No troll answers

No troll answers

Attached: IMG_20180821_170522.png (1080x1258, 895K)

The only right answer, unironically of course.

Attached: 1534863977097.png (1080x1258, 818K)

Feel my disapproval.

Attached: Untitled.png (1544x628, 544K)

What the fuck is hip hop socialism, isn't hip hops thing 'get as much money as possible and spend it on expensive things'

Isn't that the cambodian flag or something?

What did you do to this image? Find something higher quality fag. Also NK is not communist.

>No troll answers

Attached: Untitled.png (1074x1258, 1.33M)

>that fucking template
Kill yourself, comrade

Attached: 1534863977097.jpg (1080x1258, 428K)

can't be fucked editing the image so
>green socialism
>spanish republicanism
>democratic socialism
>all that tankie shit

the rest i don't know/care enough about to hold an opinion

>true socialist
Pick one

Attached: downloadfile-2.jpg (642x792, 34K)

100% unironically and original

Attached: 1534863977097.png (1080x1258, 1.03M)

yeah how about you kys you fuckin tankie

Attached: 1534114470129.jpg (240x240, 22K)

>which color of the same product do you want?
All of them are garbage

>tfw bosnian/ex yugoslavian
>tfw Titoism

Attached: yugobugo.png (1200x600, 15K)

You weren't even born when Yugoslavia was a thing, kretenu.

this one is the only good one

Attached: strasser.png (703x469, 73K)

fuck that I want property

Attached: edsfra.png (1080x1258, 271K)

imagine thinking that the third-position is left-wing

Attached: strasser2.gif (189x290, 60K)

>tfw Croatian
>tfw want to be Yugoslavian

Attached: tumblr_inline_nra7ppALaP1reeadf_540.png (223x215, 42K)

>ironically xDDDD
fuck off pleb 1998-2001 nigger facebook normgroid

How is transhumanism placed here as a left wing political philosophy? It's classically liberal with libertarian inclinations, if anything, but centrally concerned with improving human life with technology.

For the love of god Juche is not left winged it is third positionist.

Why hate transhum conrad?

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