Would you date a black princess?

would you date a black princess?

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If she isn't fat probably yes. I just want a gf

>black princess

That's not black lmao.

Woman is the pic is cute because the only thing she has close to african descent is the colour of her skin, she holds no other facial feature that most balcks have, like wide nose, big lips...etc.
Most black women dont look half as cute as this one. This one simply looks like as if you picked some white insta model and photoshopped her with dark skin.

No, fuck those coons

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If she wasn't ghetto as fuck and spoke proper English.

>all black Africans are Bantu meme
I've seen several Somalians with those features.

I really want a black gf who likes Metal and/or electronic music.

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Yeah, as long she's not ghetto.

This, every single time, without fail.
White beauty is objective.

Somalia is an African country in Africa. The Horn of Africa is a region of African in in Africa. Therefore Somalian/Horn African features are African features.

The real question is would she date any of us tards here?

cherry picking you can count somali americans on your fingers

There are neighborhoods in Dallas full of Ethiopians and Eritreans which are pretty much the same thing. There are also a lot of Somalis in Toronto.

You can do that too.

oreo join anal

Fuck no. No black qt is worth all that baggage that comes with that.


we shall save the white race

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no, niggers disgust me

So, whats the deal, if i find them attractive i find them attractive, its just that there arent many women like that compared to the other portion of the black population.
Its not like im ever gonna have a chance with them, or any women at all.

>we shall save the white race
>posts azov badge
ukrainian subhumans should be dead too, they are objectively worse than niggers

isn't this a screenshot from a blacked video.


and want a QUEEN

Worthless endeavor. Bounteous booty awaits on the dark side.

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Probably why it says "re"claim.

It's pointless and stormcucks are wasting their time. White women willingly surrendered to barbarian dick because they were "oppressed" by the white patriarchy. Get some real matriarchs. Go black.

>It's another "user thinks facial symmetry & sharp features are a white exclusive thing" episode

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yeah sure, if she have european values and is christian (Catholic or Orthodox only)

Yes i would. Why wouldnt i?

I'm so lonely that I'd even date a Princess(boy).

Besides, black women seem like they take care of their man pretty well.

Yes. Would she date me or any of you? Doubt it.

Double DUBS of many truths.


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Well I guess Indo-Aryan (not him btw)

Yes, but she couldn't date me.

>It's another "user tries to rationalize is attraction to a black girl by saying she has some sort of aryan ancestry" episode

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Please touch my tiny white dick. Rolling for qt black domme gf

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Well her kids will after I'm done with her.

im an eritrean black bot.
stay away from our women.

>wants to advertise the white race
>posts coal-burning porn slut
Why would you do this?

Who is that porn slut anyway?
She is a pretty sexy milf desu

>Would you date x?
Stop making these threads. The answer is always yes but the better question is: Would that woman date me? If women, literally any woman, wanted to date me I wouldn't be here.
Kendra Lust. Have you watched porn in the last 20 years?

The fact that you are a robot means they don't see themselves as yours. Fuck off.

I tend to stick to amateur porn

Northeast Africans are classified as Caucasoid even though they think they are African like the two are mutually exclusive.

>it's another thread where East Africans get told they're only slightly black

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The current theory is the caucasoid type started in the horn and worked its way northward

Dated a literal one when I volunteered out in the DRC, tribe chief's daughter.

She likely looked nothing like OP's pic and had a large nose and lips. Ethnicities vary across Africa.

Never said she looked like OP pic related, just that she was a black princess or princess equivalent.

This is my FUCKING dream.

What was she like, you colonising queer?

She was pretty great, vibrant and charming and kind. Very interested in me and made me feel wanted and loved. Supported and stuck up for me too, I wish we could have remained together.

Why didn't you remain together?

only if she was an ethiopian, eritrean, somalian or sudanese girl with non-negroid facial features.

Actually dating a negroid would be very embarrassing for me because they're so much lower status than me that it would be like I was punching below my weight out of a lack of confidence or something.

kushitics on the other hand can actually have some status to them.

Negroids are just too far removed from humanity. you can see it in their subhuman facial features.

Actually dating a negroid would be as embarrassing as dating an aboriginal.

Thost two are basically white at this point, with some bonus african features.

Horn-Africans can be quite attractive.

I fucked an eritrean girl off tinder. I dumped her after a couple of weeks and making her take two morning after pills a week apart because she was a ho.

she was fine though I can see why you want to keep your women to yourself lol.
I'd be more worried about bantu subhumans getting your women than white people though.

you're retarded. if her skin was coloured white she'd look weird as fuck.

she's somali or some type of kushitic. they typically have like 15% west-eurasian admixture so only a small amount of their dna can be considered caucasoid.
read a book you idiot.

>improving and expanding their wealth of knowledge

You're objectively wrong. Black Africans come in all shapes and sizes, even the West African ones. My pic has several West Africans with small and symmetrical features (sort of) like the girl in the OP, who obviously is of a different African stock.

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blease stop making these threads

>place of origin = a totally different race
kek hilarious

That's a photshopped white girl tho

Features look African

why don't you prove that claim you've made

>muh "white features"
Why are wh*toids so stupid and desperate? It's like trap lovers denying they're gay.

>r9k back to hateposting about us
thank god

If we shared interests and was cute. Sure.

Her family/tribe wouldn't permit it. I would have done if I could bring her back with me to the US but they wouldn't have that and I wasn't going to stay.

only if she was mixed with asian or white

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Unironically this
But sometimes the mixes dont give a favourable result