Tfw never used social media

>tfw never used social media
>tfw people look at me like a weirdo when I say I don't use it
Why the newer generations are becoming more and more brain dead?

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that looks like a thin, even more beta elon musk

What else are you supposed to do in ops pic?
You never know if they want to talk about it plus talking about it seems embarrassing.
Ignoring seems like the best.

I'd ask if he is ok.

But he could get violent. Or actually talk to you. That could take hours.

Evidently, he is not.

they're blocking the door and facing up, they are obviously a fag desperate for attention after the results came back positive. I've cried on public transport often and my head is down and I am quiet because i understand that no one gives a shit.

>yo dude have my seat
>you some eggs?
>calm him down
>invite him to a sandwich
>ask him about his problem
>befriend him
>you've just made a best friend
Why it's so hard to socialize for you guys?

I try to talk to people in their late teens to mid 20s. They are so unfriendly for some reason. Like you say something and the conversation goes nowhere.

id fuck his sad face
its not like hes gonna put up much of a fight
in fact he might relish it
and my dick is the hotdog

>But he could get violent
This will never happen, you assume this because you probably were bullied

You know Jow Forums is a social media right? You can stop trying to pretend you're cooler than people and disconnected from the grid.

theyre afraid of you more than youre afraid of them
honestly its because they fear they have nothing to talk about
so to not embarrass themselves they just dont have a conversation

It's not, and I use it rarely, Jow Forums, /sci/ and Jow Forums

Maybe, but the latter is true.

Its not the same. Social media like the big three (insta, face and snap) are all intrinsically linked with personal identity. Jow Forums is opposite. Thats what makes it bearable. Not everyone is up in your face a la "LOOK AT ME AND HOW GREAT MY LIFE IS"

True. Social anxiety is on the rise. People say it's because people are losing social skills but if that's the case why is it easier to make long conversations with literal autists I that age group than with normies in that age group?

Why do you equate social media and being braindead ?

That's even worse. I don't want to be a part of a social media campaign. Talking to crying people is scary no matter what.
You have no idea how he'll react to any of that. He could start yelling at you.
This is why you avoid people. It's difficult and they're not friendly.
I have no way of knowing how he'll react I don't know him. Maybe he angry crying.

It still fucks with my head how in the early 00's posting face pics and personal info online was strongly advised against, whereas now that shit is encouraged an you're consideted a weirdo if you dont do it

Anything normies do is braindead.

Attached: lalilulelo.jpg (800x1000, 234K)

Why do they make it so difficult? It's like they find friendliness cringey and weird. Like they have some sort of social code I have no access to.

Yeah, 80s slash 90s kid here

I remember the internet when it was all meant to be kept anonymous, dont use your real name, never give out any personal details unless its to a well known company that will keep it private like PayPal etc

Then some how all the normies came to the internet attention whoring posting all their life details, locations, endless images, every detail about their lives

Fuck off with that shit

We need old internet back

Only reason why I still come here is because its one of the few remaining active places on the internet that is anonymous

>why is it easier to make long conversations with literal autists I that age group than with normies in that age group?
i think its because autists are still ernest while normies are always self-analyzing and trying to see the irony in everything and lacing their words with sarcasm all the time that they dont know what to take seriously or how to. same like talk show audiences who clap and/or laugh at everything even when the guest is talking about something serious. they've become mindless lemmings by trying to become too mindful

I remember the thread that this pic came from. Apparently some black guy in Texas got into an argument with his dad and decided to run away to Mexico. He convinced his white friend (op pic) to come along with him. After a series of Mexican mishaps that the black Texan refused to elaborate on, they were stuck in Mexico and were trying to find a way back into the US. The Texan's friend broke down on the train.

The Internet bubble burst in 2000. It was normie by 97.

Depends on the country

No, it's the worldwide web.

There were a lot more niches where you could escape normies though after that. You got to talk to people far more intelligent than you'd ever meet in the real world. To debate with them you had to become an expert and read up on things. While reading their posts you learned a lot about the subjects.

Not every country was developed the same speed in using the internet you inbred retard

Leave it for the normalfags, robots don't need that shit.

>everyone using social media on their phone
>people will think i'm doing the same
>i'm actually playing subway surf

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I hate social media just because it destroyed the concept of privacy. The oversharing culture shitholes like fagbook pushed onto us made people think of privacy as something only for deviants and other "bad" people. It's literally the reason why the societal response to the NSA spying shit seems to be an overwhelming "meh".

> newer generations are becoming more and more brain dead
it's by design. Human domestication isn't some abstract conspiracy theory. It's happening everywhere.

Cant the texan guy just go to the mexican police and ask to be deported

>wanting to be best friends with some attention seeking faggot crying on the train

i rewatched mgs2 last month . FUCKING CHICK CHANK KOJIMA KNEW WHAT WAS COMING . when i rewatched it , i felt like what the actuall fuck

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