
There is absolutely no genuinely worthwhile men who become incel. It's not feasible in any way. I've talked to a lot of men on r9k and a lot of them have shit tier personalities. They're abrasive, have no social skills, and it's relatively common for them to say white nationalist shit that creeps people out. Most robots are mean spirited. You may be incredibly ugly or "average" and that factors into how a woman isn't attracted to you but you also don't have a personality that can make up for it. Robots who whine that dating is unfair for them should kill themselves. You're not entitled to a woman for existing.

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>not knowing that personality doesnt matter to women and its all about looks
>being this blue pilled
>being a newfag from reddit

whats wrong with White Nationalism? nothing.

Robots never claimed to have good personalities or any redeeming factors, we complain about being incels because no man deserves to live like this

yeah I just wonder why men who go from relationship to relationship are attractive and those evil robots not must be something to do with personality

Your personality "doesn't matter" according to you but it's still probably shit regardless. If you have absolutely nothing going for you why do you whine? You wouldn't even want the female equivalent of yourself.
Almost every single poltard is extremely autistic and bitter.
If you have no redeeming factors then my point is self explanatory.
Attractive people tend to have better outlooks in life because they are socially accepted by everyone.

very true. All normalfags and chads have wonderful, nice personalities and all of us who have been screwed over by life are pure evil. Way to show us!

being autistic and bitter are bad traits to have, but theres nothing wrong with having a little White Pride World Wide

Ask yourself this. Have incels always had those bad personalities or were they developed after constant social and romantic rejection?

Even the friendliest puppy will start biting back if you keep kicking it.

>assumes I have a shit personality
Your response tells me yours is not any better

Nothing is wrong with it. Many chads in history were some. It just scares normies.

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you just prove our point attractive people are socially accepted ugly ones are shunned, alone and turn bitter

I would date a female version of myself but I can't even get that. I can't get anyone.

>its all about looks
As a kv sexy lookin mofo with no social skills i can debunk this

If you're kv, you're not as good looking as you claim.

I was incel for 30 years.
Then I decided to actually try, and banged 20+ in one year, and got a gf.


not inherently but most of you have nothing of value and whine about not having a gf
On average yes, chads are nicer than most of you.
Racial pride isn't "wrong" in itself, it's that the mentality attracts the most autistic pathetic bottom feeders.
It only makes it worse for you to turn bitter, and makes your chances less slim.
I didn't say that, i said probably.
There are unattractive or average people who have a good outlook on life, and charisma. They still get gfs despite not being handsome. Try going outside for once and you'll stop thinking of everything in memes.

>Roastie destroyed her own arguement

OP is a normalfag confirmed.
Also I'm medfag thus deal with people everyday
Vast majority of my pacients like me
Im not ugly or bitter when in public
However I can't find a girl. Why is it?
Partly because of my own volition and the same goes for all incels
Most of us have a mental barrier that stops us from interacting with normals and roasties such as yourself, OP.
Others just can't stand your way of life
Normals live like apes.
You go out for no reason, drink for no reason, pretend to listen to people you don't want to just to get pussy. Miss me with that bs.
I'm free

Nice larp. You tried. Appreciate it man

which goes to show that even the most down trodden man takes pride in his people

Incels have shit personalities =/= all sexually successful people have good personalities

False equivalence
Then you're volcel if you just "don't like the normal life"

>allowing people to have this much of effect on you
Yeah, but the difference between an incel and a puppy should be that the incel has some introspective capabilities. They should be putting in effort to change the things they do not like about themselves, not sit behind the computer lamenting over it. The choice is completely theirs.

>It only makes it worse for you to turn bitter, and makes your chances less slim.
Much easier said than done.

and that liberalism is a mental disease

Eh, you said probably which means you are in-fact assuming I have a bad personality

No, it's the same troll who spams every incel thread. He's easy to spot because he always responds to multiple people simultaneously with short, low effort replies for maximum bait value.
Just ignore him

Being downtrodden doesn't excuse being a shitty person.
And you're saying you have no choice but to be bitter and mean spirited because you can't get laid?
Read the english language as it's presented to you. Not what you *think* or want to think I said.

No you didnt. Just stop trying man

>should kill themselves

who would want to be with a bitch like you?

You've never given any actual proof that incels are bitter. Everyone itt has responded to you nicely but you are just being irritating and rude to them.

I go outside and have some friends for example I have friend whos my height (short) and pretty ugly but always in good mood, funny, has things to say (good outlook on life as you say) and other whos rly tall about 2M or more, fit but pretty boring etc. Now guess which one goes from relationship to relationship and who never had gf

Eh. You said incels should kill them selves which means you have a terrible out look on life. You have a shitty personality man, just stop trying

What makes a man

I didn't say you did you seething angry autist. If you can't tolerate living in this world kys instead of whining. Deal with the cards dealt to you.
read /r braincels, or this board, or get personal experieince talking to people
False equivalence again. I never said all good people get laid.
You should kill yourself IF you whine like a little bitch.

Looks dont mean shit actually, as long as you dont look like a literal fucking troll youre ok
looks are more of a girls problem cus it means nobodys gonna fucking want them if theyre below 5/10
We dont have to be wanted by default, we have to actually talk to girls and make them want us through conversation, believe it or not Stacey is more likely to listen to & buddy up to a 5/10 guy than any incel is to even acknowledge the existance of an under 5/10 gril
Ive known some right fucking uggos who became popular & got laid during school due to their normie personalities and you probably do too, but do you remember any equally fuck ugly girls who became popular & got laid during school?
probably fucking not
Personality is the key for men unless you're an 8/10 on a bad day
Looks are they key for women
prove me wrong

I just can't stand people like OP, they're the reason why we're being persecuted and raided by the media, youtubers like shaman and normals.
I can't stand to watch my culture get imploded like it's nothing.
It's already too much for me that we have roasties on anime cons. My heart can't take this much longer.

yeah whatever just accept that looks is most important thing not personality

still doesnt change anything. You are telling incels to kill themseves. Idk where you thought you were going with that

What makes him a good partner to women if he's boring, can't converse well? chalk it up to he's not compatible with the average woman.
stay mad autist

meant to

>women caring about personality
>in current year
>or ever

Attached: criminalchad.jpg (196x257, 12K)

And all whiney people should kill themselves. They're entitled and would rather whine their entire lives and die slowly with a bitter attitude than improve themselves.

But the thing is your value in society is nearly entirely based on your external appearance. You can have "I'm going to make the world muh oyster" mentality all you want, but when the opportunities you get is based on what you look like, you will only get so far.

This is the equivalent of what you're saying:
>two 18 year olds with no work experience and only a high school education
>one is a hot girl who gets offered a $50k desk job pushing papers
>one is an ugly but so gets a job scrubbing toilets for minimum wage
>"hurr that guy should have had a better personality if he wanted that $50k job."

You for some reason just don't want to acknowledge that more attractive people get more and better opportunities in all facets of life.

I, for one, don't think that "fair" and "unfair" exists. That's why I hate, hate, hate. You sound confused about the reason.

Hating will only consume your life. it's not productive, it's going to kill you slowly.

I could probably KO you in 5 seconds skinnyfat.
Just listen to the person with better genetics.

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sounds like you are the one with the bad personality user. you have no right to criticize robots.

>looks are more of a girls problem
>tries to convince us girls have it harder
You tried man

Then you should kill yourself. What are doing right now? Whining. You complety contidicted your whole arguement

>I-I'm tough on the internet
Found a picture of this seething angry autistic tard

Attached: Neckbeards.png (345x337, 127K)

I'm not whining, I'm offering you a solution. You should kill yourself since you're such a pathetic miserable loser.

>There are unattractive or average people who have a good outlook on life, and charisma. They still get gfs despite not being handsome. Try going outside for once and you'll stop thinking of everything in memes.

How do I improve my personality then? I admit I'm a very average and boring guy: went to Uni, have a STEM degree, work with solid income, live alone, workout a few days a week. I don't enjoy traveling alone so I cannot entertain women with fancy stories about being abroad very much. My taste in music is incompatible with everyone. What do I have to do to be interesting? Shouldn't being a normal person be enough to get at least someone below 5/10?

Incels just cannot accept the truth. Robots at least know they are lazy shits who could do better if they bothered to. That is the difference between a robot and an incel.

You sound like a deluded idiot. Step out into real life.

I know, I'm already getting headaches. But it will take one big stroke of luck to stop. A caring partner, a good and non-stressful job (already 20, had barely any w.e.). It's very unlikely. By my fourties I'll be a veggie probably.

>17in arms
>bench 305lbs
>ohp 300lbs
>squats 360lbs
>boxing for 1 year
>gym for 2 years
just come at me whenever

Attached: gk u 2.png (317x140, 97K)

Put down an address then pussy

You are a absolutely correct. I know I have a shit personality because I spend 24/7 with myself and don't wish for anyone to have to suffer experiencing me. Don't really have social skills neither.
>You're not entitled to a woman for existing.
More people here should remember this.

Your place
3:33 am

No. You made a thread and replies whining about incels. You should take your own advice since if thats the case

>the pussy dyel beardlet faggot twink talks big yet is a coward
lmao @ your life you absolute pathetic cunt

Why the fuck are you on this board? Fuck off to /soc/ if you want normies.

Holy shit if i could clone myself and turn into a biological woman I would marry myself. Except that wouldn't happen because once I was female i would be able to easily marry a wealthy chad

Normans need to stop grouping r9k users and incels together

Personality is a cope. The only part of your personality that helps you attract foids is dominant behavior, which comes from high testosterone and serotonin levels, which come from genetics and previous social success.

You can't get an entry-level GF because you don't have 5 years of experience.

Being such a fucking newfag
He actually responds like this
Go back to rebbit you faggot blue pilled mangina
Stop ruining this website with your faggot slack jaw face or consider the possibility of lurking for a minimum 2 years like everyone else posting did

No one here actually knows what "incels" are and no one here cares.
Some shill saw it on fucking reddit or the news after that false flag attack and has been spamming that bullshit on Jow Forums for weeks now.

>roastie refutes her own logic in her own post 2 minutes later
roasties everyone
literally cannot even keep their own lies straight

t. seething angry beta faggot
Get more mad bitch

Looks are not the most important thing, its status. A short ulgy bastard will get more women then a tall 10/10 guy if he is rich enough to look down on and order around 99% of the population

You must be illiterate on top of being a tard. Sorry your mother dropped you on the head.

That has been the state of this board since media started targeting them. Im waiting for the Normans to fucking leave already

>he thinks he's not a normie
top laugh

>I'm attractive and virgin
>if you're a virgin, you're not as attractive as you think
>I'm not attractive and I'm not a virgin
>if you're attractive and not a virgin, then you're more attractive than you may think
Can you people stop those retarded mental gymnastics? Besides the fact that you don't even see the faces of people posting here, attractiveness is at least mildly subjective and personality really goes a long way.

I had the same robot mindset a year ago. I had no self confidence and I thought I was ugly as hell. Since then, I started clothing properly, got a nice haircut and I had several dates. I've had been complimented and criticized for my looks. Also, game is extremely important. You can make girls go from meh to fucking you.

But you know what? Keep having this mentality, all of you. More pussy for myself, after all.

he actually believes this

ironically, i only get nnngh moments from seeing behavior. and no matter how pretty the girl, if her behavior is not to my liking, i will never get that gut feeling for her.

we're million year old supercomputers. things can't be that simple

Is this really how we are going to play it? Talk about shit personality.

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>just have a good personality
>just have game
I'm not one of the retards who think looks are that important, but how the fuck do I improve these other things? I'm and don't really get it. Don't come at me with shit like showering or having a proper haircut. That's given for any sane person living a normal life and having a job.

>false flag attack
Literally what

Practice. See how other men do it. Ask them for help. Ask your male friends to wingman for you. Get rejected, learn from the experience, keep going. Think of it as a RPG where you level up your XP by trying.

Personality makes you a likeable person but it isnt going get you laid and wont get you a gf until you are in your 30s

>high testosterone and serotonin levels
Stop masturbating every 23 milliseconds and go to the gym. Voila, your testosterone level is through the roof and you'll want to fuck anything.

>You can't get an entry-level GF because you don't have 5 years of experience.
No. I only had 2 failed dates before getting my first gf. If you're a smart and genuinely good lad, you're going to be fine. But I severely doubt you'll pull any 180 on your mentality after being bitter and intoxicated on this board for so long.

Also, search for some advice online on how to behave on your first date(s). It genuinely helped me when I had no experience.

You're suffering from confirmation bias. You are looking for the bad parts of their personalities while in your head believing immediately that the person has something bad about them. Human being all have terrible personalities, it's just that you aren't looking for how Chad or an normie could have a bad personality.

Also if personality was the only factor, why do drug dealers, murders and psychos get gfs easily?

>robot mindset
Fuck off my board newfag

>Is a obvious newfag
>pretends he was one of us a long time ago

You were never a robot, just a failed normie
>guy completely changing his life around and still not getting pussy.jpg

Attached: 1493404921786.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Looks is a good fall back when you don't have a personality.

This guy pretty much summed it up. Basically, you need to fail many times. 99% of us failed first 1-10 times before getting a grip on how to behave. Stuff like body language, when to kiss a girl, what to talk about. Those things aren't entirely out of your control and you'll get used to finding openings for them.

>more pussy for myself
Holy shit my sides

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>he still thinks he was anything but a normalfag
I'm glad your life is working out for you, now fuck off my board and go live it. Coming back here and bitching at us only makes you look like a bitter little faggot who can't accept the fact others have different views. Its pretty funny really.

>You are like a five year old trying to comprehend that nobody wants to go to your pizza party
>more cake for me then ha ha

>See how other men do it. Ask them for help.
I have, I mean I'm not in my early 20s anymore so I had some time to analyze my failures.
Apparently others are seeing signs where I don't see any and I am misjudging situations entirely. I'm observing how people flirt since my early teens, which has been 15 years ago and it appears to me that there is some secret unobservable communication with really subtle messages going on which I am unable to see, or notice if I find myself in such a situation. Might be autism, idk. I'm doing fine in every other aspect of life. Maybe the whole game is just not for me and I am supposed to focus on my career and lifts.

>I was an attractive gift who lacked confidence
>I recently got confidence and thus attention from women
>This can work for genuine ugly guys

Um no sweetheart, it can't.

I'm not saying you need to look like Chad, but you need to meet a certain threshold of attractiveness. You met it. I don't.

True but women care more about looks when it comes up to dating

>non arguments
You surely showed me, lad. Denialcel at his best.

>You were never a robot, just a failed normie
So where's that line where a robot and failed normie meet? Everyone who was a robot and turned his life around was actually a failed normie, eh? Can you finally fuck off with those mental gymnastics?

*guy not gift

Excuse any other typos as I'm phone posting from work.

Im quoting what the norman said. He said
>more pussy for me
Im not saying it myself

I remember a particular situation back at a party when I was in university. A friend and I observed another friend of ours talking to a girl he met a few hours before. At one point he was getting really touchy and kissed her. I remember asking my friend how the fuck I could have known that this was the right moment to do it and I was told that it was plainly obvious from her body language. This is shit I just don't get, even after all these years.

You know how you always whine about "fembots" who have self-esteem issues and say they are ugly yet they are 8/10? You're the same. You are, or could be, physically attractive, but you lie to yourself and say you're unattractive because that gives you an excuse to not actually have to try anything. Can't lose when you never play the game.

Just ignore my posts, mutt. I'm trying to help people that really want to be helped. So far, only 1 person in this thread asked for help, but that's enough for me.

>You met it. I don't.
Why do you think you're the one to decide that? I get it, you had a shitton of failures (did you, at least?), but that doesn't mean there isn't a girl for you somewhere. I've seen severely ugly people get girlfriends/boyfriends. I have no idea how ugly you are, but you shouldn't give up.