My parents are getting old

My parents are getting old.

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If you're lucky, they'll die soon and you can get the inheritance.

>parents talk about inheritance and leaving soon
makes me sad whenever i think about it

So is my cat. He is turning 20 soon.

damn man wtf

My father constantly said that he probably will die in the next few years when I was a child. All he had was asthma and being overweighted and he still lives. Still made me somehow depressed.
That is old for a cat. How is his health? My was 18 and it constantly shit on the floor and vomited the last year. Died the same week like my dog

>parents have always been old
>start having expensive health problems when i'm still in high school
>Constantly joke about me moving out so they don't have to pay for my existence

My older brother 10 years my senior did not get this treatment. I never got to play sports with my dad when he did. I never went to a expensive private school when he did. I never got to go to a nice college when he did. They only started pressuring him to leave when he was 26. I was pressured to leave since I turned 18. When I was 14-18 I had to sit there and watch my parents slowly dying. My over the years my father is getting less and less like himself. We have a family history of Alzheimers. He's just not there like he used to be. I know its selfish but I hate my parents for making me go through this.

Yeah. I am good at raising animals. Grandmother taught me. Past 3 month alot of my cats have been kicking the bucket though. Can't really cure old age.

Well a few days he's been acting awfully slow.slower than usually actually. Came home with a scratch on his face but it's ok. Pretty sure they don't have correlation though.

>turned 18 half a decade ago

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Mine too. I'm noticing my dad will briefly forget the names of people and places during conversations. And I only had one grandparent live past 70.

you are getting old

My guinea pig is getting old and fat and I don't care for it one bit. Partially because just looking at him reminds me of my own mortality, and partially because caring for him is a real bitch sometimes.

>mom is almost 60, fat, with diabetes and heart problems.

I may not have much longer in the neet life bros.

spoiler alert they were always getting old

Once mine are too old or weak to look after me, I'll probably kms.

Grade A bullshit.
There is no significant extra cost to having an extra body in your house. All they have to do is get you to buy your own food and you would be net neutral to them or they could start charging a symbolic amount of rent like 200 bucks a month, that would neutralize your "expense" pretty damn quick.

The only way they are paying for "your existence" is if they were planning to sell the house and pocket most of the cash. But I'm willing to bet even when they kick you out they will keep the house anyway.

Sorry, user. I guess I lucked out: my mom is healthier than half of my family. But my dad makes up for that by being the most unhealthy of the family.

>There is no significant extra cost to having an extra body in your house
energy, water, peace of mind. would you want to support a neet?

Yeah, because having a man in your basement compels you to change the setting on the thermostat
True showing once a day does increase the cost a bit, but my symbolic rent solution knocks that out.
>peace of mind
A clear indication that you have no fucking idea what love is. "I just kicked my kid onto the streets for my own peace of mind. Hur dur, my house is so much more peaceful"
If you want peace just don't talk to your robot son=instant peace.

>tfw mom is 51 with no known health issues but asthma
>but she sleeps a bunch and got roped into religion so she tries to fast for like days
>also she took this 'eat whatever you want' diet meme and consumes junk while exercising at the gym all the time
i'm worried about her

What makes a good pet owner good? Share your grandmother's wisdom, please

>parents have been together for 17 years despite not loving each other anymore