Have you tried it? How hard is it?
Water Fasting
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Originatorily why tho
This is a stealth WMAF-thread, isn't it?
internittent fasting with water fast. do it
It's quite hard, but tea and diet sodas help.
Longest I've gone is 60-some hours before I caved and got deliveroo because my blood pressure was all fucky.
if you can keep your mind distracted from hunger, it's pretty easy
Difficult the first time, but once you get past day 3 it's easy
I've done 5 days
Op here Kinda. But Im fat as fuck and interracial is my fetish
If you want to be please I wont post any pics but my op
i was just on one yesterday. I got to 4 and a half days. I only gave up because i thought I might've got some cake into my mouth by touching a piece.
>60 hours
kek, nigga you technically didn't even begin to starve
>The rough part happens after 72 hours of no eating - this is the stage of autophagy. Once the fats are broken down, your body turns to breaking down protein in muscles, essentially wasting away your muscles. At this point, your brain's requirement for glucose will have dropped from 120 grams per day to only 30 grams. But your brain will need to start getting energy from protein next.
Damn this looks so good.
What's it called?
Sad no in n out in east coast
Yeah I was going to go further but I couldn't stand up without passing out and I had shit to do since I'm not a NEET.
Anyone take ECA while fasting?
Ephedrine from Primatene (Walmart)
Black coffee or tea
Generic aspirin (no enteric coating)
You have to be actually retard to think that's "real fasting" or beneficial in any way.
thats an old fit/misc recipe. alotta drawbacks with it
You fucks need to eat, fasting will eat your muscles before even begins to touch your fat reserves.
Not OP, just pointing out that your body can manage just fine for about 3 days before it starts to cannibalize itself. I don't think fasting is beneficial and wouldn't recommend it to anybody, although I sometimes go the entire day without eating simply because cooking is pain.
No there isn't.
It's 100% safe and more effective then any expensive dieting drug on the market.
Which is why ephedra was banned.
What if you are 400 pounds? Then you need to.
I dont have muscles, just 25% fat senpai
Gotto lose weight fast lmao
How the fuck do you get Primatene without a script?
Any sources that will ship to the UK if not the US?
Yeah, fasting past 3 days is clearly stupid. but there are some benefits to doing it sparingly.
Intermittent fasting is great if only for the control it gives you over what you eat.
if youre a guy, you get "stim dick".
If you have asthma, you can use your albuterol inhaler or liquid for the nebulizer
Tha synergizes with caffiene and aspirin for fat burning , but it raises blood pressure and heart rate
Primatene or Bronkaid is behind the counter, you go to walmart, ask for one box of it, give driver licenses and pay $10. Just dont buy more than 2 per month cause youre in the national dea registry and it checks
Longest I went without eating was 7 days. I lost 10kg. Yeah I know you lose some muscle when fasting but i had none anyway.
It's a legit method to lose weight, sadly it only works when you're NEET. If you have shit to do don't bother. You won't be able to stay awake and focus.
If you didn't have muscles you would be dead, reduce your caloric intake and increase your caloric expending (ie exercise), losing weight but starving yourself you only make it harder for you to workout and increase your health problems. Unless you are 250+ pounds this is fucking stupid and will make you increase your fat percentage. And even if you are that fat you need to talk to a professional first or you will fuck yourself over.
3 days and a few hours was my maximum. I could go longer since the hunger seem to subside after day 2 but I realized my body was going bad and stopped. I started having minor convulsion on my muscles and was extremely weak and barely functional, I also wanted to vomit all the time. I'm not a fat fuck so take that with a grain of salt.
literally none of that is true
you have a baby tier understanding of what youre talking about
this is wrong
Were you supping electros like youre supposed to?
You can if you take Phentermine. If you don't eat and take this you will still be full of energy.
>this is wrong
Nigger it's basic biology, literally any biology course or survival course tell you muscles are the first to go, then fats than the organs.
Starving yourself WILL make you lose muscle mass before you lose fat.
>Longest I went without eating was 7 days. I lost 10kg.
Yeah no. Your body doesn't even consume half a kilo worth of energy in a day.
Lol no it isnt youre 100% wrong and dont understand what youre talking about.
Ketones are muscle sparring
GH spikes to 300% to aid in fatty acid mobilization and is also muscle sparring.
Why would the body not use fat which is literally designed to be used in times where food is scarce?
Youre 100% wrong you know theyve done studies on this stuff right?
Hey idiot who has no clue what hes talking about, when you fast your muscle glycogen gets burnt up which makes you shed water.
who ebumfkdnsjsnsjsns
I've done 10 days on the snake diet. After day 3 it is easy. I felt great, kicked myself out of depression and lost 20lbs.
david duke said that fasting is good so im gonna do it
wasnt he that guy who drove the General Lee on Dukes of Hazzard?