How do i lose muscle mass significantly. I am transgender and wanna get rid of biceps and neck musculature

How do i lose muscle mass significantly. I am transgender and wanna get rid of biceps and neck musculature.

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in general dont work out
starve yourself
like actually enter starvation mode

post pic genetics and body shape play a big role as well

hung yourself should do the trik

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Post pics first

Stop eating.
That's about it.
i.e. exactly what
said, 'cept don't post your gay-ass pics, user

my forearms look bulkier than they should. i dont like it.

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I'm in the same boat as you OP.

My plan is to start doing much more cardio and do long fasts while not working out my upper body at all. This will probably go a lot easier if your E levels are fine and you are already low bf% so I'd focus on making sure those things are in order first.

Make the thing described in this video and drink it while fasting so you don't die.

Also if you have no prior experience with fasting I'd advise you to gradually move from your normal eating habits to a 16-8 IF then to eating one meal a day during the span of like 3 weeks and only then start fasting proper(like 2-3 days in a row) so you don't accidentally get ahead of yourself and die.

Good luck.

what does feminize more? being skinny or skinnyfat? bc rn im skinniyfat and im liking the shape of my body.

post back side pic as well so we gauge fat distribution i assume you want to lose just the muscle right? maybe some fat?

You got fat.
Fasting is going to make you look more masculine.

whats fasting

Have fun with your life feeling inadequate. Then after years of mental "suffering" you'll unironically killing yourself. I feel bad for you, mental illnesses shouldn't be promoted by society and you're a victim of this.

hihi thanks senpai

massive amounts of cardio, I recommend tying a noose around your neck and balancing on a tilted chair 30 minutes at a time

>wanna get rid of biceps

Listen to this dude.

Don’t fast it will make you look more like a dude.

The hard truth. You want to fuck men? Alright. It's not normal, and you gotta watch out you don't catch aids, but i can accept that.

You wanna dress like a chick? Alright. Not normal. But i won't straight up punch you in public.

You want to change into another sex? (Cut penis off, use hormones) Sad. Just sad. It's on a whole new scale of sadness.

>indirectly working your biceps while other muscles grow will decrease your biceps

I know you're trying to meme but I expect better

I have nice genetics but i have a big of extra muscle on my forearms even though i dont do ANY exercise. Idk how to reduce it

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Why do you care? All three of the things you mentioned affect you in exactly the same way: not at all.
Nice ass.

There are lesbian trans girls, is not about wanting to date men. monkey.

Cardio and vegan diet will do it

Empathy. I care because i see how horrid mental illnesses can be and lead to depression and suicide.

fuck it postpic we wanna see butt

Seppuku for abdominal fat.

Yup, you've definitely gotten fatter. You looked slimmer last year.
Listen to this guy OP. He's the only one that cares. All of us others giving you advice and telling you to go through with whatever you're going thru just want to watch you crash and burn. Watching faggots suffer and die is a hobby of mine.

thanks senpai u saved my life i will be a man from now on

Show me your ass

Not saying you should go against your own will. If you want to be a woman, that's your choice. It's just sad, is all.

my butt is 10/10 without workout.
ignore the boy underwear thxxx

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Would impregnate/10

Looking hella twinky. I'd suck you off then cum in your ass

t. straight guy

More please *yum*

Delusional faggot is delusional.

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thanks for caring senpais u convinced me to undo years of transition and now i wanna be a man and marry a woman and have 2 kids cindy and danny my 2 sweethearts i will be so happy now thxx

im taken senpa

>Fasting is going to make you look more masculine.
Only temporarily. If you afterwards eat a lot to regain fat levels it will end up better in the long run since you burn the male pattern fat that you might(depending on how long you are on hrt) still have as well as lose extra muscle.

>what does feminize more? being skinny or skinnyfat? bc rn im skinniyfat and im liking the shape of my body.

You look p good tbf I don't even think you need to worry much about your arm muscles and stuff. It's most likely just a bit of BDD setting in than an actual problem that you have to deal with.

Like in general it's better to be a bit fat because the female pattern hides male skeleton. I guess I retract my advice regarding fasting because I didn't see what you looked like when I gave it, I thought you were earlier in your transition

solid 7 is the best I can do my guy

I’ll pump you full of Cindys and Dannys

lucky number yasssss thx senpai

Dubs decides how OP dies.
>raped and murdered by some random jihadi gang

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I usually agree with this sentiment but I do believe there are some truly transgender people, those are usually the ones that pass more easily as women too (in my belief pyramid).

There was one dude I went to high school with and he always looked like a chick, people called him his brother's 'sister' as a joke. 9 years later and he's come out with a name change.

Another dude I know has started taking hormones and grew his hair out long. It's ugly and weird.

mm mm mm thanks sexy. yeah so best way to lose muscle is to move as little as possible. dont lift a finger i recommend you stay with me and ill bring you vegetables from my garden while you relax all day. Itd be a shame if you lost some of that juicy booty fat but the body is bound to break some of that down before it even considers the muscle since those are so useful to our survival. subsist on sugar at maintenance? exercise very little and take vitamins for your essentials. that way you can add or at least maintain fat and atrophy your muscles but this is all stupidly unhealthy conjecture. post more for inspiration ill keep spitballin here.

its just not eating for a long time desu

I dont think that would work since my ribcage is wide and id lose my booty

No it will work.

Jesus h Christ desu

i only wanna lose muscle not fat

yeah, if you actually had big muscles it would be good it for a while if you ate a lot after but in your case idk if the temporary masculinization would be worth for the little bit of muscles you would lose since they seem pretty small anyhow

I used to lift a lot to repress so I mostly gave advice from my own perspective which is a quite different situation to yours

Loosing what little muscle you have left is pretty hard, as you're genetically determined to keep a certain amount of muscle mass even if you fast hard on HRT. even then it isn't a guarantee. and you would be better off slightly bulking on hrt

to repress? r u trans?
so gaining weoght is good on hrt?

Not him

But it can be
Cut all your “man” weight by fasting and gain it back on HRT

Also lost a few more pics plz

Nice dick sucking lips, fag.


Raped and murdered by some random /fit gang

>to repress? r u trans?
yeah, I guess

but I only started hrt two weeks ago so it's gonna be a long ride still

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how bout raped and cuddled?

in that order

op here.
That trans people is a minority, most trans boys and girls i know effort in passing and most do.

legit this. become a skelly before doing hrt and then bulk hrt. that will make your body use the hormones from hrt to actually build something new. In this case feminine features. Same as bulking will naturally give men a little more muscle even while being lazy.

exactly even if there were like six of us and op in the middle cuddling up and being all nude and warm i wouldnt feel that gay, besides she would come around to the sex so it wouldnt be like bad rapey

>40% suicide rate

>tfw want to kill myself and not even a transsexual

Sounds like a plan. Where we meeting up?

hey i bet if you became the opposite gender it would really turn your life around

hang on a minute...

Stop being a faggot you degenerate cunt

Wow, it's not rare to have other mental health problems come along with gender dysphoria.


First you gotta add me on snap and rp with me. Having me as a daddy dom will feminize you. Little slut. God I want you pump your slutty little ass full of hot cum. I can tell how much of a bratty bitch you are from these pictures. I really gotta put you in your place.

What’s your kik though

so you guys wanna come to the rape and cuddle session itd be super hot but cute boys allowed only plz

You always gonna be a dude on the inside brah

Probably just deal with it

You disgusting faggot, I swear people like you make me want to genocide all the niggers and faggots with my bare hands. The day of Christs second coming is soon and you will regret your degenerate behavior soon.

>years of transition
>still got those XY chromosomes

u gonna be transitioning for a while

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>Came to this board to escape fags

already far too late

It means running on a treadmill SO FAST that you can scape from your worries and feels.

Browsed r9k since 2011, you can geus what happened there.

my friend called me and said you should post more pictures

>these are the people calling you nigger on Jow

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How I buy your nudes?

Nice wide ass shoulders and man hands faggot

Stop replying u skinnyfags. U r all homos

traps aren't gay though

Implying you didn’t have an erection like us all


Remember that if your forearms get skinner, your hands will look bigger.

I’d just stop worrying about it and lemme smash

>I wish I was a girl, and that makes it real.
I wish I was a millionaire. Where's my money?
I wish I had a GF or five. My rape victims need to respect my wishes.
Get over yourself.

Neck hangs 1x1


>How do i lose muscle mass significantly. I am transgender and wanna get rid of biceps and neck musculature.
High fat, high carb diet, minimal protein, and never ever do any sort of strength training exercises of any kind.

Listen OP, I'm not against LGBTQ at all, know plenty of people who are, got no problem with it, but unless your body was mostly female to start with, with the exception of your genitals and/or unless you're still very young, you may have gone too far down the male-of-the-species path to really reverse the development along that line, which means you may never really look all that feminine. Sorry if that happens to be the case for you.

It's a dude.

How does it feel knowing that literally 95% of society finds you repulsive, and anyone who "cares" about you is only sexualizing you because you're mentally ill and will fulfill their trap fantasy? I mean, you're literally never going to make it in life. Trannys make less money, are mentally ill and unstable, and normies would rather work with the weird Jow Forums autist than a fucking tranny.

You'll probably end up killing yourself in your late twenties. I knew/know 2 trannies. 1 killed himself after his wife (shocker) divorce him after coming out as a faggot tranny, oh and he had to pay child support lmfao. Ended up attemping suicide the first time but failed because he's retarded, then eventually wised up and just shot himself in the skull. The second one I know is post-op and had his dick cut off but it got all infected and shit so he had 2 more surgeries to correct it. also, surprise his parents disowned him and he lives with his fucking grandma lmao.

I mean, you're just never going to be accepted. Ever. Period.

But to answer your Jow Forums question, don't eat and do a bunch of cardio. wow not hard. Now pls do the world a favor and kys.

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I would already fuck you . Don't cut or you're risking losing that booty.

Try slicing them off - sit in a hot tub, and just carefully slice some of the skin of your neck, don't worry about hitting arteries - it's just a meme.

stop eating. literally.

Only eat 250g of carbs a day for a month.

And i mean just carbs. nothing else. Dring 5 shakes of 50g maltodextrin a day. no vegetables no protein. You could at multivitamins and mineral tablets.

t. Faggot boomer. Lol you are worse than the guy posting his ass.

Her ass is 11/10 you jealous copelets