How do i stop crying at everything

how do i stop crying at everything

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Stop being a fucking bitch.

Do something that stops making you sad, take something that stops making you sad, stop doing things that make you sad.

I wish I knew sad anime girl

Easy, become my girlfriend.

it's not just crying about random stuff, it's whenever someons says something nice or something nice happens in a movie or even cartoon. i feel so pathetic.

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you don't
t.just cried because i wasted some ingredients that my dad bought for me on a failed pizza

then how do you get used to the shitty feeling after crying

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i don't know i find crying comforting desu

Become depressed and lose the ability to cry.
I get teary eyed at a lot of stuff but I never cry, I can't, kinda sucks but at least I don't cry all the time.

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what's comforting about bawling your eyes out user

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sounds even worse desu

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i don't know i guess i kinda turn my brain off when i am crying also i like melodrama makes life feels a little bit more like a book than the boring thing it really is.

what if someone else sees you cry

It isn't really, I'd imagine being able to cry would just make my sadness worse.

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I don't work and i don't have friends so low chance of that happening but even then I've been crying a lot my whole life so i'm used to it.

men shouldn't cry, no one wants to see that shit, that's why i only cry alone

that's why i made this thread desu

Well, like i said, only cry alone. Try to hold it all in untill you're alone and then let it all out i guess, that's how i do it

If you're a girl, it's expected of you. No one would mind.
If you're a man, stop being a fag.

Keep on crying mah friend, I don't cry as an adult as much I used to do, but I think that made me a worst person in general

its hard user. I always try to hold it back but the end result is always the same

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how did it make you worse as an user?

There's so many other self-destructive hobbies to choose from. Like drinking, or inciting violence if you need the kicks.
Stop crying, it's weak and not manly. Also, cutting is for fags.

keep crying at everything, fuck it. let it all out user

SSRIs, pretty much.