Asians are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it

Asians are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it

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What race are you, op?

we(they) are but are much more quiet about it. i can kind of understand the xenophobia in my home coutnry korea though because of how 'foreingers' dominated much of our history. its not right and today's people shouldnt carry the sins of their ancestors forever but if they lived through times full of pain and shame due to another country's expansionism/zeal i can understand if not condone

>Asians are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it
So are niggers
it's OK to be racist if you aren't white
btw Asians are the most redpilled ethnic group on earth, if things keep on going this way with europeans bowing to welfare queens (niggers) and fucking their economy over with tons of imported cheap labor, then the world power will shift to russia, china, japan, korea (soon to be united under kim) etc.

Jews are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it

There's nothing wrong with xenophobia. A space that I reserve for my group is one that I want to keep nice and highly specified to my group. Am I xenophobic if I don't let someone take my friends seat at the theater?

American blacks are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it

Asian racism is nicer than white racism

America is a white nation.

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according to leftists whites are racist for simply existing, so fuck it

No one on Jow Forums lives in the eastern hemisphere. Just like how I care mostly about racism only in America. What they do 10s of thousand miles away does bot concern me

and that's a good thing
they will inherit western civilization when whites don't make children anymore or the remaining few children mix with niggers, leading to low IQ 56%ers.
There's a reason why the Zucc is making Hapa kids, the Jewish-Asian alliance will probably take over soon

>Implying asians want the Whites to mix out

Jews are too autistic, even for asians

they don't want them to die out, but it's inevitable at this point (jews did enough brainwashing to make it happen). It'll be either an arms race or an alliance forming between Asians and Jews after the West turns into Brazil

humans are just naturally racist, they generally prefer humans that look like themselves

jews hate whites for ww2 and decided it was in their best interests to destroy them as punishment for threatening their tribe

>they dont want them to but its gonna happen

see but its not. thats called "projection", which means youre lying.

that was only the Germans. also other Whites saved some Jews.

Well, the grudge against Europeans goes back to the destruction of the second temple by the Romans, but they went full genocide mode after the Third Reich

and being honest, the Germans didnt arbitrarily decide to intern the Jews for no reason. it wasnt fair to indiscriminately attack all Jewish Germans that was autistic. but look at the Jews trying to subvert the West now, it does exist and Jews stick together.

meanwhile, IQ scores in western countries are miraculously decreasing while IQ scores in east asian countries are on the rise. Really makes you think

so go after the Romans then.

It doesn't matter. To them, all Europeans are now a threat and they can't risk allowing them to exist.
Though it seems nefarious to us, to them they simply see it as self preservation. By poisoning a society they pacify it

you got your revenge on the Germans, on the Romans. You have Israel, so i ask you what is your grudge with Whites?

>Asians are racist as fuck but very few people ever call them out on it
A lot of races are racist, you whitoids fucked up by letting jews push your shit in, lol, you whitoids actually helped the people that every other race was avoiding, you're like abuse victims that constantly go back to their abuser.

Right, Whites are such poison to the Jews - 4 billion dollars every year to Israel is absolutely toxic to the tribe.

and for what? White people get nothing from it.

They did. After introducing Christianity.

>America is a white nation.
t. 56%

Okay. Now stop going after White people, Jews. or can you even stop at this point? seems like the Jews have made this an "all or nothing" gambit.

So you can extort money from a population while simultaneously subverting them. Sounds like they've fulfilled their destined role as master over slave

Why do you hate Whites? they give tons of aid to literally everyone.

>Why do you hate Whites? they give tons of aid to literally everyone.

do you think White people think about the Jews or Blacks or Asians in their free time? no, they wanna go hiking, traveling, read books or maybe go to a concert.

didnt the Egyptians enslave the Jews? how come you dont go after them? because Jews and Blacks and Asians too all have a weird fixation on Whites.

You must understand just how deep their resentment runs. They won't stop, ever.

You think jews care? They want to destroy the entire white race. They literally murder the very people who saved them from extinction.

They hate what is wholesome and beautiful. Everything must be corrupted and twisted by evil. They can't help it.

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i honestly dont understand. Blacks and Jews and their deep resentment. is it because Im Korean? America did come free South Korea, even if it is a modern vassal state of the US.

Israel is also under the protection of the US. yeah i see them trying to "subvert" America but its like a bee tickling a sleeping lion.

>You think jews care? They want to destroy the entire white race. They literally murder the very people who saved them from extinction.
senpai, they don't care about if it's whites, asians, blacks or whatever, all they care about is that you whitoids are willing to give them money and they'll milk as much as they can out of you, if it was the asians that saved them then asia would be just as fucked as the west is right now.
Help jews and you always lose.

i truly dont believe that about the Jews. but i know there are some influential Jews that do feel this way - cut off the head of the snake and the body is no threat.

Ironic if you think about it. The ones who can save America from being an Israel puppet are... the blacks?

They aren't even human though

are Americans. America is no one's puppet, just a good guy thats being taken advantage of.

You're surely right about that. Regardless, the powerful ones pull the strings

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The majority of welfare queens are white
You dumfuck .

so this is all just a big pissing contest over who is the "master"?

America is getting subverted hard by marxists. Another pet project of theirs.

fuck gooks soulless bugeyed bastards

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Trump is the president who is the biggest cuck to Israel ever. Their literal slave. Meanwhile the only recent president who actually stood up to Israel was Obama.

theyre just kids

Shalom, Daniel

You have that reversed mate.

They're useful idiots. Academia is full of leftist political indoctrination and has been since the late 50's

Trump has literally bowed down to Israel every step and done their bidding. Show just one instance where he has stood up to them. Meanwhile, you can find plenty of instances of Obama giving them the finger.

Waiting for facts, Shlomo. Not your jewish lies.

Leftists did a great job silencing the masses. we can all speak freely.

Is everyone in this thread mentally retarded?

Im not the one lying, Daniel

>we can all speak freely
Sure, until you say something counterrevolutionary. Then you'll be shouted down, censored, doxxed, and slandered.

dum vivunt in rem publicam Americae

then say it in Latin xD

You said Trump is not an Israel cuck. That he has stood up to Israel. That is objectively a lie.

asian women are racist against their own race.

Whats that, Ive been hearing a lot about it recently. must be little man syndrome

Just one example? When has Trump done something that has pissed off Israel?

bombing their salafist proxys in syria

Honestly, most jews marry other jews.
Zuckerberg couldn't attract a Jewish girl because he is an unattractive 5'7" manlet with severe autism.

They think we are edomites

>imagine being this much of a brainlet who doesn't understand world economics
wew lad

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Basement-dwelling high school dropout incels are not only experts on women, but on things such as economics as well.

so are blacks and no one cares either
racism is for whites only

>they think
>implying its not what you think

nice try Ben Shapiro.

Only Whitoids can be racist.
It's a term created by Whitoids.


Also, cry me a river.

thats enough, dont you think so?

what's with all the shitposting against Asians lately