Who is best Katawa Shoujo girl?
and why is it Rin and not that slut Hanako?
Who is best Katawa Shoujo girl?
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Rin. shes the most chill
anyone got a download for this? I want to play.
Enjoy the trip see you in Hell
I played all routes except for hanako and lily. Is it worth playing through them. The last time I played it I almost killed myself.
Both are worth it, Lilly's route is honestly the best, but if you wish to avoid suicide I would do Hanako then Lilly
>step aside, nerds!
ill skip hanako then. I kind of hate her. I played some of her route and I just hate her
Hope you kill yourselves, stupid assholes.
How is Rin's storyline? I played through all others a few months ago. My favorites were Lilly and Emi, but I think I prefer Emi.
She's really autistic and insufferable in her route, she basically tells you to fuck off while you orbit her until the very end
It appears that there are some wrong opinion here. Allow me to enlighten y'all.
Yeah no. Still rin
Go back to /ksg/ h*naturd.
I like Hanako more, but Rin's route was better overall.
oh so very very close friend but you got it sorta wrong it goes
When I first played I made choices that I'd naturally make instead of trying to find specific routes. Turns out Emi was my style, though I found Shizune most attractive physically.
Ren is literally retarded and can't even wipe her own ass, I don't understand why anybody would want to follow her around all day.
>only way to get the "good ending" is from the very first meeting where you talk about unimportant shit that means near nothing at all
>the best case ending also ends in bullshit because it's barely any different than her 56 bad ends
no no user, here, allow me.
i wonder what will be next 4 leaf studio project
iwanako best girl. hisao is just a stupid cheating faggot
Hanako is best fucking girl and anyone who thinks otherwise is an edgy contrarian faggot