Can we get an ENTP thread going? I need to relate and we also need a discord.
ENTP thread:
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INTP-A /masterrace/ outa fuckin nowere
Last test I did I got ENTP-A, which suprirsed me. I did an mbt in high school like 6 years ago? and got INTJ then...
this tbqhwyfamalam intp is 100% best, most originaldo
Is this good? Originonono
fuck outta here, scum of the earth!
Hello fellow ENTP, you changed. Be glad, you are on top of the food chain now
desu i cant stand INFPs because they take every statement/joke/argument very personally and get upset because of it easily and hold a grudge against you for days/weeks for it. but you can have interesting converastions with them plus they always try to help and are hard to manipulate.
based ENTP.
I think it's cause in hs i was afraid of socializing, but as i grew up i enjoyed it more and more. my test score was 51% extroverted though, lol, extroverted but not by much.
what are you up to, user? I just got my first job interview since being a neet :')
no u die to my acid blood entp scum
Where are my SP brethren?
intp forever, i bet you didnt think this could happen to you but you fell right into my trap i really wanted to die all along faggot
as you grow older, you realize that socializing isn this scary monster you made it out to be, and can be quiet enjoyable. congrats on your interview, i am working too, but quitting soon because i cant put up with this bitch supervisor, i always outsmart her bullshit roastie arguments and she makes me do more work, which i hate anyways so changing jobs might be the best for me
>On Jow Forums
Kek get out normie scum
nice dubs. exactly senpai. ya a bad supervisor is the worst. I had one at my first roastie job. he seemed like an ex neet but was just a weird guy all around.
>is she hot?
ahahahah you fool! you thought you had me?look at my hand, you forgot about my anti-acid capsule! i am now immune to your pathetic little acid blood!
you can be E and still belong here , lol. just because extrovert doesnt mean youre good at it :(
fuggg Dd:: blesdon't hurt me
I hate being like this
shes pretty ugly desu. shes probably a bitch to me because im a sexy young lad and she has all this sexual energy built up from not getting laid for 20 years. i will probably see spiderwebs between her thighs if i looked close enough
hmmm... what am i going to do with you my sweet, sweet INTP?
why would you, fellow ENTP?
f-fuck me baka
of course, thats what a based INTP would say, i expected that.
(ENTP here, my take on some of you fuckers) -
INFP is by far the worst type. They can't help it, but I've learned that you should be more patient and understanding with them. Otherwise I end up getting triggered by their tendency to take things too personally and overall complete retardation
INTJ's are one of my favorite types. Fucking savages, but at the same time they tend to suffer from a little bit of autism. Their interests reflect this. But they're still smart.
I am surrounded by you ISFJ fuckers. I'd nuke you if I had the chance. They are family oriented, 'compassionate', and can somehow live with performing the same routine day in and day out.
ESFPs are the best of friends, and ultimate life of the party, but they suffer from promiscuity. Ugh.
Why so much INTP hate tho? They're the best when you are friends with them.
Do ENTPs make good pilots?
lol, enjoy not being locked within your mind while us ENTPs easily discuss fun and odd concepts with whoever we want while getting a little energy boost from it.
jesus christ you all need to kill yourselves
>jesus christ you all need to kill yourselves
lol, it's not a need, it's a want and I want it so bad.
I too, hate INFPs but slowly learning how to deal with them, like you said. But the fact that they are so emotional and take things too personally is so fucking annoying. Best to avoid them or be careful of what you say to them. My favourite type is INTJ and ISTP. Most chill dudes ive met so far. Also one of my friends is an ENTP and its cool af. we can debate for hours and its funny as hell all time time
only to debate the signal tower
>tfw no milf supervisor to flirt with at work
ENTPs are gossipy.
I'm an INTP ass burger. Can I join?
Best pilots would probably be sensies since they generally have superior reaction time.
I don't care enough about other people to gossip.
t-thank you for showing me my place entp-kun
Where do i take this test?
only when they're for sitcoms
16personalities mbti test
What's wrong with INFPs? I'm shy but I generally get along with everyone, and judging by the character traits that classify someone as an INFP, most of them should too
What don't you like about the INFP?
>ENTPs are gossipy.
>implying I would gossip unless it meant I could improve my social standing
it's all just a game, don't be mad about losing.
>only when they're for sitcoms
ESTP reporting. Life's easy when you're a Chad.
is karl pilkington an intp?
is ricky gervais an entp?
Karl pilkington is an istp with an iq of around 89.
why do you say hes an istp?