I feel like I'm losing my mind anons. I got tired of being pushed around and joked made to look like a beta by others so today at work when Tyrone started saying " ayo! it's a small truck today! that's you man!" implying I'm weak and can't handle throwing for the big trucks I just got enraged and said "shut up" and it spiraled into an argument where I told him he's full of shit and hes a bitch. Later he was about to tell the manager to put me on grocery instead because I'm "getting all mad and shit" like he was afraid of me. Did I make him realize I'm the alpha or did I just look psychotic? Maybe I took his jokes too seriously?
I feel like I'm losing my mind anons...
yeah, you definitely took the bants to heart. now you look like a sperg that can't take a joke. rip
But a chad would've never got banted like that in the first place. How else to avoid being deemed a weak loser by everyone?
>sperging in tears over tiny jokes instead of joking back
How in the blue fuck do you think this is bad ass lmfaooooo
No you didn't look alpha you looked like you cried in the bathroom, like a school shooter famalam
so the appropriate response was to just take it like every other time and have everyone laugh at me, right okay tyrone
You looked like a sperg with no sense of humor, user. I know it's hard for us robots to understand, but when a normie disses you, you diss back or make a self-deprecating joke, then everyone laughs and business proceeds as usual. You should leave your job immediately.
Yes he would've, well not being a weakling because he lifts and you don't but he would've received some other joke because that's what men do amongst each other...it's women that cry and get emotional about little jokes
You could have said anything instead of sperging..even a fucking mama joke, saying he likes the trucks like he likes his girls, big. Anything even the slightest bit witty, you're the butt of jokes because you don't know how to take them your ego is too big..OR the more likely thing is everyone exchanges jokes but you're the one taking them as scathing personal attacks so you only notice yours
>make a self-deprecating joke after just being joked
what an absolute loser, further plummeting the view others have of you
It's not just little jokes, it's constantly everyday and everyone laughs, I feel like I'm being bullied like this is school again.
Well sperging will make people stop out of uncomfortableness but also ostracize you. Look up how to make comebacks/roast on YouTube or something if you can't be witty in the moment
its probably worse than people in this thread think. OP you shouldn't come to r9k for advice. r9kposters always shit on OP regardless if he's in the right or not. they get a kick out of it. they're losers. go to Reddit for advice. they're more level headed and sympathetic.
This is true, humans joke even if it sounds hurtful or bad, its just a joke a hurtful one though
I have someone at work who says anytime i ask them a question they claim man you're killing me with these questions and im just trying to do my job so i have to ask you these questions
dont get angry just pass jokes on them
>further plummeting the view others have of you
That's what I meant, you just don't get how normies work. It's all a JOKE, and you have two options: You play along or you don't. If you choose the latter you'll either be seen as an apathetic robot or as a faggot who can't take a joke. Either way no one will want to have you around.
I don't want to have to constantly gauge the appropriate response and throw jokes back it's exhausting. I just want to do my job and get on with the day and not have to deal with all this bullshit
Ignore these retards. Let me break this dowm for you
There are a couple reasons why people might act like that and it is mostly context dependant
1. They do it to everyone. This one can be ruled out as if this was the reason you might get a joke thrown at you every once in a while, but as you said it happens on a consistent basis and consists of personal attacks, which means there is a different reason.
2. You're an easy target. You look weak, beta or you're socially autistic. This seems like whats happening in your case. You CAN NOT stop this by playing along. This is a situation where you're damned if you do damned if you don't. The reason is because the cards are stacked against you. Your low social satus means that people have already decided you're not worthy of respect. You have to choices here, you will either have to take their humiliation and constant ragging on you and be "accepted", but you'll be the butt of jokes and no one will take you seriously. Or you can dish out punishment and show that you're not to be fucked with. The key in the latter part is to not look weak or butthurt, but to show that you wont take shit from anyone. You will never be respected by them or accepted as an equal unless you 180 your entire personality and act like a clown for their entertainment so forget about that one. Your only choice is either being the butt of jokes or being the outcast loner no one fucks with.
Actually, considering this is at your job you can consider reporting them or just getting a different job if all else fails. There is no reason why you should accept any of this.
You work stocking shelves at a department store, presumably Walmart from the context. Your life is pretty much shit by default.
I agree with this guy
im confused about what he means by dish out punishment, though.
This is absolutely retarded advice, he's right in that you're pretty much fucked either way, but you actually can pull yourself outta this one.
Being the butt of the jokes is no way to live but neither is the autistic loner - all you spergs come to other spergs for social advice and end up staying spergs, so you ready?
This dude who shits on you is an asshole, but you can make him feel like garbage if you actually don't just shrug shit off. When someone shrugs off a comment or a joke, its an invitation because obviously, you can "handle it." Well, you obviously can't handle it - this dude is still just a dude, just like everyone else. If you're not afraid to show some weakness in front of everyone, you'll never be treated differently. The next time you see this man, approach him with a different attitude because I imagine you're generally quiet and spergy. Walk up to him, and sincerely apologize for freaking the fuck out, but you can't just let him off the hook. Tell him that the way he treats you really fucks with you and that even though you're small you probably can do a big truck and that him getting you down truly hurts your feelings. He will also probably apologize because that's how human interaction works and if he's not a complete dickhead asshat he'll probs let you do a big truck and if you do a big truck without dying you might even gain respect.
Be real with people, he's not trying to outright hurt you - stop asking spergs for social help because you'll just get back spergy answers.
Also don't blow up, if anything you might get picked on more for blowing up lmao
T. Basementboi
Look dude pull him to the side and ask him to stop if you can't be sociable
he was being a cunt but you probably reacted like a true sperg
one things for sure and its that youre not the fucking alpha
Me I don't use words I just get physical.