Would you rather be a kid now (2018) or a kid when you were a kid?

Would you rather be a kid now (2018) or a kid when you were a kid?

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Nah, growing up in the 90s was a unique experience I will want to let go of.

I never want to be a kid in any time

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Much rather be a kid back in the 90s/00s. Maybe I'd think different if I were actually a kid now but childhood today looks dumb as shit compared to when I was a kid. Kids these days just watch other kids on YouTube or obsess over other kids who lip sync over Top 40 songs or maybe some song from the 2000s that they learned from their parents.

Even TV is bad these days. Sometimes I'll watch Cartoon Network (very rare, he usually watches toy reviews on YouTube) with my nephew and it's just Teen Titans for hours.

It's just so strange to me, all of it.

I volunteered at a public school last year and school is just a prison for kids run by lesbians, they don't learn anything useful and there are so many arbitrary and unfair rules that are enforced when the wardens feel like it and ignored when they don't and when the kids get out of hand they just call the cops or the nearest Male employee

Literally just day care for lazy parents who can't be bothered to raise their kids or have dreams of their kids becoming some football star

I enjoyed the hell out of my childhood. I'm 28, growing up in the 90's/00s fucking ruled.

There is absolutely nothing to gain from being a kid in this current time unless you were trying to get some shota action.

I wouldn't trade growing up in the 90s for anything. Kids these days have utter shit lives and they're going to be even worse off once my generation lays waste to this planet.

Thats because Cartoon Network is shit. Think about the stuff that kids have these days- Gravity falls, Steven Universe, Star vs the forces of evil...

Being a kid now sounds sincerely awful, and internet culture is only going to be worse by the time they hit 18. I would much rather just go back to the 80s or 90s and grow up before the internet came along and ruined everything.

Gravity Falls was fairly decent and that is coming from someone that hates the big slog of new shit. Also it gave us that hilarious fanfiction about dipper getting raped in a taco bell bathroom after being forced to eat feces and then being killed and made into a human meat taco.

Social media and general internet culture combined with technophobic parents that don't know how to monitor their kids online are seriously fucking kids up. I would not want to be a teenager these days.

Glad I grew up in the late 90s early 00s. I was blessed with an awesome childhood. Some movie level good stuff. I feel like if I was a kid now would not have been as fun. I would not have explored or went outside nearly as much. Got a story or to for those who care

My cousins born in the 2000s talk about trans classmates. One born in 2005 talked about how he was more like a girl than like a guy and he wasn't really like a boy. My mom talked sense into him though.

>be kid now, get taken away by child services
>be kid then, have crazy degenerate sex with everyone

In some ways I kind of feel like old people were robbed not having access to how things are now vs. when they were a kid, but then I remember most shit is shit because of stuff they do and their choices. They'd only be interested in personal gain. Hopefully some of the older people just fucking die off already pretty soon.

I graduated high school in 2009 so I was a late 90s and early 00s kid. Those were pretty fun times honestly.

>Even TV is bad these days.
yeah but kids now can watch virtually any show ever made and have free access to all recorded music

I grew up in the 90s so i think it was the best time

No social media BShit no google and no iphones

Growing up with the internet is shit and I hate leggings. I miss low rise jeans

I would trade anything for a second chance with loving parents. I don't care when.

What I mean is, they had better advantages then. When they used those advantages. They just made things worse. If they want those advantages to do it all over again. Instead of fixing anything they just want to make it worse for everyone but them so many times over compared to how fucked they made it for everyone else hopefully they just fucking die sooner than later.

Growing up with the internet was awesome. You got to read and see anything. It was like the wild west where anything could happen and you could access all kinds of banned books.

T. 1986 born

>I hate leggings. I miss low rise jeans
Seeing every crack an crevice on some skank is pretty noce every now and then, but leggings really are retarded.

Definitely better to be a kid when I was (grew up in the late 90's early 00's). Technology was still something to be tinkered with, and you could always take a step back away from the constant flow of information that is the Internet today. Also, things are tougher now for kids. University entrance requirements are higher because of mark inflation, career paths are more unstable, and there's much more pressure now to perform in an "ideal" fashion because of social media. Kids are increasingly diagnosed with anxiety disorders and getting panic attacks over not winning that sixth piano competition because they're convinced that it's absolutely critical for them to be able to get into a good university, get a good job, and not starve to death. The scary part is that their fears are not completely unfounded.

hell no. I would rather go further back and be a kid in the 80's or 90's but the 00's was good enough. At least nobody had a smartphone back then.

I'd rather be a kid 300 years into the future.

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As a 96 late gen Y, I'd love to be a early zoomer.
I'm at that weird point where I should be out of college by now and working some corporate bs, but I have the mindset of a person who just finished high school and no one my age can relate. I would fit in more if I was 18 right now.

I would want to be kid then because I wasn't depressed fuck then. If I would be kid now constant social media browsing will make me sad and deppressed.

Now because I would be officially truly autistic.

Growing up with the internet was great. You got to be a part of small niche communities nobody you knew in real life cared about. You got to be force feed reality by constant postings of gore and other such things. You got to experience the internet during its peak when you were at your peak.

T. 1995

Kids nowadays have shitloads of social media
Every girl in school is a giant whore
If youre a pervy kid now you get a ton of wank material

>born in 89
>no social media
>myspace at best
>nobody dresses like a slut at school
>super low resolution camera phone images
>theyd have to use an actual camera to get good quality nudes

Same, I loved all my experiences, they were the worst.

are you kidding? being a kid now looks like it would be a nightmare. im glad i grew up when i did

i grew up in the 90s so yea im good, that was a fun time to grow up

Back when I was a kid. Kids are little adults now. The girls are fully matured at like 16. And social media is way too impactful and crazy. I liked normal recess and simpler days.

I'm 28 as well.

>HUGE eastcoast blackout 2003
>friends and I biked to ice cream shop where they were getting rid of it all before it melted.
>came home to see dad with camping gear on front lawn to cook dinner.
> able to call a few people since we had a rotary phone that worked without power. Recalled calling my grandmother.
>ate dinner outside under the stars since no city lights.

And with concerns of terrorism over this and that at the time and no way to really get the news it made it all quite surreal.

the world will be a non-white shithole by then. The dream of flying cars and robot butlers is a meme from the 50's

>born in 1984
>grew up pre-web 2.0/social media
>friend and i learned html
>put up anonymous gossip site about kids at our high school on geocities
>people didn't know how to make their own websites and couldn't comment/retaliate
>hit counter got into the thousands
>girl eventually got in between friend and i and we started attacking each other on the site
>we eventually blew up the site and called a truce
>never got in any trouble for cyberbullying or any of that bullshit
90s kid life was good

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