how to fix balding without being rich?
How to fix balding without being rich?
You are doomed. Accept it and learn to adjust (e.g. shave your head) because trying to comb over or something makes you lose all dignity
rub vinegar into your balls
Costs $300 a month and works
paying a mortgage for your hairpiece
i think the opposite, actually. the balding dude who shaves his head is such a cliche at this point I'd have more respect for someone who went full george
$300 a month is trivial
300 bucks to buy back your dignity and a normal life is nothing
how do you tell the difference between having a big forehead and starting to go bald
Saw palmetto if it's not too bad
You're probably not balding from the pic. Really the only way is if it progressively gets worse. I have a natural widow's peak and I keep tabs on it every once in awhile. It hasn't changed since I started closely tracking it and hopped on saw palmetto. Keep tabs on your hairline every week or so. Take some DHT inhibitor at the first signs (finasteride is the best, other things like saw palmetto or pygeum bark are good too).
Good idea to include pumpkin seeds in your diet too as they also have a DHT inhibitive effect. Some have sides from it like erectile dysfunction but absolutely 0 sides for me and I've been on SP for a month. I think the ED side is mostly a meme, as I've had 0 noticeable changes.
For reference my hair was only slightly slightly thinning (enough that I could notice it a bit, but not others unless they were looking close enough) before, and after about 2-3 weeks on saw palmetto it wasn't noticeable at all. I notice a few small hairs growing on the very edge of my hairline, so I'm guessing I'm even growing it back a bit. It wasn't very bad to begin with though.
this is a very good one.
I'd say that if you can go this route, you should. It's a lot easier, cheaper and gives better results than current transplants. If the Japanese come through with some amazing stem cell cure like they're trying to produce (google Takashi Tsuji), that's great - but until then, this is the best option as far as aesthetics go.
If you pay 300$ a month for hair you have no dignity.
this is even fucking worse than girls using extensive make up to look better.
fuck this piece of lying shit
It's nothing like that. This is just making you look how you used to look, not making you look like someone else. It's the same thing as getting a tooth implant if you lose a tooth in a car accident or something.
hair is trivial
>me, balding guy in his early 20's shit started when i was 13 every guy is bald on my dads side so...
alright listen up if you dont wanna take pills that you have to buy from canada (cheaper) for the rest of your life you can shave your head frequently. there's a saying
"Some women don't like bald men, most women don't like balding men"
COPE harder
>j-just shave it! Haha balding is attractive on some guys! I-I'm not unlovable!
Respect from a zilch like you is irrelevant on the grand scheme of things though.. Or just in general.
Woman dont get aroused by your looks, money, status or height. Wake up from social conditioning.
Nothing is more bera cringe behaviour than trying to cope and impress her with any if those. If you come from that frame of reality she will always have more value than you and you will never have the sex life you want. You will never be rich enough, good looking enough and ect.
What do women get aroused by according to you. "Social conditioning" aside, you sound like you have no clue what you're talking about.
>"Some women don't like bald men, most women don't like balding men"
this is true tho
>basing your entire decision and life goals on what women think of you
I have respect for someone who diesn't tho. Unless its at an point where you know he wont keep a single hair no matter what.
Google hair system
dont we all hide things about ourselves? I'm not bald, but ask yourself if you've been deceptive about anything with someone you've been pursuing. If it's more important than looks. If you like her hot with her makeup on and she likes you with luscious hair, shouldn't it mean so be it?
Is one weighed more? So say you
The entire point is that balding isn't attractive user, but being bald or buzzed can be.
t. Didn't get the girl until I started buzzing my hair, and I'm only a Norwood 2