Why are chinks considered intelligent when they consistently do retarded shit and live in squalor everywhere?

Why are chinks considered intelligent when they consistently do retarded shit and live in squalor everywhere?

Attached: dumb chink.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

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Because dumb ass chinks stay in their home country

he must have been confused when he arrived in the void

What the FUCK was he thinking. Did he not know how this planet works?

How did he died? Did the impact knock him out then he drowned?

But some dumb ass chinks moved next door to me and turned a clean house into a dump that smells like shit and roaches suddenly appeared, whereas we've never had any for my entire 22 years of life before the chinks moved in.

They're dirty stupid subhuman people. They also ran a Chinese buffet down the street which I never went to because they are dirty, dirty rat-people and people are always getting food poisoning from chink restaurants.

Lots of people don't understand how water works and think its just soft from any height. SeeHitting water from 30 or more feet at free fall speed is just about as safe as hitting concrete

that or could have broken his back/neck

looks like he intended to knife into the water but started to tumble and got rekt by surface tension instead. not smart to begin with

Holy shit was a moron lmao

There is more to the metaphysical soul, to the essence of a people than raw IQ. They can simultaneously be smart and very dirty, soulless bugpeople.

>mfw all those bruises
Fuck. Made me laugh

liveleak source?

They export their talent, so of course the only ones back in the homeland you'll see in media are going to be retarded ass chincs

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This, or so i think

they're considered intelligent because they get good grades when their parents force them to either do good in school or commit suicide. that kinda pressure makes people book smart, but they aren't smarter by nature. i'd go even further to say that even the ones with good grades are very lacking in "street smarts"

IQ exists on a bell curve and China has a population of 1,415,790,999.

The average IQ in China is 105.

This means individuals with a 120 or higher IQ are in the 84.1344740241th percentile. That equates to 224,622,688 120+ IQ people.

Individuals with an IQ of 80 or lower are in the 4.7790330410th percentile. This equates to 67,661,119

look at this pathetic chink. shouldn't you be putting together iphones or something?

Look at this white nigger who can't lose gracefully while humbly wishing to improve instead of resorting to science denial.

jump off a bridge and break your back dirty chink

go eat some gutter oil food you disgusting pan face

what's with all the threads bashing Asians lately

I wish there is a timeline in which East Asians stopped arguing and killing each other but instead would unite under 1 banner and go to war against the Whitoid menace.

Instead we got Japan being a lapdog to America, when being nuked not once, but twice and a Vietnam, that got oranged and still suck on American dicks etc.pp

At least there is comfort in knowing that Whitoids are in the process of wiping themselves off the screen.

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Probably paying it forward to the chink blacked spammers.

we just need to convince them to eat other subhumans, problem will solve itself

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can you imagine how glorious that would be if it actually happened though

they're the ones spamming most of the race bait shit here

The reason they're so subjugated is precisely because they tried to go to war with whiteys, dipshit. Japs like typical yellow bastards tried to backstab the USA and got 2 nukes dropped on them in return. They have learned to be ball-less subservient cucks because it is how they survived in the face of a battle they cannot win.
Make no mistake, when the USA releases their thumb off the barbaric japs' backs, they will chimp out again.

>going an all out war alone, fighting on 2 fronts is the same as having many allies and fighting only on 1 front

Kek, the Japs are retards, got what they deserved for trying hard and now they have become more retarded in sucking the dick of the country who nuked them twice.
All while still openly hating on SK and China.

Based originaIIy

Asians can be very stupid.
Don't let the animu and uni degrees fool you.
Fucking commie rice niggers.

lmao, water is water, retard. It doesn't matter if you jump from a very high place, it won't magically become solid.

because the IQ test says they are. I like how you retards love bringing up shit only when it suits you. Asians are smarter than you. Deal with it subhuman retards

they think they can survive inhuman feats because of anime. In all media falling into water automatically makes you safe no matter what height. The guy probably played too much minecraft.

this. the chinese are superior to europeans. give it another 50 years and everyone will be learning chinese instead of english

Stop eating dogs

Holy shit that's boomer logic.
>eeerrgh don't play ur shooting games kid *zipps* don't want u to turn into a psychopath
You've really let your brain fried

Horrible B8

and on the same note, ashkenazi jews are even smarter than east asians (and I know ashkenazi jews are a very selected few of all jews, but they have the highest IQ as studies show). Also a reason why they could manipulate whites into the current mess we have in europe.
Ashkenazi jews > East asians > Whites > Spics > Niggers when it comes to intelligence

Because many Asian countries score high on IQ tests. You know those very same tests that you use as justification for why black people are inferior?


Amusingly, myopia (nearsightedness) is positively correlated with intelligence and occurs in this exact order: highest rate in Ashkenazi Jews, second highest in East Asians, then in whites, then in Hispanics, and lowest in blacks.

Another possibility is that the water was less than 3 feet deep and he died from hitting the bottom. You can't see the depth of the water from the bridge.

>how could the average chinese person be smart look at this dumbass who fell off a bridge

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no that is the insecure black incels spamming their blacked porn shit.

Cause they suck. They are so superior but need to attend universities in white countries instead of founding their own.

because the Chinese cheat at everything.
steal all tech and designs
gutter oil, dogs
""traditional"' medicine aka foetuses
only survey rich educated Hong kongers

Well someone's gotta fill up those spots since amerifatties aren't doing it because they think college is a jewish plot.

koreans think the SAT test is for brainlets and they find it very easy.


>only survey rich educated Hong kongers
oh? But I thought education had no effect on IQ?

Did he dress himself underwater? Lol

Could he have survived had he landed on his feet?

>we kolean we smart bang bong borong bongbong
Insect people. All of them, even the Japs.

Lmao fucking rekt the mentally handicapped bugman

Not nice to refer to your future masters as "insects" whitey

what's dumb about wanting to commit suicide and actually succeeding in it

Asians were spliced from orangutans

The time it takes from when he jumps off the bridge to when he hits the water is about 1.8 seconds. That's about a 55 ft drop. What you have to remember is that cliff jumpers jump from 60+ ft all the time. I myself have jumped off of a 40ft cliff along when I was 13 (along with other 13 yr olds), and we were all fine.

What happened here was probably that the water was too shallow. You can't see how deep it is from the bridge. If it was

Why are hispanic lower when they descended from Asians and whites descended from black people?

Its actually 3 seconds.

Their IQs are, on average, slightly higher, but that's not saying much - just that one large group of people is slightly less retarded than another large group (IQ ~105 is still pretty dumb IMO). What sets them apart is their hard work ethic, perceived or actual, and selection bias due to smarter ones being more likely to leave their shitholes

Yeah fucking right. Why the fuck would you join a STEM graduate program when you can get a job out of undergrad? Besides, all the students and TAs are international so you are like a sore thumb in your home country.

Chinks aren't smart you fucking mong, japs and south koreans are. Chinks are chinese niggas

>Hitting water from 30 or more feet at free fall speed is just about as safe as hitting concrete

Lol no. Nice b8. People regularly jump way higher than that with no problem. The impact is like concrete at much higher elevations, e.g. jumping from a plane at regular flying altitudes.

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I thought it was 80 feet

This is an incredibly stupid post and I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but what you're claiming is not exactly accurate and you're talking about a timeline of tens of thousands of years or more. The only high IQ Asians are Northeast Asians; Southeast Asians are *literally* Asian and have average IQs ranging from the mid 80s to the low 90s. Ashkenazi Jews only became highly intelligent from around the Middle Ages or so onward. IQ has been declining among Scandinavians by about 0.3 points per year since 1976 or so due to dysgenic fertility (intelligent women have fewer children). The qualities of populations can change on a relatively short timeline due to selective pressures.

They aren't intelligent, they're good students. Big difference.

They are good at menial tasks like studying content through repetition, but they have less of the subtle mental characteristics leading to curiosity, creativity, problem solving and others personality defining traits.

Notice how asians struggle with basic empathy and act like psychopaths when given the chance. See how their society works solely through robotic protocols, with efficiency actually coming second to that as a consequence of time and not the goal, and well being as a distant third.

Asians are basically repeaters. "Repeat behavior, repeat behavior - doesn't work - stop - other behavior - works, works, repeat, repeat *beep*". No real thought process or mental abstraction behind it just ant-like insectoid motion.

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Me too. We are really fugged in the head.

Simplified, but true to an extent.

I bet a dollar you got that factoid from a TV show or movie and you're simply parroting it. You probably dont even know why falling into water at a high elevation is dangerous

>the virgin private suicide
>the chad public stunt

it's still water you tards
that's why he died/broke his bones then died or passed out and drowned
falling into still water is equivalent to falling on to concrete
that's why the retard that jump off water falls jump off of a WATERFALL

absolutely fucking this originially

>Whitoids talking about Asian countries


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Chinks have master the art of looking pretty and educated to outsides yet being stupid subhumans in their home country.

It's kinda like how there's billionaires in India but everyone over there shits on streets

Isn't it incredible how anons can tell you all about a race and their countries from images and webms?

No it isn't. Even when you die, your body still sustains less damage than concrete.

Why aren't there any Asian countries in the top 10?

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>Sweden and Germany
Because it's BULLSHIT Muhammad

the impact concussed him and drowned as a result or this

Because the chinks are a dirty, nasty, amoral, soulless people.

How long would it take to die from a suicide like this? What would you feel?

If he was lucky, he was instantly incapacitated from the shock of the impact and drowned while unconscious.

If he was unlucky, his back were shattered and he drowned while unable to move and in intense pain.

Hes a dumbass because he landed flat on his back, which spread the force of the impact all over his body and it ended up knocking him out and as a result he drowned....
If he landed on his feet he would have been fine. The impact would have been concentrated at one point of the body.
Kids jump from bridges that high all the time and dont die.

Look up the definition, stereotype

Only reason Finland is so high in happiness is that sad people keep killing themselves.

>Why are chinks considered intelligent when they consistently do retarded shit and live in squalor everywhere?
>video of a nice city, with nice water, on a nice bridge, with one chinese dude doing something ill advised
Do you know how I know you're a brainlet?

They arent even good students.
The chinese exchange students at my uni cheat all the fucking time durung tests and they give each other the answers.

>30 feet (9 meters)
>Life threatening.

Most dive towers are in public pools 25-30 feet.
There's actually competitions do suicide dives from these heights (belly flops etc)

The bridge this guy jumped from looks more like 70 - 80 feet. (25-30 meters)

we come here to beat u at your own game stupid white pig

Well you're doing a terrible job. At every single western university chinks are being cucked and asian girls are being gangbanged by white Chads and even white nerds.

>whites being outclassed in STEM fields.
>has to rever to chad memes to get any semblance of an upper hand
disgusting inferior white piggu

They know how to land. If you land spread eagle from that distance it's gonna hurt. It probably wasn't as bad as it could have been from higher distances or like landing on pure concrete, but the way he landed fucked him up and tore his skin.

>one race argues with intelligence
>the other race rebuts with cuck memes and muh dik
hmm where have I seen this exact scenario before?

More than that, it looks like a full three second free fall, that's more than 100ft. An autist could easily calculate the exact height, I'm just glad there's one less chink on this Earth.

Looking at the video he fell for approximately 2.5 seconds. That puts the height of the bridge at 30.6 meters or about 100 feet. The world record high dive was 172 feet. He could have been totally fine had he landed properly. Maybe even if someone pulled him out of the water he would have at least survived.

They do retarded shit but they do it in a smart way

Keep gaslighting Asian girls, faggot.
I know my place in society and I'm not going to bother with bland whitebread girls that would walk all over me if I had the displeasure of their company.

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because the top elite chinks are the only ones that afford to travel. imagine if everyone's perception of Americans was that they all look like Ryan Gosling or some shit

good to know if I jump off a bridge I wouldn't die from drowning but from the impact making me die in an instant or knock me out then drown me

I've never seen a white get btfo like this. Good job Cheng and Dong

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