The legend of army man Chapter one - the takeover of political incorrectness
>be me >Be 15 >dislike political correctness in school >English class speeches >realize that other people hate political correctness too >create plan for speech >tranny = disabled speech >theres a vote for the speech >winner gets to Present infont of whole school >class agrees to all vote for the speech >say that tranny = disabled and win the vote >get cheering and clapping from class >get angry looks from teacher >realize that I basically have a army now >army man is birthed >get class to chant glory glory hallelujah and march around school >speech assembly begins >March and chant down >people are getting called up to present >I dont >outrage brews >this means war >create plan for vengeance
End of army man part 1 Part 2 is coming my friends
he's trying way to hard to make a 2011 tier greentext
Gabriel Wright
All of these youngfags coming on without reading the rules You're not allowed to post on here unless you're 15 Listen, greentexts are never going to be like they use to be since you newfags came. You're just spewing trash.
Ian Walker
Alexander Allen
cant wait to see this on r/greentext
Brody Hill
Bump in hopes this doesn't get stolen by r/greentext normalfags
you type like i did when i was 15. You say things that obviously didn't happen as per your description. Literally writing as if this mundane awkard speech you wrote resulted in being cheered by your peers who followed you reciting civil war marches, already the class cheered and everybody clapped lmao. I will stick around to see how you save this but you are more than likely still a teenager in school who thinks we care about this tragic cry for validation