Why are women so fucking pathetically oblivious to the fact that they age like milk? Look at pic related for example, 50+ year old wearing teenager's clothes.
Why are women so fucking pathetically oblivious to the fact that they age like milk? Look at pic related for example...
What's your problem?
You probably can't even fit into skinny jeans yourself.
id still fuck that if i had the chance
also i love how every poster behind these kind of threads will look equally if not worse when they reach the age they're criticising kek
You are talking to a 105lbs twink. Try again aged roastie.
I'd still hit it, she doesn't even look that bad for someone over 50
why do you care so much about the clothes other people wear KEK miserable uptight faggot
If you still would do her then you just expose yourself as leftist liberal faggots pushing for the "all weemeen are byootiful".
Because she looks terrible in those clothes and is clearly just yet another oblivious femoid.
>You are talking to a 105lbs twink
i think the answer to your question and probably life in general lies in that statement.
youre a faggot and not the good kind.
kys kindly you swollen jew prolapsed anus
This is the absolute state of this board.
OP IS THIS YOUR MOM and youre just mad at her again?
did she take your vibrator away ?
>defending a rotting femoid oblivious to this fact
This is not re**it.
youre telling me you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time than to get upset over clothes some random woman you don't even know wears?
This thread just proves that r9k is swarmed by re**it faggots pushing for the liberation of women, trying to shame anyone laughing at them.
A year ago this thread would be popular and tens of other robots would contribute, but now it's basically a re**it safe space.
why is katakuri so sexy?
youre telling me you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time than to get upset over people making threads about clothes some random woman they don't even know wears?
hehehe that showed they asses
>retarded wojak pic
t.pic related
the difference between you and me is that you literally made a thread about it. I'm just posting inside of it. you took the time out of your day to literally make a thread about a woman wearing clothes that you don't like. AHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>there's a difference between making a thread on Jow Forums and making a post there
Summerfaggot spotted.
>y-y-you only use Jow Forums in the summer!
nice argument
anyways, peace kid. hope you don't spend your entire life being upset over what people wear. just fucking lol @ your life
>responds to a wojak pic with a reddit wojak pic
t.pic related
>being THIS assblasted still
>still using edgy sarcastic passive aggressive pics
You clearly are 18 or under. Are you ready for school yet?
you got trips lmao
I think you used the wrong pic
Why do you care, you don't know this woman and never will. Besides, 90% of people age like shit, it's what happens when people grow old. If your pissed off by her clothes, maybe >>/fa/ is more your speed
I honestly can tell if this is a troll or someone having a stroke and now I feel a little sad.
t. rotting femoids fucker
>guys look at this old woman
>she's wearing FASHIONABLE CLOTHES despite being OLD
wtf OP? Women are only allowed to start wearing monochromatic pants suits with weird hats after a certain age? Why are you so assblasted about what an old woman wears as clothes? She's got a good body despite being whatever age she is, so if she works hard to keep it, she should be able to show it off.
Are you mad because your penis is confused?
Prove to me you're not just a troll
>wtf OP? Women are only allowed to start wearing monochromatic pants suits with weird hats after a certain age? Why are you so assblasted about what an old woman wears as clothes? She's got a good body despite being whatever age she is, so if she works hard to keep it, she should be able to show it off.
>Are you mad because your penis is confused?
because either his mom is a whore or he never had a mom.
>wtf OP? Women are only allowed to start wearing monochromatic pants suits with weird hats after a certain age?
Stopped reading there. Yes, that's the case you absolutely assbalsted leftist speck of dust. She looks pathetic in that outfit.
Not only it doens't look good on her, it also shows how ignorant she is to her age and what she should stick to.
You and your pushing of "all weemeen are beautiful" is not going to work on r-fucking-9-fucking-k okay?
This isn't your safe space, this is not re**it, this isn't your tax funded college class for cupcakes that makes you feel good.
Every single comment ITT defending that 60+ YO roastie only proves how r9k is recently raided by PAID shills pushing for the female liberation,
especially those highly sophisticated ad personam posts like
>because either his mom is a whore
I'm gonna guess the first one based on how triggered he is at an older woman presenting herself as attractive.
>it also shows how ignorant she is to her age and what she should stick to
I'm sorry, are you now the fashion police? What would a pathetic nobody basement dwelling fatass know about fashion and what other people "should" wear? You probably wear the same clothes day in and day out, some ill-fitting jeans and hoodies, graphic tees, etc. What makes you think you know fuck all about fashion, or real life?
None of us understand why you feel the need to bully an old lady you've never even met, let alone what makes you think you get to be the fashion director here. Neck yourself if you take the shit you read here seriously, I guarantee you've been on Jow Forums for less than two years if you're still taking the woman hate at face value, you retarded little spawn.
Because if you're old you want to look younger and dressing younger makes you look younger brainlet.
How does wearing fashionable clothes make her ignorant to her own age?
Anna Wintour is literally in charge of what's fashionable and she's at least 60-something.
No one is saying "all women are beautiful", if she were some landwhale squeezing herself into leather pants then this would be a very different conversation. It's an older woman who takes care of her body and likes to wear trendy clothing. What's wrong with that?
Well yes, all women are whores and I told my mom she is one multiple times, how could I be assblasted by something that is obvious to me and has been for years?
Also your post doesn't fit your general FEMALE LIBERATION agenda right now. So is it okay to call a female a whore or not? Oh yes, it is
when it's used as an argument with someone pointing out how pathetic your agendas are, just like it's okay to call such people "gay" too even though
for the rest of your day you will shill for "gay is okay" mindset on the internet, amirite leftie?
>None of us understand why you feel the need to bully an old lady
Imagine making THIS EXACT SENTENCE on Jow Forums, r9k out of all boards. You are just digging your own grave by proving time and time
again how much of a shill you are, cupcake.
>Neck yourself if you take the shit you read here seriously, I guarantee you've been on Jow Forums for less than two years if you're still taking the woman hate at face value, you retarded little spawn
This part may be even better. Holy shit I didn't think of screencapping this thread but now I have to.
No, it doesn't make her look young. She looks like an old shit wrapped in a nice birthday present paper and it's showing.
you mad that us lefties get mad pussy while you sit in your room drawing nazi pics with your own poop and yelling at ur poor middle class mom to make you hotpokets while you faps with tears and talk about how great rap and focused marriage is while watching my little poney and reading manga taht was made for school girls
Is your only response to their points calling them "paid leftist shills"?
I really hope you're a troll. If not, go ahead and screencap this thread so you can look back and cringe at yourself in 10 years.
>you mad that us lefties get mad pussy
That you share with Tyrone and Jerome all the time, while she gives you good boy points for which you can play on your favourite nintendo consoles on the weekend.
can't even type proper sentence
Because your sentence is a pinnacle of gramatical correctness. You literally wrote a 5 word sentence and you fucked it up.
Not even a native English speaker, either way, you are obviously VERY HIGH on the argument pyramid.
>Not even a native English speaker
still drowning in pussy and bet you will never see one.
I think it's nice that she's enjoying fashion still. It fits her and she seems happy.
Good for her!
>still drowning in pussy
make this post original again
You know how I know you're a faggot?
Besides being OP, you actually care what other people wear.
She still looks fine... Her facial structure is too round for my taste though.
>old women should just stop trying
I rather have this than a shit filled bag with a cane
>Ejaculate inside
>Never gets preggers
I'd fuck. Not gonna lie, I'm in my 20s and I'd have unprotected sex with this. Bust 200 nuts a day, make her my sugar mama.
You sound like a Stacey fussed that Courtney wore the wrong things to the party.
Every now and then, this image makes total sense.
I really do wonder how many shackles will be paid for damage control posts ITT.
OP can't even into Jow Forums correctly. What a faggot.
Autocorrect, you double digit IQ ape.
I got a perfect collage out of the leftard comments ITT for future women hate threads etc. Thank you for your application, red**t.
>Not proof-reading
>Calls other apes
Yep OP is always a faggot.
what the fuck do you think it means to be left???
That still makes you look like a faggot lol.
Holy fuck he just fucking CLICKY'd for me
this is the twlightzone?
>IQ baby probably doesn't see connotation of leftism and femoid liberation.
>Not proofreading is his counter argument.
>complaining about another person being uptight
>using reaction images to really drive home the point that "SEE I AM LAFFIN!! xD"
summerfags leave, please?
>actively curating content for women hate threads
You have a very sad life, user.
Why do you hate women?
I really doubt this is a summerfags problem, maybe a few of them are just summerfags who even don't know how r9k works, but it looks to me like a
mass attack of damage controling libtards, who were already proven to be roaming Jow Forums.
>Brings out IQ strawman
How much of a faggot can OP be? Stay tuned, he has more shit posting, kids.
>You have a very sad life, user.
He said as he made a post on r9k.
Either you are a pathetic hypocrite or a leftard, either way, consider suicide.
What about this is the libs or the lefties?
>ITT OP tries to get a bandwagon going by being le edgy wimmin hate
>99% of posters disagree with OP
>OP screencaps a bunch of comments calling him retarded, pathetic
>OP thinks he has won because he spent 10,000 hours in MS paint
o i am laffin
You didn't answer my question. Why do you hate women so much?
>o i am laffin
You clearly showed me by posting an edgy sarcastic pic there, re**itor.
There are only 17 posters ITT, let's say everybody here disagreed with me (which is not the case), that's 16 PEOPLE. HOLY SHIT.
I am acutally thinking of offing myself HERE AND NOW because 16 faggots disagreed with me.
>newfag using pics of the only anime he knows
>KEK Im soo 4chaning right now XD
>skinny jeans
only faggots wear that shit
Oh sorry, stopped reading after the first sentence because it was that pathetic.
This is beyond cringe.
>Be OP
>Shit post about an older lady that rejected him
>Comes to internet to vent
>Entire board shits on him
>He makes a collage.
Wow dude.
Nah, its because you're illiterate.
ad hominem
ad hominem
ad hominem
Great arguments, OP.
>he prides himself on the fact that he uses Jow Forums
>using gifs like youre on twitter
Get off my board roastie
You really should off yourself. Put it on discord dude! I'll even donate money.
Nice guess there faggot.
What else did the whiteknighting leftist team brought here except for ad hominem and "MUH PROBLEMATIC" explanations.
Its easier for some people to scream "wah lefties wah libcucks" than to think.
>Muh cellphone post
Location doesn't change.
I'll put myself fucking your mother on discord. All while she says humiliating shit about you and doxxes you on the stream.
You're literally just insulting people who disagree with you and claiming that they're paid shills when they say something that hurts your feelings.
I don't think anyone has said the word problematic.
Get psychological help, please.
off yourself
Are you really going to keep on digging yourself more and more? Go ahead actually, this is interesting. I'm just asking.
That's a different person, dumbass.
Lol, now we're on mom jokes! Keep em coming OP! This is the best cringe we've had on r9k in while.
Not me who you should be responding to, OP. This makes my year.
OP what should older woman be dressing in?
Friendly reminder that this thread still only has 20 posters. The same group of ~14 butthurt white knights are shilling for MUH FEMALE LIBERATION
like the faggots that they are, using ad hominem, "you can't type" type of arguments and sarcastic, edgy pics and gifs, while
saying OP (me) is butthurt. Really makes me think.
You really are proving me how much my "opinion' doesn't concern you and your agendas.
Oh so there are more retards of this sort? Nice.
>oooo I use Jow Forums are tell people to kys Im so edgy XD
>Friendly reminder that this thread still only has 20 posters. The same group of ~14 butthurt white knights are shilling for MUH FEMALE LIBERATION
>like the faggots that they are, using ad hominem, "you can't type" type of arguments and sarcastic, edgy pics and gifs, while
>saying OP (me) is butthurt. Really makes me think.
>You really are proving me how much my "opinion' doesn't concern you and your agendas.
count the replies and the treats it's only off by a bit or can a retard like you even count?
you are literally mentally I'll
if someone telling you that hating on a random woman is stupid, and means "MUH FEMALE LIBERATION" to you, then you need to get help
>im the gatekeeper of Jow Forums
no but seriously, off yourself
Math, be sure to learn it.
my grandmother wear a thong I think its a little gross, but what can you do about it
OP thinks women should wear hijabs once they hit 60 years old.
She obviously doesn't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks. Ask yourself why you concern yourself with something so trivial. When someone mocks another it's usually to make themselves feel better about their own shortcomings. Maybe you're fat, ugly or stupid... all three?
Do you think when you're out anyone pays attention to what you're wearing?No one is judging others clothing except shit heads like yourself. She isn't dressed in what is normally considered "appropriate" for her age... but who cares. She probably never cared for conventions, I sure don't. The clothing fits her and she's happy.
>everyone who disagrees is reddit
Nice autism, cunt
The absolute state of Jow Forums
Shills. Shills everywhere.