Girl told me I had a "small baby dick"

First off, my penis is average size, a little over 7 inches with normal girth. I was messing around with this 17 year old chick, a virgin who's only given head to one other dude. We were both a little drunk down to just underwear and she told me she knew that the average dick was 8" and asked me how big my dick was. I was honest and she laughed in my face. I guess her other guy had a monster cock. She still ended up giving me head and said my dick wasn't that small(gee thanks). She still wants to hang out, but it's ****ing with my head.

Help my fragile psyche misc!

got a 7" cock
messing around with chick, she says I have a small baby dick
blows me anyway
I'm still talking to her
I'm now insecure

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You're young and retarded. As you get older you won't be such an insecure fool but I can't help you about being stupid.

>First off, my penis is average size, a little over 7 inches with normal girth
Nothing to see here. Move along.

that what you get for being a degenerate and not bread pilled

dick thread spam again. sage

At first this LARP was funny but this is what the 20th thread this morning?

Small dick loser detected.

7 inch -> average

lmao dude ur a tapir?

Keep fucking her, don't date her. She can say whatever weird shit she wants but at the end of the day you're getting your nut.
Just don't date her cuz she's clearly a nutjob

>my bait was too obvious, this thread wont last long
>better go full retard

Is this how you want to spend your time user?

there are like 3 posts trying to push this small dick narrative....

obvious shill

>obvious shill
What is he shilling?

she prolly just watches alot of porn

Insecurity, or maybe jelqing and penis enlargement stuff?

Sowing worry

bred for the big black cock

I've seen a constant amount of shills talking about penis size the last week.
At least 5 threads a day, sometimes even repeating the same shit.

I think this thread is over unless you post dick

OP is claiming the average dick is 7 inches long
The average male pornstar doesn't even have 7 inches

It's just another version of "you work out but are you getting _____ gains?"
this guy is a bitter failure trying to take us down with him

Hey guys, can I ask you a question? No need to answer that, it was rhetorical haha :)
So my question is, how is this fitness related? :thinking:
I dont want to report you all but...if you cant answer me Im afriad you dont give me a choice here
thanks in advance

how is your post fitness related too?

Attached: 1513819147846.png (703x911, 19K)

If you report us we'll need to report you for announcing you've reported us.

Nothing personal kid

>I dont want to report you all
only the op would get banned you spastic

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8 inch average
the fuck does she want to do with 8inch dicks and above? I had girl that screamed because of my 6 inch cock

i guess there are girls with a pussy of a cow and girls with the pussy of a doe.

its an offtopic question in an offtopic thread for the sole purpose of making Jow Forums better, so it is Jow Forums related
you won't know if I reported you or not :)
sorry but you forgot to sage :(




Attached: ban.png (2048x1536, 361K)

You're probably the same faggot who posted that webm of that dude shitting on that baby. fucking kill yourself and hopefully mods permaban you


Oh my fucking God. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

wait a minute

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>getting put on all sorts of lists just to make a joke
was it worth it?

Enjoy that shitty low res user. I'll stick to the original.

wtf, how old is she?


Fucking kys too

what happens if you clicked it? asking for a friend

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Any other phoneposters who can’t view webm’s anyway?

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BASED user

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I'm not clicking this but i'm guessing it's CP so you're reported

how the fuck is this still up?
jannies asleep or something?

She's 19 you retards

Literally too busy deleting Jow Forums feels threads. Hell, it probably is a janitor or mod posting it


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The only way you could know this is if she is a known figure, so what's her name then?

thanks, now im going to jail


Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (512x288, 20K)

She's not 19. She's 13 now. I go to the same class as her.

Press 'A' to doubt

It's X user

No. Press X for sex

hey guys haha
how is this
fitness related
dont make me report each and every one of you
ps i saged

She had both the face and body (structure) of a child. It's terrible that she's in that kind of position, she's likely been sexually assaulted or groomed to display that kind of behaviour. What a shame, hope she gets the love and support she needs.


Fucking based

Source please.

Was nice knowing you all. I'll see you in 20 years.

Say hi to old mate rapey Dave for me