We need a thread for the true robots
INTP thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh buzzfeed tier personality quiz
fuck of with your retarded pseudoscience normalfag
INFJ-A with autism reporting in.
INTP autist reporting in, I hate my life and everyone in it
>test for INTP first time I took the test
>years go by
>"i've changed as a person quite a bit, let's take the test again"
>still get INTP
>repeat over the course of several years
the only time I've ever got anything different was when I was on adderall I got INTJ
INTP reporting in.
Remember to feed your curiosity bros, INTPs are the cats of MBTI, we need to explore and examine things. The last time I was truly happy was when my TV broke and I opened it up to look inside and see what was wrong, ended up spending most of the day reaseraching how to fix motherboards and watching videos about capacitors. Didn't even watch the TV.
Seriously though, learn something new every day, no matter how pointless, if it exites you and gets your brain working it's not a waste of time.
Also, literally your face.
You'll probably never turn into a different personality
You can turn into a 'actualised' INTP however, by developing your function stack.
If you make it past 30+ you start to mature and mellow out as well. Basically you are better able to tolerate other people's bullshit, and care less if people are wrong and inaccurate. You start to cultivate a viewpoint where you realise people are imperfect beings - and they should be allowed to be flawed. No need to interfere or take things personally.
hello frens i agree with all of (You).
things are things. i think they're neat.
lots of people don't. oh well.
t. 30+ INTP ass pie
I relate to INTP INFP and INFJ equally because of my BPD
I think I may have quasi multiple personality disorder which basically gives you the illlusion you have two identities because of complex PTSD like in Fight Club for example
So yeah Im basically the holy trinity of virgins and mental illness
i am sorry fren i missed you but not on purpose.
INTP here fuck off with your prescriptive memeBTI
When I was young i did always got INTJ, from 25 on i always get INTP... have i evolved into a new pokemon?
i get either ESTJ, ENTP or INTP, am i bi-polar or something?
It's OK bro.
I've read a bit about how INTPs tend to be late bloomers, start getting over the angst in their 30s and learn to focus and take things easier.
Take a couple of tests, note what percentage you're getting at each triat. I used to get INTJ but I often lied to myself, and picked what choices I wished I was making. Eventually I actually started being honest with myself, taking my time with the test and got INTP, but I'm constantly close to the border between T/F.
Read about the types as well and see which type best matches your life experiences.
Haven't taken a test in a while.
my school all did this test for some dumb extended learning thing
>took the test a year ago and got INTJ
>took it with the rest of my school and got INTP
>everyone is talking about how they got Exxx using the profession name
>"user what did you get"
>"whats inpee"
>people reading the "read more" horoscope at the end and talking about how much it relates to them
>mfw my horoscope is basically the same, but with a bit more emphasis on difficulties creating relationships
As an INTP, I know that myers-briggs is meme science and only a step above astrology.
Is INTP/J the only accurate personality type because its effectively a scuffed autism test?
Still on the borderline of F/T
Any fellow intps diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia?
This sort of thread is literally narcissism of small differences
The only reason its not a bigger thing is because most people on r9k don't give much of a fuck about mbti
If this pic isn't you you need to leave
You could put literally any IN__ in there and it would still work
ditch this bullshit
I didn't make the pic and I'm not saying it's only INTP, I'm just saying that if you don't relate to this you need to leave this board
My life in one pic. Thank you user, you have solutions for this problems?
what is a good job for an INTP? im training to be an electrical engineer and i hate it, which is wierd becauae i thought it would suit me
If you're INTP you're gonna hate everything that you HAVE to do. Your only chance is to be a freelancer or CTO (always choose logical/tech stuff, i work at IT and love what i do, but i hate to do when others tell me to do something)
go back to tooblr faggot
infp here,
Tbh, INTPs are cool, if not a little on the autistic side. Just be happy you're not sensitive or emotional, it's better to be rational and "coolheaded" as guys when it comes to the dating game.. even with the autism that being INTP brings with it.
Imagine being super sensitive and introverted as a guy, yeah.. good luck.
Entj reporting in little buddies
>We need a thread for the true robots
>true robot
only INTP-Ts are real robots you fucking normalnigger
guys like that are usually insufferable faggots
Dropping something, tolerating escapism, smiling at anyone, being polite to anyone
Thinking displays of affection are unnatural,
Being single, being awake at 5am, not understanding themselves
INTP are one of the types most likely to be into personality psychology, and psychology in general. Please take your ISTJ attitude elsewhere plebian.
Imagine being an autistic and coolheaded girl. at least sensitive guys are able to maintain relationships
INTP-A here
Feels good to be a chad
>implying every man doesn't want a woman that's too mellow to nag
Are you me? Took it last night and got intp went from regular INTJ aspie to turbo INTP aspie
>does nothing
>"im so great guys"
every INTP fag
>t. ENTJ
Real shit
One keeps messaging me on normiebook constantly about autistic shit but I'm too autistic to tell him to fuck off.
Is it possible to be INTP and chad?
That's why we're here user, where the insufferable faggots are people who don't capitalize their first letter.
>Borderline T/F
I know that feel. But, there are plenty of upsides to being a little more sensitive even if they aren't always apparent, have a read online find those circles and niches where you can shine. Also get ourself a pet, a caring sensitive guy with a fluffy dog, you'll be getting attention.
I'm ENTP and I hate 99% of the population for being dumb normalfags including me. I hate people but like company. Wat do?
Excuse me I made like 6 bucks from my bandcamp project. I'm on my way to fame f a m.
Assertiveness is the most "chad" personality triat, just like turbulence is the most "beta" triat (I'm over 90% turbulent).
It's fun to look up people and characters who have a similair typing and explore how much range you have within a certain grouping. Smaug the fucking Dragon from The Hobbit is supposed to be INTP (albeit an unhealthy one), and Yang Wenli from LotGH (an idealised one). Real people are meant to include Einstein and Darwin, if you include them as "chads", since they are highly successful.
they have a lot of mental hang ups famalam you just gotta let em sort through it
That's not what autistic and coolheaded means.
Hey that's me, i'm nerd chad. Sadly i do not possess the IQ to validate my personality.
did the test and got INFP
can you guys still be my friends
>immediately draining energy through just text
Here we go. point taken
I got INFP-T
What does that mean exactly?
Fuck off and never come back. You're not welcome here anymore. Go to tumblr or somewhere and stop bothering us.
it means you have a lot of feelings and shit
sooeycide: the type
Everything is 50%
I need motivation. Adderall is pretty balls, hated taking it.
more like...
INTP is one of the less likely types to commit suicide, actually.
INTP (LII/INTj) is mobilized by stress. They are mentally stable and respond by changing their perspective.
I haven't even checked it yet. but here you go.
There are literally no ESFPs here.
I'm an ENFP, that's just 2 letters off so I can post here right?
I like some people try to mask Jow Forums as a good board, but it's one of the shittiest
Find the 1% and spend more time with them, treat everyone else with respect but don't demand too much. If you choose to only activate a certain part of your brain casual friendships can be enjoyable and you can learn from trying to think like other people.
They're ExxJ. Hell, Jow Forums may well have the highest concentration of INTPs in the world, but the fact the site is so popular and our numbers are so few means we're far from the majority. Unless we're ignoring the communities and judging the sites goals, purposes or rules?
Then leave asshole. This post is original.
No need to be a dick, INFPs are nice and quite similar to us.
It kind of is. INTPs aren't controlling like xSFJs. Their main drawback is that they have a much harder time creating intimacy, because they protect themselves with logic and stay stuck in their heads.
It's based on how the sites have a bias towards one type and how the most avid users are generally one type.
Why do people wanna take the black pill? when we should all be taking the poo poo pee pee pill.
huh, i thought i wasnt a full robot, i dont browse here all the time
They are similar. Both are disconnected from reality, from other people, and both have trouble sticking to one task. Both deal with the abstract much more than the physical, and both are wary of established authority.
The difference is that INTPs have the thinking trait which allows them to Dream up concepts and ideas, while INFPs have the feeling trait and can do nothing but wallow in self-pity.
Sixteen of the biggest websites just happen to have a unique bias towards each of the sixteen types? Even the types that are just over 1% of the population? And youtube somehow managed to be ISFP despite being as normie-tier as Google?
INTPs are INFPs who rationalize their feeling of failure with logical gymnastics explaining why they "can't" do better. N is what motivates people to dream up concepts and ideas, not T.
Is ISTP being a suicidal sociopath just a meme or is the real deal? How do I fix this?
>people try to mask Jow Forums as a good board
since when?
Please make is stop. I wish it was easier to get NEETbux here.
INTPs are ironic robots!
Threadly reminder this is literally an INFP pic
Could you post the full picture, please?
>here, describe yourself
>ok, here is how you described yourself
What is the point of these, it didn't tell me anything that I didn't already know.
I'll post it instead!
So you can compare yourself to how other people described themselves of course!
>centaur shitter is here
oh well, fun time's over
Wait why did all that Royal Blue loving ESFP guys posts in the last thread get deleted? Was he banned or something?
Hello peasants.
In all seriousness though, don't put too much stock in Meyers Briggs or it'll become a self fulfilling prophecy.
This. I love going to Asian supermarkets because I always learn something new there. For example sometimes I just like to buy a random fish and fillet it for fun, or buy some ingredients for a recipe I've never tried. INTP's should try this, it's made me happy so far.
What do you autistic fucks even get from this endless personality profile circlejerking?
i got INFP-T
what does this mean?
youre a fairy on top of being a beta
The MBTI exists purely to give egotistical autists another metric they can use to hold themselves above other, happier people in addition to IQ and STEM.
For me, it's a way of relating to other human beings by internalizing them as concepts/mental objects, where they are more predictable and safe.
Only this is INFP. Depressed INFPs are commonly mistyped. The person who actually made that image came to recognize they were actually INFP by functions in an another MBTI thread ages ago.
>tfw INTP calls you a brainlet for having emotions, feelings and social awareness.
I meant friends. I guess I really was the brainlet all along.
someome post again the meme version of this please and thank you
how can you tell apart an infp vs an intp?
Here ya go
If anyone else has more of these I'd like some