Anonymously write a letter to someone who may or not may read it. Get something off your chest.
Write a letter
To: OP
This threads are gay.
Love, user.
rekt me
Dear Graham,
I'm really, really sorry that I was insensitive about your problems. I know you're going through a lot, and need someone to talk to about it who's willing to take the time and let you feel comfortable around them.
I really hope that you can use at least one of your friends to talk through your problems with. I should've been more proactive about making sure you were okay.
Please unblock me.
Dear OP,
u gay lol
Sincerely, user.
We've just met. But I am head over heels for you. I know you've been nothing but loving to me, but I still hope you do really like me. For real.
This week will have an end, I know, but I don't want it to be the end of us.
The past two days have been the best of my entire trip so far.
I hope to see you soon!
I have been coming to this board to find you but I realize now, how crazy that sounds. All the messages I left with you, it's crazy right? Why did I disappear for so long and only attempt to return now? What's wrong with me? Why do I go through so many cell phones and why did I forget my kik password for so long?
I'll leave you alone and stop reaching out for you now. This was very silly of me and I'm sorry. I just missed you so much and I wonder if you ever missed me too, but waiting for an answer is not healthy. I'm sure I might have made you go through this same emotion and if so, I am so very sorry for doing that to you.
I just wish you could see how much I tried to get you back, if only as a friend. I have missed you every day and I will probably miss you still.
You were the only friend I was wanting and willing to keep from this god awful place. I hope you are doing well and your Potato too.
K (c_tf_nt_st_c)
what's up with all the player hating on op
Graham, if you're reading this, don't unblock this bitch. It's a trap. I've been through something similar before and she used you as an orbiter but feels bad about it now that you're going through some shit. I call it "roastie's remorse." These bitches don't care.
Don't fall for it, homie. Stay up.
but i dont have anyone to write to
Dear A
There's really nothing to me anymore. I don't feel anything when I think about you, nothing but latent regret that I now can't afford to move out because I spent so much in visiting you. I wish I could move on
From G
Fuck you fuck you. You were the catalyst to all this bullshit. I was happy until you came along and fucking ruined my stability. You complete asshole. If you thought about your actions for once then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.
I dreamed about you today. I woke up anxious, it reminded me of when you said you had dreamed about me, about how you said you never had dreams. I woke up feeling like the monster I am, like the monster I hate remembering I am. Yesterday people said I was cruel and I remembered you. I am not cruel, I can be kind and courteous and beautiful, I just don't want to. I've given my heart before, to people who have shown me their worth and their beauty.
I don't miss you, I miss not being able to say goodbye to you. I miss thinking you could actually love me for who I am instead of mistaking me for somebody else. That's not love, it cannot be love. You wouldn't be loving me, not at all.
And if by any chance you find this and read it, do not ask for my initials. I've given you enough clues already. Simply message me if you still know where.
i hate you
get a life
stop posting kelly and anorexic women and anime women
stop being mean to everyone
How did they mistake you for someone else?
I miss staring at your butt
wonder how youre doing
I can feel you leaving. I wish you'd talk with me about it.
You hurt me more than anyone has before and you probably dont even really know it. Or maybe like i suspect you just dont care. thats fine too, I wont have to stay in this place forever.. i just have to keep holding out. I dont want to continue to be the one you use when your lonely, or ignore when your not. I cant even believe im here right now and that everything you told me was a lie.. but thats okay too.. one day this will all just be one big bridge we burn behind us and never look back. one day I wont waste any more tears crying alone and questioning whats wrong with me, one day you wont be able to make me feel small.
i regret ever meeting you desu. you have made me realize the world is a worse place. i don't hate you or anything, when i think of you i just feel cold. people like you should stick with their own kind.
- A
this hurt to read user im so sorry
"one day you wont be able to make me feel small." :(
Dear B
God why did I have to fall in love again, why couldn't I just keep this something small. Why are you so kind to me I don't deserve it yet you just want to see me succeed.
God I just want to make sure you never feel sad ever, I just want to protect you but your the one who keeps protecting me.
I cannot believe that they are messages from you. Because you will not contact me directly... You have another girlfriend and I have already done my best for you.
I don't know what to do anymore. sorry...
If only you had realized that just being smart and overanalyzing everything is not going to get you anywhere.
Forgive but don't forget the mistakes of the past. Keep walking.
Hopefully you'll have what I want.
why did you have to do this to me? as stupid as it sounds you built me then you broke me, you made me happy for the first time in my life and it was constant, i was truly genuinely happy, i didn't even want to kill myself anymore, but now that you've left me i've been the worst i've been in my life. i tried to kill myself recently but it didn't work, i'll be trying again soon i guess, i bet you wouldn't have cared even if i told you. it hurts so much, why are you still lying to me and gaslighting me? i know you were trying to make me jealous on purpose. you wont even let me move on. you make me miserable every single day and night. i know im a bad person but i dont deserve this
What do they do? Don't die over someone who treats you poorly. That's their problem not yours. Can you tell me some things that make you happy that are separate from this person? Family, friends, pets? Are you young?
Dear E,
Although I know you used to browse these threads I doubt you will read it. I don't even know if you use this site anymore. Either way I have a few things to talk about.
Firstly, I'm sorry that you had to deal with my addiction to weed. I'm sorry I blew all my money on smoking and not talking to you for hours. For not having enough money to do the things you (and in retrospect we) would have liked to do. For borrowing money from you when I had nothing left after day after day of smoking. I sincerely apologise for the pain it caused you feeling that I chose weed over you, which to my eternal shame I did.
Secondly I am sorry for encouraging drug use in you, putting the idea of us dealing together into your head, doing hard drugs that threatened my life when I had you to live for. I know you did the same, but I am taking responsibility for my actions for the first time in my life, and that means all my actions.
I am sorry for how I have acted since we broke up. It is unbecoming of me. It is not my fault you broke my heart and got back with your ex, but it was and is my responsiblity to deal with it in the right way. For the past four months I haven't been doing so.
Now I am awake. My head is clear for the first time in 10 years and I feel like the first chapter of my life is over. I am eager to begin writing the next. Thank you for being my first love, thank you for all the beautiful moments we had together. Thank you for making me realise I can be so much more than I was and am.
In 10 years I will be a new man. In some ways I already am. I hope you find happiness. Truly. I harbour no ill feelings against you anymore. I cannot forgive what you have done, but I accept it. I accept you chose to call him that night, and I accept you chose to spend these months with him.
I will not contact you again. I have to let go. So this is me, letting go.
Goodbye my love
you're a fucking asshole and i still hate you for stealing my ice pops you fucking rat ,i bought them not you.
Sorry for being an incompetent retard.
to s
from aaaaaa
also isn't me but i agree