Favorite pastimes?

Favorite pastimes? I'll start.
Get stoned and watch holocaust documentary's
I can't be the only one right?

Attached: Irving.jpg (600x358, 29K)

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Imagining my suicide/thinking about killing myself.

Oh don't get to down in the dumps fella

haha how can you make a documentary about something that never happened haha like nigga for real

get drunk at home alone during the day and browse chan/read manga/watch sad movies

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Browsing Jow Forums, it's most of what i do

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That's what's so good about it.

Also, look at the picture. That man is David Irving, you'll like him.

What boards do you frequent?
Don't you have a job? You should get a day time job if you don't. It would cure your day drinking and you'd have a job, which means income and it's the best step you can make to getting over depression. From my own experience that is.

Solo paramilitary and survival exercises in the woods. I finally got good at tracking down random hunters without them seeing me.

im still in school and my next semester starts next week so im just doing things i wont be able to for a while but im hoping to grab a job after i graduate this year, thank you for yourwords

A pretty big mix, mostly /a/, /m/, Jow Forums, /tg/, /his/, /lit/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and a lot of the porn boards

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Ah good luck but remember if you're ever at a lose end there's always a couch you can crash on at my place.
Is it merely a past time or do you have a goal with these activities?
Not a bad selection you've got there fella, may i suggest you check out Jow Forums at first it's a pretty disgusting place but they'll win you over in the end

What is your favorite one OP?

I always wondered why the germans didn't rape more of the jew girls before killing them. Some of them like anne frank were cute little teens and you could take their virginity then burn them and nobody would ever care and take pics

Schindler list. It's just the realism of it all :DD I always enjoy a film where you want the characters in it to die.

not a documentary

>Is it merely a past time or do you have a goal with these activities?
It's a pastime. There's fuck all to do around here so that's what I do for fun. It's pretty much larping, really. Sometimes I imagine there's a nuclear apocalypse or I'm waiting out the water wars.

You couldn't detect any kind of sarcasm in my post? Anyway to answer your question properly my answer would of been this

Ah I see. I wasn't sure if you were larping or a prep-er sounds good regardless. I think i used to do something similar at around the age of 10. I guess the stakes are much higher as an adult compared to a child though.

>I think i used to do something similar at around the age of 10. I guess the stakes are much higher as an adult compared to a child though.
xD xD xD le child meme xD

You're hilarious and witty, dude.

Based David Irving.

Hey come on man, I wasn't taking this piss. It was just a matter of fact.