Americans, why havent you deported all non whites back to their countries yet?

americans, why havent you deported all non whites back to their countries yet?

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The Jews in our govt won't let us

america is a nonwhite

still ~60% white

I like how the chart also says blacks don't hit shots as often as whites.

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Cuz doing that would be a crime greater than any some lowlife gang member could commit. Doing that would require pointing a gun at round 100 million people who ain't white (40 million of which are black and not even immigrants) and killing the millions that resist.

True, if welfare was cut off alone, millions of them would starve in weeks. If they were deported, there'd be no way they'd last

So we have to live with their shitty behavior forever? Why should I let that happen to myself or my children? Fuck them

Not only that, but tens of millions of whites would starve. Not everybody who gets food stamps for example is a leech. Most of food stamps work for corporations like WalMart and Amazon which don't pay their workers living wages and need the state to maintain their otherwise starving workforce.

>So we have to live with their shitty behavior forever?
why not just deport all criminals regardless of race

White people commit financial crimes which cost the US billions every half a decade, that's worth more than welfare they give to black people in total.
Walmart also have a high amount of black and Hispanic workers who use food stamps fuck off with your it's only hard working white people bullshit.

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why not just deport all niggers at first and shoot two birds with one stone?

I'm gonna chose blacks to be the main focus of my example cuz they're the most extreme when it comes to what you call "shitty behavior":

>Around 50% of homicides (roughly 4000) are committed by blacks
>40,000,000 blacks live in The United States
>0.001% of blacks commit homicides assuming none of the cases are double or triple homicides
>90% of black homicides are committed against other blacks

So you wanna commit genocide against 40,000,000 innocents over what, the deaths of 4000 people who according to you are part of the problem themselves cuz they're for the most part black?

So it's ok to keep white murders and pedophiles just because they're white?

we would need a right wing government for that. give it 10-20 years to see a push to drive non-whites out of America under a red government.

>financial crimes
Those are jews

Not tryna minimize the struggles of the black and brown working class. Just tryna come at the topic of welfare from the white perspective cuz it's obviously the only one white nationalists are gonna listen to.

where would you deport them? Together with blacks to africa? Once blacks leave there'll be plenty of room in prisons anyway

Cuz it's wrong to punish people for crimes they didn't commit. I mean, you don't wanna pay reparations for slavery when you personally never sold, bought or owned another human being, right?

>where would you deport them?
their country of origin or ancestry

>Together with blacks to africa?
not all blacks are from africa

>Once blacks leave there'll be plenty of room in prisons anyway
if you decide to deport all people darker than you, you would also destroy the economy and the US would become 3rd world overnight

Why the fuck do you faggots blame everyone else it's not the Jews nor is it Asians it's white people. Financial crimes cost the US Billions it also drives people who lose their livelihoods to suicide it's a crime only a piece of shit would do and yet here we are losing millions every month.

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>Cuz it's wrong to punish people for crimes they didn't commit. I mean, you don't wanna pay reparations for slavery when you personally never sold, bought or owned another human being, right?

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>boo hoo it's whiteys fault

So what? It's the Jews.

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>mention nationalistic red government
>robots get excited

Exactly what SS Image Board Aryans will say.

Which is ironic because under a real red govt robots would suffer the most.



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>if you decide to deport all people darker than you, you would also destroy the economy and the US would become 3rd world overnight
it wouldnt be done overnight, it would be a gradual process

>their country of origin or ancestry
Not gonna shit up the europe even more, it already being flooded with africans and muslims

>not all blacks are from africa
Their ancestors are from africa, this is where they belong

Please refer to OPs chart and extrapilate that over hundreds of years and hundreds of cities. I'm not the bad guy. I'm correcting an unfortunate mistake our ancestors made.

You want us to go back better pay your reparations little guy

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Notice the word
Data discarded

>it wouldnt be done overnight, it would be a gradual process
and it would still do irreparable damage to the american economy and the world economy

>it already being flooded with africans and muslims
muslims have been europe for fucking centuries, also europe is still something like 96% white

>Their ancestors are from africa, this is where they belong
then why not send all whites to europe?

Also is Spain white?

Just let America die. They've been fighting for Jews and betraying Europe for far too long.

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>Data discarded
I did that after I saw NYPD, one of the worst police departments in the nation

>betraying Europe for far too long.
that was point of America you brainlet

>Pic related
I'm East African and I've got a white persons head shape and so do most east Africans. So now what.

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no it wouldnt. no they havent, try 5 years. because Whites made America. Spain and Morrocco are white mixed.

>betraying Europe for far too long.

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Like Somalia? You'd be too stupid to know your own skull shape. But if you're from Egypt or Libya you're fine.

jesus dude you're reaching

>White mixed
Are you confused? They're on par with Yemenis Arabs laugh at these people for being more Arab than them.

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Doesn't change the fact it's still betrayal, retard.
I don't know what this means so ok.

East African in general you tard I live in the UK and Libya and Egypt are in North Africa. You have no idea what your talking about.

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actually, Morrocco has the highest concentration of rh negative blood. yes thats White as h*ck!

its supposed to be a secret.

It's not just murder/crime that makes niggers a drag on our society.

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They're still barely genetically related to whites where the fuck did you get that from.

They're on the eastern part of North Africa.

Also *you're

>Doesn't change the fact it's still betrayal, retard.
betrayal of who, the Founding Fathers didn't even consider germans and swedes white

Except crackers steal even more money than that

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am i exposing some kind of deep secret here. where did i get this from? personal research.

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>Their ancestors are from africa, this is where they belong
But they're in America now by no fault of their own. The blame for that has to be placed at the feet of whites. Also, their roots in America go back 100 or so years longer than the average White-American's cuz after the war of independence in 1776 Britain, pretty much the only empire shipping slaves to North America cut The 13 Colonies off from the slave trade which meant American whites had to make do with blacks leftover from the 1600s and 1700s. They're just as American as you if not more so, plus none of them know the first thing bout Africa, let alone who or where their ancestors were from specifically. It's a continent, not a racially/ethnically homogenous nation-state.

If you set out with the intention of betrayal that doesn't make it no betrayal.

So north east Africa? And the you're thing is because of autocorrect. Jesus Christ your an idiot

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If you fill nice white countries with nonwhite people, they will no longer be as nice. This is a fact. If Sweden becomes 20-60% nonwhite, it will no longer be the same Sweden just as Japan would no longer be the same Japan if it were to become 20-60% white. The only difference is none of you would deny the latter. You're anti-white, ethnocidal, and delusional.

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White collar crime doesn't mean only white people do it, Tyrone.

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morroco is not white im sorry for leaking this misinfo!!!

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That Somali guy seriously pissed you fags off and that was me baby.

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SAT and ACT is the biggest fucking meme on earth

Yeah I was wondering if you meant north east Africa as a part of east Africa. I wasn't assuming shit.

>In a sector where whites are heavily over represented
Yeah it was the Jews alright. Got you there Greg.

MORROCCO is not White its only filled with arabs

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Somalia is in east Africa so I asked for that... Jesus.

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>one cherry picked image
type morrocan people on google and come back

>North East
Seriously man

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Bernie Madoff is Jewish and he pulled off the biggest white collar crime in American history.

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This doesn't change the fact that they all have yellow skin are hairy, have monobrows and large Semitic noses.

to be fair, i said white mixed. Morrocco IS NOT white shhhh

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>extrapilate that over hundreds of years
That's bout as long as it would take before 0.001% of the population committed enough murders/manslaughters for the homicidal share of the total population to even reach 1%. Thankfully old killers die and new innocents are born at a faster rate than it would take for that to happen.

>I'm not the bad guy
Depends. You support OP's plan to kill or deport hundreds of millions of people over wrongdoings not even 1% of them are guilty of?

>white mixed.

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>Blaming financial crimes on Jews
In fact Jews are underrepresented in crime in general they're the less likely to do it and are better bankers in general.

STOP SPREADING lies there are no Whites in Morrocco!

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Welfare's for the poor and blacks and browns are very disproportionately poor. That means by default they're entitled to state assistance. It ain't like the government gives away free shit to anybody who wants it though and round 85%-90% of blacks and Hispanics have jobs according to United States labour utilization statistics and are more likely to work 2 or more jobs and still actively be on the lookout for new job opportunities, it's just they tend to work jobs a lotta middle class whites don't need to do, but depend on being done.

Moral of the story, Jeff Bezos needs to start paying his workers a living wage.

totally white check out this image of the proud aryan morrocan

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Kind of a boring thread dontcha think lads? Is there anyone the uses this site that doesnt know these basic facts?
Isnt there anything interesting you have to say?

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non-white here I have never been arrested or done any of that. can I stay?

Why would you want to stay?

>can I stay?
no your existence triggers their insecurities

true true. morrocco is brown as the rest of africa

I like to think Jow Forums learned something new cuz of me and my numerical breakdown of the "le 13% does 50% of teh murders" meme.

Check it out if you ain't already:

>Surprised insecure white boy thread about niggers number 9 675 184 is boring.
Pretty much like atheists vs chrustfags threads. An exact copypaste of the last one every single time.

Because we've been too weak willed.
I think this will change in the next 10 to 15 years, not that every white will be on our side but a good amount at least half.

I think blacks should all pack up take what little monetary and material wealth they have buy a massive chunk of resource rich african land and move there.

Many blacks have been emboldened by the black panther movie and now want a nation of their own. Ala Israel.

>Thinks one movie turned every black person into future African visionary
Your joking right

One movie let millions of women be open about wanting to be taken by a dark knight on a black horse and used like a slut.

Do you honestly believe blacks aren't all wondering "what if we went back to africa" and asking themselves "why not?".

Keep the "send them all back to Africa and kill the ones that resist" posts going, fellow involuntary celibates. My "white nationalism is the ideology of peace" folder to present to Right-Wing Watch is getting full!

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Shalom Jidf

Sieg heil, fellow Aryan.

I've already tried to explain this to robots about 2 years ago. The blacks that commit violent crimes don't even make up 1% of the total black population. I don't think

>muh SAT scores

And that's even if you assume each reported crime is committed by a different criminal. A lotta crimes and especially black crimes are committed by a small hardcore number of repeat offenders that have at least 4 felonies under their belt, AKA gang members/career criminals. The percentage of black people who're law abiding greater than 99%.