I wish I had a bf so I had something to actually look forward to. And we could talk all day long about anything and watch movies together and just generally have fun and enjoy each other's company. And it wouldn't end so fucking quickly and he'd actually be reliable and trustworthy.
Guess I'm one of those girls that'll never find someone though.
I wish I had a bf so I had something to actually look forward to...
Kek, tough luck, mate, just live with that.
same but acceptance is important. we are destined to be alone
I want a bf too but I am not a girl. I am an old guy who just want a small bf to enjoy life with.
Would you a failed normalfaggot? Asking for me because that's what I am. Sorta. I had friends but because I was openly an occultist. I was just there to be there.
This is why I miss having an e-gf, knowing that no matter how shit my day was, someone out there cares, even if she's effectively just a collection of words and pixels on a screen (things failed before we had a chance to meet up)
Ya know what's gonna happen now that you've made this thread, right?
No, I don't think some bf who I match well with is going to magically show up out of nowhere because of an Jow Forums thread.
shut the fuck up you larping faggot. Do your homework
If you were really a girl you would have no problem getting a bf. I recommend death by drowning in the ocean.
Yeah nah I was just implying you're gonna get a lot of requests
are you me? every day i fear the older i get the less likely a qt will want me
For me it's more about that no cute will like me because I am older. I am not that old looking so guys won't like someone who is old but looks relative old. Wish I had the daddy looks, so I would get someone.
>all the fucking failed normalscum ITT
How old are you user? oriorii
"Girl". Having a feminine penis or boi pussy doesn't count as girl
Stop calling yourself a girl. You're a tranny.
>original meme gangster
Welp, if you was my woman, I would tell you what we would do. Step 1. Get comfy. Step 2. Watch Paul Blart Mall Cop 1 and 2. Step 3. Eat some food. Step 4. Watch Anime and play vidya. Step 5. Never leave the house, cause that really is a fools game (take my word for it, I have left my house to go outside many a time, and it never is worth it.). Step 6. Leave house as little as possible to maximize comfy-ness. It won't be much, but it really is all I have to offer, on top of my stunning good looks and pet horse. My horse is pretty cool, he lets people pet him and feed him carrots. His name is "Pretzel", and he is my homie. My ride or die. Mi Amigo (that is Spanish for fren). Welp, at the end of the day I'm just some schmuck online with a pet horse. Wishing you the best, and so is Pretzel. He is a very compassionate and empathetic horse.
>i wish i had a bf
how about sharing your minimal requirements at least
post thy contact user, its IMPERATIVE that you post
or you could actually tell what you have to offer lol
Right in my feefees.
can i caress your feefees owo
are you a boy (male) or a girl (male) user?
You're leaving out the part where you get bored of them and break up because you want new dick, literally kys.
Holy shit kys retard
holy shit you kys retard
Well that's basically what half of us here want but changing the gender.
me too but im a boy.
same user but im trans so :(
a passing one or a hon hon baguette?
>i want a boy who is 100% available for me at all times of the day
why not find a man with a life who likes you enough to make time for you, rather than a boy with nothing else to do but spend all day with you.
>Guess I'm one of those girls that'll never find someone though.
fuck off, you can literally get anyone.
ehm i haven't been on hrt long but i am young and cute...
>young and cute...