>user, why are you so boring?
- a woman at work to me, today
Give me a single reason why all females shouldn't be genocided
>user, why are you so boring?
- a woman at work to me, today
Give me a single reason why all females shouldn't be genocided
If you don't care about women and have no interest in them, you become subhuman to them, unless Chad, but even for some Chads, lol.
How would we make them sex-slaves if they are daed?
Why did she say this?
What was your answer?
Wat do when you have interests that are not normie approved, like shooting guns?
They have nice tidders
Dude, fuck women, why don't you genocide the shit out of her asshole
>user, why are you so boring? [according to my interests]
Here, i fixed this for (you). Forget and move on.
>judging an entire group of people based on one random ass bitch at your work
She's shaming you for not "acting out", giving her something to talk about in regards to men
"Boring" - a guy who has his shit together, not smelly or bitching about problems that he created himself, etc.
If a woman says you're boring, you're doing the safe and right thing. Ensure a better future for yourself, don't piss it all away on some materialistic shit-talking narcissistic WHORE.
She wanted to get a rise out of.
If she's hot then get pissed if she's not continue on with your li-
Did you say at work?
Don't shit where you eat.
Disengage and ignore.
Its bait to get you into shit.
You probably are a boring person.
If not, what is it that makes you an interesting person?
>If a woman says you're boring, you're doing the safe and right thing. Ensure a better future for yourself, don't piss it all away on some materialistic shit-talking narcissistic WHORE.
This. Fucking based and QFTT.
Have you tried being less boring?
Should've said, "I donno, why are you so boring staring at your phone all day.". If she's like 90% of women, then that would've been a decent comeback.
>user, you don't smile, do you?
Think of it this way... She as an individual, not as a woman, thinks you are boring.
We just happened to be in the same room with nobody else around, her glued to the phone like usual and me just typing my work-related shit silently. This went on for about 10 minutes. Apparently women just expect you to make small talk in their presence.
>user, why do you look so mad all the time?
>user, are you tired?
>user, are you okay?
>user why don't you ever laugh/smile?
>"I am waiting for someone to entertain me"
>"Wanna try Anonnette?"
Stop being a fucking sperg OP
Whenever a woman insults you, take it as a shit-test and an indication of interest. No, that is not always the case, but nothing bad will happen if you assume so. The correct response is a joking response or otherwise showing that you are unphased by her provocation. Like "trying to make everybody fall asleep so I can go home early", would be acceptable. It doesn't have to be a great joke, just something that shows you don't take her insult seriously.
>when women insult you they want to fug :D
Great insight, thanks
God it's fucking impossible to explain women to you people. Some people are just incapable of understanding. The contents of your personality mean nothing, only the fact that you have a strong personality is what matters to women. You can hit a woman with a car, or she can hit you with a car, and it still does not eliminate the possibility that she will did you, as long as you are not ugly and your personality is not a limp noodle. Be mean, be interesting, be smart, be ANYTHING other than nothing, and you have a chance
>tfw I'm a big, tall guy with resting bitch face
user, are you ok? You're not gonna beat us up are you? This happens all the fucking time, when I'm feeling 100% neutral. It even happens when I'm in a good mood.
Because I don't take risks
Exact same boat user, I tower over most people and usually have a stern neutral expression. People always think I am mad
There is no reason not too
Take a handgun into work and slaughter her and all you coworkers
Make them all suffer
based and redpilled as all heck.
then smile faggot it's not hard