this is where the billion dollar budget is going.
So who vans the vanners?
>some crazy shit out there called "RDX", it's a binary explosive, and a quantity the size of a match-stick head is sufficient enough to vaporize a full-sized watermelon.
god damn , lmao user neck yourself.
I have not read it yet, but the tm 31 210 is available online and heres a pdf.
Also dont care if I get on a watchlist.
You can create an extremely potent and volatile nitric powder by allowing a pint of ammonia to react with an equal amount of common household bleach. It reacts fast so you have to keep a close eye on it until it starts bubbling.
you shove it up your ass like a buttplug you could say. Fart on it so hard you light the fucking explosives up. And you might think that this would hurt you, but no, it wouldnt. The pressure in your anus would be so great that the pipe bomb will fly away 500M atleast. DIY medieval cannon.
The reverse Jow Forums party van, so I guess the FBI party van?
ANAL with either lead azide or mercury fulminate, you're going to need a booster so go with etn. Mercury fulminate it's rather shit-tier VOD but it's safer than the dark triad, lead azide it's pretty top tier but harder to make, etn is pretty easy but expensive because of the nitric acid.
Remenber to never make more than 3 g of primary explosives OP, cheers and kisses.
concentrated dubs
>The reverse Jow Forums party van, so I guess the FBI party van?
Some inception level shit going on here.
Just gonna buy a big fuck off white van and write FBI party van on it's side and then van the FBI? Shit's complicated..
>FBI makes a baitpost
>other FBI agents take the bait
>go outside suspected house
>party van already there
>FBI agents ask themselves
>"If that isn't us, then who was phone?
>everyone turns into pedobears
>FBI baitposts on r9k
>Other FBI agent takes bait
>FBI vans FBI
Your tax money at work ladies and gentleman. We're only missing the ATF and Chris Hansen now.
*Chips Hanlon
You don't happen to have some of that cheese pizza Mr. Hanlon?
>inb4 we're two FBI agents shitposting on government money
>FBI baits FBI
>ATF called in due to dogs at suspected house
>FBI see's party van outside
>Chris Hansen called in to negotiate as ATF prepares their flamethrowers
>Chris Hansen enters house
>gets beaten by FBI agents
>dogs escape house
>chaos ensues
>ATF left with no choice but to burn house down
>CIA called in to cover everything up
Welcome to America.