Take this test you degenerate faggots

Take this test you degenerate faggots, bdsmtest.org/select-mode

Attached: Capture.jpg (359x617, 52K)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Switch
79% Boy/Girl
76% Vanilla
69% Daddy/Mommy
60% Dominant
55% Submissive
45% Ageplayer
42% Master/Mistress
39% Brat tamer
39% Brat
35% Rigger
30% Slave
27% Pet
6% Rope bunny
5% Primal (Hunter)
2% Experimentalist
2% Primal (Prey)
1% Owner
1% Exhibitionist
1% Voyeur
0% Non-monogamist
0% Degradee
0% Masochist
0% Degrader
0% Sadist

This is mine

100% Submissive
100% Rope bunny
95% Degradee
88% Slave
80% Masochist
66% Pet
63% Boy/Girl
61% Primal (Prey)
58% Experimentalist
58% Brat
42% Non-monogamist
35% Voyeur
15% Switch
10% Exhibitionist
2% Vanilla
1% Ageplayer

>tfw big tiddy goth dom who fulfils all my degenerate desires

Attached: 1531407449589.png (658x545, 176K)

if you're submissive and into femdom you're a fag

Attached: bdsmtest.png (516x643, 255K)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Vanilla
42% Daddy/Mommy
42% Brat tamer
36% Dominant
30% Switch
15% Submissive
14% Brat
5% Primal (Hunter)
5% Non-monogamist
2% Rigger
1% Boy/Girl
1% Master/Mistress
0% Rope bunny
0% Ageplayer
0% Slave
0% Degradee
0% Exhibitionist
0% Primal (Prey)
0% Experimentalist
0% Voyeur
0% Masochist
0% Degrader
0% Pet
0% Owner
0% Sadist

Attached: 1533751957521.jpg (750x708, 61K)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Switch
99% Brat tamer
99% Owner
99% Rigger
98% Brat
98% Primal (Hunter)
98% Degrader
97% Master/Mistress
96% Sadist
86% Voyeur
84% Dominant
76% Primal (Prey)
75% Pet
71% Degradee
69% Exhibitionist
68% Daddy/Mommy
67% Boy/Girl
64% Masochist
62% Submissive
58% Experimentalist
50% Rope bunny
47% Ageplayer
41% Slave
24% Vanilla
19% Non-monogamist

Attached: testresult.png (507x611, 232K)

I ain't even into this but I like a quiz, I don't even know what the results mean.

74% Switch
62% Primal (Hunter)
60% Submissive
51% Sadist
49% Dominant
48% Experimentalist
47% Brat tamer
45% Master/Mistress
43% Vanilla
42% Daddy/Mommy
38% Primal (Prey)
30% Rigger
29% Slave
24% Non-monogamist
18% Pet
15% Voyeur
15% Masochist
14% Brat
5% Rope bunny
4% Ageplayer
4% Boy/Girl
4% Owner
3% Exhibitionist
1% Degrader
1% Degradee

Sounds about right, even if bdsm isn't really my thing

Attached: 1523294052967.jpg (1068x600, 78K)

>75% Daddy/Mommy
>61% Master/Mistress
>53% Vanilla
>48% Exhibitionist
>46% Ageplayer
>44% Owner
>37% Voyeur
>25% Experimentalist
>21% Brat tamer
>21% Primal (Hunter)
>19% Dominant
>4% Non-monogamist
>1% Rigger
>1% Primal (Prey)
>1% Submissive
>1% Switch
>0% Rope bunny
>0% Slave
>0% Degradee
>0% Brat
>0% Boy/Girl
>0% Masochist
>0% Degrader
>0% Pet
>0% Sadist

>mfw pedo
>mfw exhibitionist
Why God, why....

Attached: images (4).jpg (487x630, 18K)

95% Degradee
93% Submissive
58% Rope bunny
53% Vanilla
49% Slave
47% Masochist
40% Brat
31% Primal (Prey)
25% Experimentalist
11% Non-monogamist
1% Pet
0% Ageplayer
0% Exhibitionist
0% Boy/Girl
0% Voyeur
0% Switch

Life fuckin sucks. End me.

they literally explain what it means you dumb fucking moron

65% Switch
61% Submissive
61% Primal (Prey)
56% Brat
54% Master/Mistress
50% Dominant
48% Experimentalist
46% Pet
46% Vanilla
45% Boy/Girl
43% Rope bunny
42% Daddy/Mommy
42% Ageplayer
41% Slave
40% Degradee
39% Primal (Hunter)
34% Owner
32% Exhibitionist
30% Non-monogamist
26% Degrader
25% Rigger
14% Brat tamer
6% Voyeur
Shit, forgot the results

99% Brat
94% Ageplayer
85% Boy/Girl
79% Submissive
71% Masochist
64% Slave
50% Rope bunny
50% Pet
49% Vanilla
47% Degradee
46% Degrader
41% Exhibitionist
40% Daddy/Mommy
40% Experimentalist
33% Primal (Prey)
28% Switch
23% Voyeur
19% Master/Mistress
14% Rigger
11% Sadist
10% Non-monogamist
10% Dominant
7% Brat tamer
5% Primal (Hunter)
4% Owner

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Slave
99% Brat
96% Brat tamer
93% Degradee
91% Rope bunny
80% Submissive
75% Pet
63% Boy/Girl
61% Sadist
59% Switch
57% Rigger
55% Voyeur
53% Dominant
53% Masochist
53% Vanilla
49% Primal (Prey)
48% Experimentalist
42% Daddy/Mommy
42% Master/Mistress
37% Exhibitionist
6% Primal (Hunter)
1% Degrader
1% Owner
0% Ageplayer
0% Non-monogamist

oh no.

>>mfw pedo
>>mfw exhibitionist
>Why God, why....
because it's the most forbidden of all the fruit in our western Eden.
You're aroused by the forbidden, not necessarily exhibitionism and pedo play shit, if vanilla sex was forbidden you'd be on that instead.


be me in a relationship.
>get into a fight with bf
>he hits me, on the face, hard.
>multiple times
>takes me to the shower
>washes me off as im crying
>lay down
>he brings me a cold compress for my face
>pass the fuck out
>wake up to bf's entire hand, up to his knuckles in my v
>he's sucking my clit too
>it feels good
>pass out again as he's doing it
>wake up to him caressing my face and stroking my hair, begging me to forgive him
its a first time at green txt, but really, the question is: is this completely degenerate behavior. I already know it is, but I want him to to it again.

its my first real relationship in 10yrs and 32/f and we are both caught up in this crazy D/s abusive sexual thing.

we are the same age, but he is way more experienced than me and I dont know what to do.

he degrades me and I've come to like it.

why am i so fucked? ugh.....

These results don't make much sense to me but I guess it is because I am personally detached from all my weird degenerate sex things so it might be latent degeneracy.

Attached: degeneracy results.png (329x585, 125K)

Tumblr is across the street, Roastie-Chan.

i dont use tumbr and ive been lurking Jow Forums for years so whatever. this was a 1st time writing because .... the realtionship i have with him is fucked and you all are fucked so i thought i could get some robotard insight

If you were a lurker you would be well aware your kind is not well liked around here.

Attached: $100 to fuck off.jpg (500x375, 25K)

I wish. You know how much easier my life would have been?

Attached: bdsmtest.org.png (325x587, 129K)

it aint easy being a male sub

Attached: tfw.jpg (465x418, 80K)

fuck off you shit apple neet

Wah wah, little babb.
Should I call you a waaahmbulence?

There you go OPanon

Attached: BDSM.png (494x718, 273K)

>>he hits me, on the face, hard
>>is this completely degenerate behavior

Lmao wtf thats abuse

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Submissive
75% Pet
72% Slave
62% Degradee
60% Masochist
57% Rope bunny
56% Primal (Prey)
51% Brat
48% Experimentalist
23% Vanilla
1% Brat tamer
1% Exhibitionist
1% Voyeur
0% Ageplayer
0% Primal (Hunter)
0% Boy/Girl
0% Rigger
0% Daddy/Mommy
0% Dominant
0% Degrader
0% Owner
0% Master/Mistress
0% Non-monogamist
0% Switch

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Switch
78% Boy/Girl
76% Vanilla
73% Dominant
60% Sadist
58% Submissive
56% Masochist
54% Master/Mistress
53% Experimentalist
49% Brat tamer
46% Ageplayer
46% Brat
45% Exhibitionist
45% Slave
44% Rope bunny
43% Daddy/Mommy
33% Owner
33% Primal (Prey)
32% Voyeur
31% Degrader
29% Primal (Hunter)
25% Degradee
19% Rigger
19% Non-monogamist
15% Pet

give me bratty sub GF right now!

if you like the sexual aspect of being hit fine but probably dont have that interlap with real arguments, because if he hits you in real arguments and not a controlled enviornment then its actually abuse

dont mix up fetish and reality, even if your subconcious mind is already doing the same

This. You need consent and communication, if he fucking Mike Tysons your face out of anger, thats abuse Roastie

Guess I am just a failed normie after all.

Attached: 5290E1FF-DCB2-4290-9B8F-A87C10CC124D.png (750x1334, 596K)

If she is too much of a dumb shit to identify when she is being hurt then I doubt there is anything of value being lost.

Nice dubs and yeah these are the type of people who trust others too much then wonder why they are in an abusive relationship

Too bad i'm 26 khv

Attached: bdsm.png (445x645, 231K)

it's okay user, give me your virginity. i am female (female)

>give me your virginity. i am female (female)
Too bad we live in different continents

where are you from? also you responded to my post without sperging, that means you will an irl gf within a week. godspeed.

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Rigger
84% Degrader
81% Dominant
75% Pet
74% Voyeur
72% Boy/Girl
67% Owner
64% Ageplayer
62% Master/Mistress
55% Sadist
54% Primal (Hunter)
53% Experimentalist
50% Daddy/Mommy
49% Brat tamer
47% Submissive
42% Masochist
40% Rope bunny
40% Vanilla
37% Exhibitionist
28% Switch
15% Degradee
8% Primal (Prey)
5% Non-monogamist
4% Slave
3% Brat

well according to this youre the average white guy in his 20's, not boring, just average

>where are you from?
eastern europe.
>that means you will an irl gf within a week
that's optimistic, especially coming from someone who visits r9k

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
65% Switch
56% Dominant
51% Vanilla
49% Rigger
48% Submissive
46% Brat tamer
45% Master/Mistress
43% Primal (Hunter)
43% Daddy/Mommy
38% Experimentalist
38% Degrader
36% Rope bunny
31% Primal (Prey)
13% Non-monogamist
7% Sadist
4% Owner
3% Brat
3% Masochist
1% Boy/Girl
1% Slave
1% Pet
0% Ageplayer
0% Degradee
0% Exhibitionist
0% Voyeur

i second the this-ing on this

communicate, enjoy yourself, dont go into more of a relationship that is just downright unhealthy.

>that means you will an irl gf within a week. godspeed.
This is r9k

well yeah you are right, we're really far. too bad, i am the first poster itt, mid 20s khv.
>that's optimistic, especially coming from someone who visits r9k
i try to be positive for other people here even though i hate myself. anyway, godspeed user.

>mid 20s khv
whats the problem? high standards or social isolation?

male khv of course

Attached: yeet.png (452x649, 253K)

mostly social issues. my only standards besides actually liking me are not being a degenerate and having a job because i couldn't support someone else on my own

Any amount of standards are too high in this day and age.

>brat 99%
what the fuck

Attached: bdsm thing.png (323x583, 165K)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Slave
87% Boy/Girl
80% Submissive
75% Pet
71% Degradee
61% Daddy/Mommy
59% Dominant
59% Switch
59% Brat
58% Rope bunny
56% Sadist
56% Brat tamer
54% Masochist
52% Experimentalist
50% Primal (Prey)
50% Degrader
45% Owner
43% Master/Mistress
35% Rigger
29% Vanilla
20% Ageplayer
19% Primal (Hunter)
10% Non-monogamist
8% Exhibitionist
6% Voyeur

>tfw you will never have a wealthy dominant gf so you could become a housewife (male)

Oh and I think that 'Pet' is way to high too

Attached: 1531358356254.jpg (533x534, 12K)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
75% Primal (Prey)
66% Owner
65% Rope bunny
64% Degradee
60% Primal (Hunter)
59% Dominant
59% Submissive
59% Switch
56% Sadist
55% Masochist
49% Rigger
49% Vanilla
47% Master/Mistress
46% Brat
46% Brat tamer
45% Exhibitionist
45% Pet
43% Daddy/Mommy
41% Slave
36% Non-monogamist
31% Degrader
30% Voyeur
17% Experimentalist
4% Boy/Girl
0% Ageplayer
Lmao at you irrelevants with your shit taste. Hyacinth #0421

Attached: 1533611679385.jpg (734x900, 79K)

>housewife (male)
You do know that househusband is a word, right?

>wealthy dominant gf
on a side note, alimony is bs since that law was made in 1950s where women cant actually get money

>i am female (female)
ew, that's really gay.
the straightest thing a guy can do is make another guy submit to his dick.

Back r*ddit, newfaggot

I know about the (male) joke, retard. It just doesn't make sense in this context.