Who here is trying to gain or lose weight? What are you doing for it?
Currently 125 pounds at 6', horribly underweight. I have noodle arms and chicken legs, I look unreal. Eating breakfast that should be over 1000 calories. I am tired of feeling so small and weak.
Weight feels
im 275 pounds and dont give a fuck anymore
i eat junk all day because its easier than working out
I was 370 lbs and I'm down to 212 lbs so far. I look like absolute crap and have been severely overweight since I was 9 years old, so this is pretty much the healthiest I've ever been.
I'm pretty envious of people who don't like food and have a high metabolism.
good luck to all you fatbots and skellingtons who are trying to change your lifestyles. ive lost a cumulative 100lbs through my life and iys been hard but rewarding. just remember to gain some confidence and love yourself as you lose or gain weight or you will never be happy
How does it feel to be fat? I've always been a skelly, and since I live in Scandinavia it's rare you see over-wheigt people
doesn't bother me because i don't care
Same boat as you, I'm 6' and 130lbs
i goto the gym occasionally and i eat like a pig. ii hate being skinny, i wear long sleave jackets as much as i can just because i hate my elbows.
5'4 129 sick of being so fucking fat hate myself every day for it
Wasn't meant in a negative way. Just generally curious how it feels physically
It feels like absolute crap. My body hurt all the time, I'd get frustrated easily, I got migraines often and simple things like walking up a lot of stairs made me feel like my heart was going to explode. I didn't know how bad I felt because I only knew what life was like obese since I was raised that way.
>people who don't like food
It isn't that great man, that's how I got down to 125 lbs.
Thanks man, although I'm struggling to even finish my breakfast. I don't think I'll be able to eat both donuts, that's 300 calories that I'll be missing out. Maybe I'll leave it for later.
Lowcarbed my way through a year. Gone from 275lb to 185lb now, feeling pretty good
5.9 105 lbs reporting in. Trying to gain weight and become chadicus.
calorie counting is great but please make sure you do it in a healthy way and dont just starve yourself. and please exercise the whole time especially if you are oldervery heavy or the extra skin will be gross even if you arent obese. good luck OP i realy wish the best for you
You should seriously stop dude.. I've gone through that and losing that weight is horror+leaving stretch marks
I feel sorry for you user!
It's generally sad that so many Americans get raised fat...
Eh, I don't mean it sounds great, but it's at least better than your body being permanently destroyed and looking like a melted candle like me.
Also, try shoving food into a blender. It's easier to drink your calories. You can use peanut butter and stuff to easily add tons of calories.
Thanks, user. It is sad so many are raised fat and really don't have a chance to live healthy in their most important years for development. I feel really bummed out when I see so many overweight children here. It's incredible how bad this country has become in only a few decades.
im 218 lbs 6'2. i was 250 lbs at the start of summer and ive been trying to lose weight. i should be 180 lbs, but my goal is to at least drop below 200. my strategy is to eat out less, stop drinking soda, and i walk home from work at least 4 times a week, which is a 65 minute walk.
I'm trying to gain weight my dude, I'm the ultra skelly OP. I do not eat enough food in a day, I get full too easily. I couldn't even finish one donut, left a about an inch of the end. Thanks for the support though.
5'8, 112-114 lbs or something.
Trying to lose more cause I have anorexia haha.
I'm anorexic, currently 5'5" and 110lbs
trying to get under 100 but it's hard as fuck now that it's summer and I'm back living with my mom who is an awesome cook
Have you tried smoking weed? I know cancer patients have a lot of success with that.
5"5 and 184
It's torture being fat. You know the junji Ito body horror mangas? It feels like I'm living it. Looking down and seeing a mound of flesh. It's also hard to accept that it's my fault I'm like this. It feels like the line between hunger and actual appetite keeps blurring and my life is a spiral of self loathing.
im anorexic 5"7
was 275 pounds last year september-october
now im 167 pounds
i just fast alot and drink alot of water, sometimes if im really depressed ill exercise but i rarely do
I want to forcefeed this user his proper nutrition.
Don't do that I'll die I need to be low weight aaaa.
Why is there so many anorexic people on Jow Forums?
There are a lot of people with mental issues in here. I can see it.
There are lots of mentally ill people in general on Jow Forums
But idk this is the first thread where I've seen other anorexic anons
5'11, 120 lbs. I always say i'm trying to gain weight but it just never happens. Gotta buy new clothes soon and I hate being between a S and a M
6'1", 230lbs. I've lost about 30lbs, down to 200lbs whenever I get the motivation to. I just simply limit my calorie intake. My maintenance calories is like...2,500 calories a day, which is a lot. Lowering to 1,600 calories a day and I lose 2lbs a week. I exercise lightly too, just for fun though. I should lose the weight and stay with it, but I know I won't.
god damn it my TDEE is 1600
I wish I could lose 2lbs a week eating normally ;_;
>pants are either too wide or too short
I've got a completely "average" body, like 23 BMI, I used to be around 33BMI years ago, but lately I've been starving myself because I like the methhead body aesthetic for some reason
i was 399 last month, but with a keto diet and intermittent fasting, i'm down to 372. i'm losing weight because i have a toddler and i don't want to die before he reaches high school. also, it was getting hard to wipe my ass.
>high metabolism
american education everyone
yeah there's no such thing as a "high metabolism" unless you literally have hyperthyroidism.
the skinny people who you see wolfing down double cheeseburgers most likely exercise a lot or don't eat much for the rest of the day.
Different user, but Metabolism does have a really large effect on weight, obviously if you eat enough no amount of metabolism is going to save you, I for one have a really low metabolism, and gain weight if I eat over 1200 calories a day, so to lose any weight at all I have to eat like an anorexic
You're misinformed. What's you're height / weight?
Unless you're 5'0" and under 100lbs, you're full of shit and underestimating your calorie intake. The maximum TDEE difference that can be accounted for by metabolism is IIRC 100-200 kcal.
t. actual anorexic
Metabolic rate has a huge effect on body temperature. If someone had a "fast metabolism", enough to make a difference, their body temperature would be dangerously high.
>Metabolism does have a really large effect on weight
>The maximum TDEE difference that can be accounted for by metabolism is IIRC 100-200 kcal.
I used to believe this sort of thing too until I experimented myself with trying to gain weight. I used a TDEE calculator, and it told me that eating 400 extra calories than I was eating per day would eventually bring me up to 250lb, so that's what I did. What happened shocked me: I didn't gain a single pound from it, ever. The only change was that my body temperature was now noticeably warmer all day long, especially in the afternoon.
I can 100% guarantee that this didn't really happen.
You would have to be running a fever to burn 400 extra calories a day without expending more energy through physical activity than you were before.
I'm 5'6 used to weigh 188(85kg) but been exercising and dieting and dropped to 170(77kg)
I feel good planning to drop another 10(5kg) and reach my goal weight of 160(72kg)
I swear it did happen. Maybe you would be right if my temperature had been normal to begin with, but I've always been much colder and friskier then everyone else around me. I think that eating more just put me at normal or slightly above normal body temperature.
Not only are you implying your body somehow increased your metabolic speed because you ate more, you're defying basic human nutrition. You're either lying out your ass, or your brain loves placebo.
congrats on the weight loss! i hope you are doing it in a healthy manner both physically and mentally and learn to love yourself and your new body and the hard work you have put into it so you are happy one day instead of slaving away to reach some impossible goal. i've lost a decent amount of weight but some of it was fueled through selfhatred and i would not recommend
>be aids-tier skinny up to age 24
>get fit at 24
>muscular physique until age 26
>get fat at 26
>fat ever since
Well, at least I had 2 years of looking normal.
>Not only are you implying your body somehow increased your metabolic speed because you ate more
It's a fact that metabolism will change depending on how much you eat, though. It's not an idea that I came up with. This is one of the reasons why the yo-yo effect happens. Fat people lose weight, their metabolism slows down, they stop losing weight, get depressed and think dieting doesn't work, start eating too much again, and they get even fatter than before.
And by the way, I'd like to make it clear that I don't believe that it's ever impossible to lose or gain weight for some people. There's always a solution, it's always possible to eat even less or even more. I'm just saying that the idea that metabolism is irrelevant is just wrong, and now I know that from experience.
227lbs here, I was dancing in the kitchen today and I got tired after one song
happens to everyone i know
they basically train themselves to become fatasses by wanting to get super super swole. it's easy to lose the workout habit but its harder to kick the eating habit
Their metabolism doesn't slow down, though. They stop losing weight because their TDEE decreases as a result of being thinner and having fewer cells to provide energy to.
Metabolism has such a small effect that it's effectively irrelevant to weight loss, and one person's non-scientific anecdote can't dismiss decades of weight loss research.
Diets don't fail, people do.
Im same weight as you but im 5'9. You should probably try to put on a few pounds bro.
I'm 5'7 and 110lbs, I lost 10lbs during the last two weeks. My appetite has been so awful lately I just don't eat some days
>Their metabolism doesn't slow down, though. They stop losing weight because their TDEE decreases as a result of being thinner and having fewer cells to provide energy to.
It's both, actually, though I've heard that the metabolism slow down can be prevented by doing regular exercise.
>Metabolism has such a small effect that it's effectively irrelevant to weight loss, and one person's non-scientific anecdote can't dismiss decades of weight loss research
Studies, especially when it comes to nutrition, are notoriously confusing and they constantly contradict each other. Seriously, when it comes to nutrition, you can find studies to prove ANYTHING. It's such a difficult domain, and the more I read it about, the more confused I get.
Most of the people claiming that weight loss slows the metabolism are citing the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, which was intended to recreate concentration camp conditions. Those subjects' metabolisms slowed because they were quite literally starving to death.
So the claim is technically correct, but has no bearing on a person who weighs 150+ lbs and is losing weight.
>tfw a girl unironically says I physically resemble Pepe
I'm down to just under 200lbs. I started being more conscious of carbs; bread, pasta, potatoes etc and sugars.
I'd lose more but I'm kind of an alcoholic so I won't stop drinking beer (4-10 a night)