I'm devestated by this. She worked as a serving maid, and late at night a drunk, older man took her to a secluded place, lifted her skirt and fucked her from behind. How can your ego and jealousy recover?
Just got to know how gf lost her virginity
You should find out if it really was with consent.. ive seen them so ashamed they lie about it..
A fembot I was talking to on here wanted me to take her virginity by lifting up her skirt and fucking her in the woods and have me cum inside her and all sorts. She's a shy virgin and has never had a proper boyfriend either.
So, it's not a one-off thing, that's what I'm saying.
And just leave her, OP. You won't recover from this.
lmao theres no hope
omegasluts like that roastie will fuck the first chad that breathes their direction without a second thot
I met a femcel in real life recently. She seemed really nice to talk to and we had a lot in common since we both grew up sounded by chan culture. Then I find out she got raped as a teenager even though she said she was a virgin. Glad I dodged that fucking bullet.
and then user realized that women are also just humen with sexual urges and want to fuck around. the end.
you have much to learn
She probably didn't tell you because how can you politely say "Someone fucked me against me will as a teen. Oh by the way, nice weather we're having hmmm George?"
The very first conversation we ever had we talked about our sexual and dating history because the very reason we started talking was because we thought we were both incels. She is both a liar and used goods, plain and simple.
How do you know my name?
They can't. You know you can do better. Even being alone is better than being lied to and betrayed.
That is a quite refined edge you have their, user. I can only hope to be as cool as you are.
lol are you really called George?
Bit of a weird thing to start your relationship by mate.
thats hot as fuck
but i wouldnt be able to look at her any more. break up with her
There are still things you wouldn't talk about on the first meeting. I mean, if I was to meet a fembot, I don't think I would open up with "oh, yeah, I was groped in class one time."
And besides, the concept of "used goods" is actually retarded. Would you leave a virgin immediately after having sex with her?
Get over yourself bitch, who cares how someone lost their virginity, I lost mine to a hooker like an idiot when I was depressed but my gf understands and still loves me, as I do her
The faceless old men you see in NTR doujins are more realistic than you think
>humans with no self respect
Sounds like a "the virgin cuck vs. the Chad drunk" meme.
>my gf understands and still loves me
Yeah, I'm sure she thinks about you every time Chads balls slap against her chin.
My ex "first" time was with a lesbian. And the worst part is that if you ask her if shes gay she will deny it.
She said it was an experimental stage. I barely know about it because she hates to talk about it . But the few information i do know is.
> It was summer
> She has a fucked up family and family issues
> Mother hates her and Step father is a dead beat dad and real father is in jail.
> not sure why do i always get fucked up girls
> worst part im so lonely ill still take em
> Every summer she goes to her grandma house
> Grandma lives in a small village away from civilization
> One summer she tells me she meets this older girl
> Well girl starts to hit on her and she falls for it
> She says the whole lesbian experience just lasted that summer and they never talked to each other
> She doesnt like to talk about specifics
> Im pretty sure they did alot of intense stuff, caue when i started to pressure her to say what they did or question more about the relationship she starts to tear up
> So i always end up dropping my inquiries
fragile incel "masculinity"
How is he an incel he has a gf
Quick question: does she like dick?
If yes, how can she be gay?
She's still fucking her you dumb cuck
>does she like dick?
> If yes, how can she be gay?
Ok ill reword it, If you ask her if she's bi she'll deny it
Get rid of her immediately.
Okay, fine
But he has that incel mentality still. Holy fug
>used goods
how about you have a little fucking empathy it's no wonder you're an incel
Can't have a non-virgin gf if you never have a gf in the first place. I am immune to cuckery.
but user didn't you know?
empathy is for women!
incels really believe this
That's why you have to strive to be the drunk guy in this story.
>t. used condom slurper
>having empathy for someone who would lie to your face the very first time they met you
Why do you consider masculine knowing and being totally ok that your SO used to be and still has slut mentality?
>he concept of "used goods" is actually retarded. Would you leave a virgin immediately after having sex with her?
That's not what the concept of "used goods" is you genius. The whole point is that when you buy something new, you are the first user. When you buy something used, you are the second+ user. It's not about using something for the first time or the second time or the third time, it's about how many people have used said thing before, how many owners it had.
This is actually my biggest fear, im a khv, but i wouldnt mind dating someone non-virgin. But shit like this is what kills my gears, i think i would feel betrayed at some point if i knew how my SO lost her V card and/or knew how their last sexual encounters went, thinking how could my SO be so primitive and simply fucking a random guy at a party and shit like that.
This is fear is what never brings peace to my soul, i guess its one of my biggest draw backs and the normies simply say "Bruh, you have nothing to do with that" and shit like this to not worry about.
I think that i am ok with dating a woman that had lost her v-card to an ex-bf, and the only sex she has had was with people she was in a relationship with. But shit like one OP tells is repulsive for me, i cant stand for some reason ever dating a woman that did shit like that. And im afraid i will date one eventually and only getting to know this after i am already in love with her, and feel betrayed.
Women literally parade around how empathetic they are, it's not an incel invention. If anything robots would say that women have no empathy.
>hmmm George?
Holy shit user, I laughed so hard at this I had to get out of bed not to wake up my sleeping wife
You don't. All women are roast
god that sounds so hot, being a woman must be a truly wonderful thing.
Fuck off I hope the person you love most gets hit by a bus and dies in front of you
hyperbole is unbecoming
it's practically feminine
I don't think his statement is a hyperbole. Getting fucked by a stranger is definitely and unarguably slutty, and to go along with it, she was probably into it at the time. And even if she regrets doing it, sexual preferences don't change just because of regret or a conscious effort to change them, so it's probable that she is still turned on by the same thing.
Then whether or not she would ever do it again is a question of integrity, and most people definitely don't have a whole lot of that.
Definitely hyperbole
>And even if she regrets doing it, sexual preferences don't change just because of regret or a conscious effort to change them, so it's probable that she is still turned on by the same thing.
Lotta weasel words there
>sexual preferences don't change just because of regret or a conscious
citation needed
>so it's probable that she is still turned on by the same thing.
On top of it all, literally nobody cares except for this incel with his hyperbolic notions of masculinity and femininity
>citation needed
Would people be into fucked up shit if they could just stop it? Why don't pedos just stop being into small kids? Why don't the retards into findom and femdom just stop being into it? Why don't women stop being into getting raped? Oh wait, is it maybe because it's not possible to consciously change your sexual preferences?
>so it's probable that she is still turned on by the same thing
It's a supposition because I worded it nicely, because there are theoretically other factors that could change her preferences and personality, ie. mental illness. It's not very likely, so you trying to grasp at straws here isn't going to make a strong case.
I think most people with a more or less normally aligned moral compass would care, not to imply that Jow Forums is a good example of a well-aligned moral compass, but at least in these cases it works.
Did she enjoy it? Dont pretend if you could you wouldnt have been that guy
>On top of it all, literally nobody cares except for this incel with his hyperbolic notions of masculinity and femininity
Tbh some people care.
Would you be ok if you found out your gf used to be fucked by random strangers on a daily basis? Wouldnt you be afraid, if that was the case, that she probably still likes that idea and can probably cheat on you? Would you be ok with her, after months or years of being together, tell you that? And feeling bad with knowing that she doesnt see sex as an intimate act as you do?
I guess it is pretty normal for a person do be afraid of things like that, of finding out your partner is/was a slut only after you've been dating with them, putting efford into your relationship and knowing each other, only to find out that person could go to that level of intimacy with a stranger in a matter of minutes.
>has first sex with some random drunk old man in an alleyway
oof! and yikes! what a whore.
>Why don't pedos just stop being into small kids?
Ask them. You're making guesses otherwise
>Why don't the retards into findom and femdom just stop being into it?
>Why don't women stop being into getting raped?
Ask them
>Oh wait, is it maybe because it's not possible to consciously change your sexual preferences?
intellectually lazy assumption
> ie. mental illness. It's not very likely, so you trying to grasp at straws here isn't going to make a strong case.
Grasping at straws while simultaneously saying I'm grasping at straws. You're definitely projecting.
>I think most people with a more or less normally aligned moral compass would care
I don't know. But I'd rather ask than just go with "probably"
>not to imply that Jow Forums is a good example of a well-aligned moral compass, but at least in these cases it works.
Definitely not a good example. And definitely an example of self reinforcing, exaggerated ideals of moral behaviour, at least if we're talking about the extremes. But again, there are people who think the "extreme" is actually what's real / best. It's what happens when you have a bunch of depressed people musing about the world.
I'm glad you're at least generally reasonable user
>used goods
This is why you can't get laid. This is why incels are hated.
You really think someone who their first sexual experience was rape to ever have a healthy relationship to sex afterward? If you know they're broken inside beforehand you can move on without wasting time trying to fix them after you've made the mistake of getting emptionally attached. This is just simple self preservation.
This is only a problem if youre dating Stacys, Tracys, Beckys and moderately-attractive women overall.
Theyre used to the attention and validation given by males, so why not go full-swing with it and a fuck a bunch of random dudes for the hell of it?
On the other hand, average to ugly women are more modest, often times inexperienced and loyal to their partners, but thats only because they dont get to experience the full fledged privilege of female sexuality that the top tier women experience on a daily basis
she can't be gay retard, she's a lesbian
Tbh the two of you ar arguing in a way that wont get you anywhere or any conclusion. Not that it needs to have one.
I honestly dont think that not dating a women that used to whore around is an extreme moral, i have plenty of normalfag friends that have gfs and some even are of the type that only do one night stands, and honestly all of them say that women that whored around are not "wife material".
There is a diference in dating a woman that used to have sexual relations with past boyfriends and a woman that likes to go to parties and fuck strangers. One has a mentality and a opinion about with whom you do sex with that i agree, the other i dont agree. Its just people's standards.
>Tbh the two of you ar arguing in a way that wont get you anywhere or any conclusion. Not that it needs to have one.
Fair enough
>whoring around, wife material etc
Eh wouldn't that depend on how long ago and how much?
I mean, I do hear what you're saying though
>There is a diference in dating a woman that used to have sexual relations with past boyfriends and a woman that likes to go to parties and fuck strangers.
I mean, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But it's like.. if the one who whored around decides years into a relationship to cheat on me, that's the kind of situation I'd just be like "okay I understand" and then when they go to work next day, i'd clear my shit out of the house and leave
People get are afected and react diferently user, a woman may have been raped before but still be ok with having sex with her boyfriend and having a intimate relationship.
Tbh i would much gladly prefer to be in relationship with a woman that was raped once than any other roastie that you see whoring around.
Every girl I've ever dated who was raped was a basket case in one way or another. None of them had healthy attitudes toward sex or relationships in general. The sex is great because they hate themselves and will do anything to feel valued, but long term its never worth it.
>if the one who whored around decides years into a relationship to cheat on me
That's the thing, if you are the kind of guy that likes long term relationships, then wouldnt you put more doubt in the woman that whored around? Wouldnt you be more afraid and unsure that she doesnt see commitment and loyalty the same way you do? As if she only sees you as an more of acquaintance than someone special?
One makes you more doubt than the other, not meaning the other is risk free, but its clearly a better choice than the one who whored around.
>None of them had healthy attitudes toward sex
Care to elaborate? I honestly dont know what the fuck you faced and im curious to know.
>healthy attitudes toward sex or relationships
>The sex is great because they hate themselves
Tbh that doesnt seem a very healthy atittude, are you saying it is great to have sex with a person they hate themselves?
That sounds like psycho behaviour.
>That's the thing, if you are the kind of guy that likes long term relationships, then wouldnt you put more doubt in the woman that whored around? Wouldnt you be more afraid and unsure that she doesnt see commitment and loyalty the same way you do? As if she only sees you as an more of acquaintance than someone special?
That would depend on the particulars of our relationship dynamics, and introduce more what ifs into an already tangled mess of scenarios and potentially conflicting outcomes / stories
>Clearly a better choice
But what if one the other is boring, but the whore genuinely has cool interests / interests that you too are passionate about to varying degrees
>inb4 fucking
It just introduces more and more what ifs, and any justification is more and more easy to disassemble because we're just tlaking about a hypotheticals and not an actual situation going on - OP's scenario was general enough that it might as well be completely hypothetical
>are you saying it is great to have sex with a person they hate themselves?
It starts off as a dream come true. Whatever you want, they'll do it. No inhibitions, no limits, no holding back. It makes you feel like a king. But sooner or later it gets out of control, and then one day you find yourself in a very extreme circumstance with no idea how you got there, and the person you're with is laid bare psychologically and you can see exactly how fucked up they are, you can see how far they've dragged you into their warped world, and you can see with perfect clarity where the trainwreck is headed if you don't get off. No details since I'm phone posting, but I have had a LOT of fucked up sex.
nice trips
bro, what's the worst situation you've been in, based on the criteria in your post there
OP here. One of you was right. It happened in a dark alleyway. She had to stand still and hold her knees, while he almost made her fall over. It hurt her like hell at first, and because he was drunk he could never finish. When he finally came she had blood all down her tighs. He watched her pee in the alley, and because her pussy was sore they decided not to do it again. A very random encounter, but I'm sure he was happy, getting virgin pussy and all.
>I'm devestated by this. She worked as a serving maid, and late at night a drunk, older man took her to a secluded place, lifted her skirt and fucked her from behind. How can your ego and jealousy recover?
>How can your ego and jealousy recover?
>learns gf was raped, potentially
>first reaction is jealousy and muh ego
Do you know how I know you're a fucking faggot?
She was in on it.
why are these robots so faggy in there responses.
just deal with it and go on, dont ask any fucking questions if you cant handle the worst possible answer you can get
people are degenerates
no. just dump her and make up some excuse like you don't feel for her or something.
That's easy. It's about figuring out the psychological difference between a legit nice girl and roast beef.
>repliers not getting that the main problem is her saying she was a virgin when she wasn't
She founded their entire friendship on a fucking lie
>we THOUGHT we were incels
>she SAID she is a virgin
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
they're all sluts unless you meet while you're both young. I don't know why you would assume your gf is a pure maiden at whatever your age is.
Hey op, that old man cummed inside your girl. His dna has been stored by her body and is now permanently in her brain. If you have kids with her that old guy will pass on his dna to your kids.
He left cum all over her pussy. Be sure to kiss it!
She lied either way cuck. Most likely she wasn't raped then it's just as likely she was consensually gangbanged by niggers.
>loving another man's used hole
That's gay, stupid roastie
Date an underage girl. That's the best way to avoid sluts
>not loving an experienced hole that can get you off in a million different ways and make you see stars
literally gay
Kind of sucks, but put yourself in her shoes.
If you're working at a bar and some presumably average looking woman in her mid-40s eye-fucks you and beckons you outside, would you turn it down so easily?
>>we THOUGHT we were incels
>>she SAID she is a virgin
>Imagine being this much of a brainlet
Yes it does, you fucking retard.
>his assumption = she said this
That's not how biology works you stupid frog
>he took her
So he didn't rape her? She just willingly went there to get fucked by an old guy? Why didn't you dumb her on the spot?
If your women likes pussy is not material for anything
whatever you do, don't let her see that you are jealous
just act as if you don't care
otherwise she'll lose attraction for you
white knight bs. she loved it. some guy just taking what he wanted from her turned her on more than c u c k s like you ever will. stop enabling or even encouraging false rape allegations to protect yourself from cognitive dissonance.
>his assumption
>we thought
>he thought they were both incels because he assumed they were both incels
Are you unironically retarded?
>How can your ego and jealousy recover?
I don't feel these two things in those situstions. I feel disgust and a loss of respect followed by a better understanding of who I'm really talking to.
I bet what I described is what you feel too. Jealousy is a meme pushed by women to gain power, it's hardly jealousy when the girl is yours and you don't want it anymore or feel like turning it into a full time dungeon dishwasher because of its degenerate past.