Who is more cringeworthy, robots or poltards?

Who is more cringeworthy, robots or poltards?

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most if not all robots are poltards so if one is, so is the other

>t.redditor who's only skimmed the catalogue once and came to his conclusion

>genuinely believing that robots aren't also poltards
XD m'lad

Robots dont revel in the attention

leftards are 1000x worse

>XD m'lad
Actual retard, but what else can one expect from a R*dditor.

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Aren't most Jow Forumstards robots too, anyway?

XDD kiddo

in denial (mgtow etc.)

>I want to die, but I still want to fit in.

>I want to racist and edgy spout memes. Why is everyone so offended by the word nigger? Nigger didn't even originate with black people. It was a word to describe people who were slow. Stop being offended by words you don't even know the meaning of.

> a jew
> poltard
it's like you dont even know pol hates jews lol

>Joke's on him
>I was just pretending to be retarded

Wrong faggot. No robots gave a shit about pol before 2016. But the election gave pol the confidence to flood every board on this site, including this one. There's no r9k/pol overlap, pol just can't not spread their retarded propaganda.


bottom text

Anything related to LGBT movement, SJWs and the likes

I'd say Whitoids are in general extremely cringeworthy.


Make my comment original YWHW

>it's like you dont even know pol hates jews lol

They worship a kike slave tho

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i'm not a poltard i'm just a reactionary racist

people talk so much shit about white people and there's this idea we just need to put up with it. well fuck you niggers i'm not guilty, minorities should be the ones to extend the olive branch.

>still going on about this shit like 4 years after the fact
Hello /leftypol/! I get that things don't move very fast over there with you 5 or so dipshits but please, keep up with the times.

>probably closet homo
>no gf
>extreme cringe
>r/thedonald posters
both cringe but i tolerate the robuts because reddit is cringe supreme

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>hates women but wants gfs
>Jow Forums
>hates jews but voted for the most jewish candidate

>implying clinton and the democrats aren't (((them)))

>most jewish candidate
>universally slammed 24/7 by all jew-owned media
What did he mean by this?

>implying clinton and the democrats aren't (((them)))

>having a choice between an evil bloodsucking witch and a bootlicking ZOG worshipper

Americans are poor creatures desu

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Who the fuck actually believes this?

they scatter and shit everywhere like mice while we keep to ourselves in the shithole we live in

Thats not a poltard thats a r/the_donald leddit fag

>based jewish alt-righter
>praise kek

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how fucking new can you be? originally

i'm not sure, but i'd rather suffocate from cringe with robots than have to put up with Jow Forumsfags simply because most people on pol are so fundamentally dishonest with their shitty fake infographics and historical fiction.

cringe and blluepilled..

>Who is more cringeworthy
Underaged faggots who shout about cringe past 2013.
Also kekistan is no longer a pol meme. It was coopted by left libertarian Sargon-types.

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real robots are calm and very shy in public, we are not like these scum user

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Who's more cringey, you or the faggots taking this b8

This is proof that Jow Forumstards are.

>I want to die, but I still want to fit in

>Jow Forums
>I've been lied to my entire life about morality but now I see the world in a sane light

>Jow Forums
>i've been lied to my entire life but now I see everything is fucked

political protesters of any kind are embarrassing cringe lord lolcows, regardless of political affiliations left or right. Protesting does nothing but give CNN shit to sperg over for a week.

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Thats not true at all you fucking newfag. Jow Forums has always hated women. /b/ has always had nigger hate threads. Jow Forums has almost always had racists and nazi sympathizers. Jow Forums used to be the gathering place of all the eccentrics in the world. That includes weebs, bronies, preppers and nazis. It is you who is a newfag and needs to leave.

Jow Forums didn't have obnoxious /ptg/ cult faggots though back then which is a difference

/ptg/ is a vocal minority on pol like /r9gay/ is on r9k

Jow Forumstards by a long shot

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Yes, sargon is a left lolbertarian, and
These are more left libertarians. Liberalists.

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Why are you shills raiding Jow Forums and not Jow Forums?

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>Sargon, who calls everything he doesn't like "Cultural Marxism" is left-wing
He's just another one of those "classical liberal" types. He's basically a free market neoliberal libertarian that made a living out of trolling le feminist SJW libtards epic style. He believes in the maintenance of private property, he cannot be left-wing.


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There is absolutely no diference between SJWs and poltards.

The two of them are ironically perfect for each other. They need to kiss and make up.

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These aren't /po/tards you fucking idiot that's nu-Jow Forums

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>muh shills

Go suck the dick of your kike master some more

>Implying they aren't usually synonymous

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>t-that's just nu/pol/! I swear!

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>Who gives a fuck?
Jow Forums Is a bunch of leddit cunts, and /rk9/ Is a bunch of "XDD NO GF ANIME MEME TRAP XDDD", And what they both have common is that everyone who uses them are high schoolers.

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>kekistan shit
>year Jow Forums was added
same year as Jow Forums which I think was 2011
so yes, the influx of new users ruined the board and what it stood for thanks to the election

unironinaclly this

Jow Forumstards and Jow Forumscels considering how they are mere psuedointellectuals disguizing themselves as masters of politics or the real world. Robots like me just love to stay in, have the AC on and play vidya. I haven't watched any politics since the inauguration and I dont care about women or minorities for that matter. Jow Forums itself can fuck themselves off this board entirely.

Why did it put z?

Pol and r9k are one in the same

Pol hates Jews like r9k hates women
Pol wants the world to end so does r9k

Why they hate each other ;_;

Not all robots and not all poltards are bad, however trumptards and "robots" who think pedophilia is disgusting are bottom of the barrel posters for sure.

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>He believes in the maintenance of private property, he cannot be left-wing.
Not by my standards.

>Sargon, who calls everything he doesn't like "Cultural Marxism" is left-wing
Not nearly everything.

>He's just another one of those "classical liberal" types. He's basically a free market neoliberal libertarian
Neoliberals are left wing, bs a bad term to use, because it also applies to people like Hillary Clinton who hold RADICALLY different social policies from Sargonites.

>that made a living out of trolling le feminist SJW libtards epic style.
There's nothing wrong with this, but that's just another meme you incorrectly apply to Jow Forums that better describes Sargon and the skeptics/liberalists.

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